幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:朱華|責編:李穎
  • 出版社:北京大學
  • ISBN:9787301314401
  • 出版日期:2020/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:136
人民幣:RMB 38 元      售價:



Unit One Air Tickets and Boarding機票與登機
  Chapter 1 Reservation for Air Tickets 機票預訂
    Part One:Know-how for Tourism and Travel旅遊知識
    Travel Agency 旅行社
    Part Two:Attractive to Watch 觀看學旅遊
    Video:How to Save Money When Booking Air Tickets?如何省錢訂機票?
    Part Three:Amusing to Listen聽說學旅遊
    Compound Dictation:E-Ticket電子機票
    Part Four:Interesting to Speak交談學旅遊
    Dialogue:Flight Reconfirmation機票重新確認
    Part Five:Useful to Expand Consolidation 鞏固練習
    Reading:How to Make Airline Reservations?如何預訂機票?
    Story-retelling:I Know It's a Big Animal我知道它是個大動物
  Chapter 2.Airport Check-in 機場登機
    Part One:Know-how for Tourism and Travel旅遊知識
    ABC about Airport Check-in機場登機常識
    Part Two:Attractive to Watch 觀看學旅遊
    Video:How to Get to the Airport on Time?如何按時到達機場?
    Part Three:Amusing to Listen聽說學旅遊
    Compound Dictation:Online Check-in網上辦理登機手續
    Part Four:Interesting to Speak交談學旅遊
    Dialogue:Inquiry About Weight Limit行李重量咨詢
    Part Five:Useful to Expand—Consolidation鞏固練習
    Reading:Expressions Related to Air Travel航空旅行相關表述
    Story-retelling:Kissing the Luggage Goodbye與行李吻別
Unit Two On Route and Arrival途中與抵達
  Chapter3 Amusement During the Flight飛行途中的樂趣
    Part One:Know-how for Tourism and Travel旅遊知識
    In-flight Services機上服務
    Part Two:Atractive to Watch 觀看學旅遊
    Video:How to Recover from Jet Lag?怎樣克服飛行時差綜合征?
    Part Three:Amusing to Listen聽說學旅遊
    Compound Dictation:Useful Tips Onboard機上有用小貼士
    Part Four:Interesting to Speak交談學旅遊
    Dialogue:In-fight TV Programs and Channels機上電視節目和頻道
    Part Five:Useful to ExpandConsolidation鞏固練習
    Reading:Are Blind Pilots Flying?盲人飛行員在飛嗎?
    Story-retelling:The Plane Is Crashing into the Ocean 飛機要掉到海里啦
  Chapter 4 Preparations Before Landing飛抵前的準備
    Part One:Know-how for Tourism and Travel 旅遊知識
    Preparations Before the Plane Lands 飛機降落前的準備
    Part Two:Atractive to Watch觀看學旅遊
    Video:United Airlines Touched Down at San Francico聯合航空公司航班抵達舊金山
    Part Three:Amusing to Listen聽說學旅遊
    Compound Dictation:Landing Announcement飛機降落機場通知
    Part Four:Interesting to Speak交談學旅遊
    Dialogue:Proper Way to Fill Out the Forms正確的填表方法
    Part Five:Useful to Expand Consolidation鞏固練習
    Reading:Instructions on the Declaration Form 報關表須知
    Story-reteling:We're Stillon the Ground 我們還在地上

Unit Three Hotel and Accommodation酒店與住宿
  Chapter 5 Reservation and Check-in預訂與入住
    Part One:Know-how for Tourism and Travel旅遊知識
    Front Desk/Reception Desk前台
    Part Two:Attractive to Watch 觀看學旅遊
    Video:Hotel Front Desk Clerk酒店前台人員
    Part Three:Amusing to Listen聽說學旅遊
    Compound Dictation:Tips for Hotel Reservation 酒店預訂技巧
    Part Four:Interesting to Speak交談學旅遊
    Dialogue;Changing Reservation改訂房間
    Part Five:Useful to Expand—Consolidation鞏固練習
    Reading:Documents for Hotel Check-in人住酒店證件
    Story-reteling:Don't Treat Us like We're a Couple of Fools別把我們當成一對傻瓜
  Chapter 6 Hotel Check-out 離店結賬
    Part One:Know-how for Tourism and Travel旅遊知識
    ABC for Hotel Check-out 離店結賬常識
    Part Two:Atractive to Watch 觀看學旅遊
    video:A Checklist for Check-out離店結賬清單
    Part Three:Amusing to Listen 聽說學旅遊
    Compound Dictation:How to Save Money on Hotel Bills?怎樣節省酒店開支?
    Part Four:Interesting to Speak交談學旅遊
    Dialogue:A Late Check-out延時退房
    Part Five:Useful to Expand—Consolidation鞏固練習
    Reading: Avoid Extra Hidden Fees避免額外的隱性費用
    Story-retelling:The Hotel Bill 飯店賬單
Unit Four Transportation for Travel旅遊與交通
  Chapter 7 Train and Taxi火車與計程車
    Part One:Know-how for Tourism and Travel 旅遊知識
    Railway in the United States美國的鐵路交通
    Part Two:Attractive to Watch觀看學旅遊
    Video:Cabs in New York City紐約計程車
    Part Three:Amusing to Listen聽說學旅遊
    Compound Dictation:Travel by Train in the USA美國火車旅遊
    Part Four:Interesting to Speak交談學旅遊
    Dialogue:Travel by Taxi搭乘計程車
    Part Five:Useful to ExpandConsolidation鞏固練習
    Reading:Interesting Things About Transport交通工具趣聞
    Story-reteling:The Train Has Broken Down火車開不動了
  Chapter 8 Travel by Cruise 郵輪旅行
    Part One:Know-how for Tourism and Travel旅遊知識
    Cruise Vacation郵輪度假
    Part Two:Attractive to Watch觀看學旅遊
    Video:How to Cut Down the Costs for Cruise Travel?如何減少郵輪旅行開支?
    Part Three:Amusing to Listen聽說學旅遊
    Compound Dictation:The Cabins of a Liner郵輪艙位
    Part Four:Interesting to Speak交談學旅遊
    Dialogue:Ready for Geting Aboard the Ship準備登船
    Part Five:Useful to Expand--Consolidation鞏固練習
    Reading:Water Excursions at Cancun坎昆水上旅遊
    stoy-reteling: God Could Not Save Me上帝救不了我

Unit Five Catering Service餐飲與服務
  Chapter 9 Taking Orders點菜
    Part One:Know-how for Tourism and Travel旅遊知識
    American Food 美國菜
    Part Two:Attractive to Watch 觀看學旅遊
    Video:Etiquette for Ordering Wine點葡萄酒的禮儀
    Part Three:Amusing to Listen 聽說學旅遊
    Compound Dictation:Table Etiquette餐桌禮儀
    Part Four:Interesting to Speak交談學旅遊
    Dialogue:Taking an Order for Western Food點西餐
    Part Five:Useful to ExpandConsolidation鞏固練習
    Reading: Idioms Related o Foods and Drinks餐飲酒水相關成語
    Story-retelling:Pardon Me,Ma'am對不起,夫人
  Chapter 10 Paying the Bill 結賬
    Part One:Know-how for Tourism and Travel旅遊知識
    Tips for Paying the Bill結賬小竅門
    Part Two:Atractive to Watch 觀看學旅遊
    Video: How to Tip in a Restaurant?怎樣在飯店付小費?
    Part Three:Amusing to Listen聽說學旅遊
    Compound Dictation:ABC about Tipping in the USA美國小費常識
    Part Four:Interesting to Speak交談學旅遊
    Dialogue:A Miscalculated Bill 賬單出錯
    Part Five:Useful to Expand-—Consolidation 鞏固練習
    Reading:The Bill's on Who 誰來付錢
    Story-retelling:The Bill 賬單
Unit Six Sightseeing and Vacation觀光與度假
  Chapter 11 Sightseeing觀光旅遊
    Part One:Know-how for Tourism and Travel 旅遊知識
    The Bus Tour巴士觀光旅遊
    Part Two:Attractive to Watch 觀看學旅遊
    Video:California Surfing加州衝浪
    Part Three:Amusing to Listen聽說學旅遊
    Compound Dictation:An Unforgettable Trip to Niagara Fals尼亞加拉瀑布難忘之旅
    Part Four:Interesting to Speak交談學旅遊
    Dialogue:A Guided Tour--Lake Tahoe景點導遊——大浩湖
    Part Five:Useful to Expand-Consolidation鞏固練習
    Reading:A Tour Itinerary 旅遊行程
    Story-retelling:How Did You Get Away?你是如何逃脫的?
  Chapter 12 Vacation 度假
    Part One:Know-how for Tourism and Travel旅遊知識
    AMoney-and-Time Effective Way to Visit Amusement Parks省錢省時玩轉遊樂園
    Part Two:Attractive to Watch 觀看學旅遊
    Video:A Travel to Universal Studio of Hollywood好萊塢環球電影製片公司之旅
    Part Three:Amusing to Listen聽說學旅遊
    Compound Dictation:Yosemite National Park優山美地國家公園
    Part Four:Interesting to Speak交談學旅遊
    Dialogue:Walking in the Wall Street 漫步華爾街
    Part Five:Useful to Expand —Consolidation 鞏固練習
    Reading:A Brief History of Disneyland迪士尼遊樂園簡介
    Story-retelling:Roller Coaster過山車

Unit Seven Tourism and Shopping旅遊與購物
  Chapter 13 Shopping for souvenirs購買紀念品
    Part One:Know-how for Tourism and Travel 旅遊知識
    What to Buy as Souvenir?買什麼做旅遊紀念品?
    Part Two:Attractive to Watch觀看學旅遊
    Video:What Souvenirs Will Mat Bring Back?馬特會帶回什麼紀念品?
    Part Three:Amusing to Listen聽說學旅遊
    Compound Dictation:Tips for Picking up Souvenirs選購紀念品的小竅門
    Part Four:Interesting to Speak交談學旅遊
    Dialogue:Gifts for My Friends朋友的禮物
    Part Five:Useful to Expand—Consolidation鞏固練習
    Reading:Souvenirs in the USA美國禮品
    Story-retelling:A Department Store百貨商店
  Chapter 14 Shopping for Clothes購買衣物
    Part One:Know-how for Tourism and Travel旅遊知識
    Outlet Shopping工廠直銷店購物
    Part Two:Attractive to Watch 觀看學旅遊
    Video:Picking up Discount Clothing挑選折扣價衣物
    Part Three:Amusing to Listen聽說學旅遊
    Compound Dictation:Old-fashioned Outlet stores老式工廠直銷店
    Part Four:Interesting to Speak交談學旅遊
    Dialogue:A Pair of Pants and a Pair of Shoes一條褲子、一雙鞋
    Part Five:Useful to Expand Consolidation鞏固練習
    Reading:How Could I Shop at an Outlet?如何在工廠直銷店里購物?
    Story-reteling:Don't Have Any什麼也沒有
Unit Eight Complaints and Emergencies 投訴與應急
  Chapter 15 Complaints 投訴
    Part One:Know-how for Tourism and Travel 旅遊知識
    Make a Wise and Polite Complaint有禮有節地投訴
    Part Two:Atractive to Watch觀看學旅遊
    video:A Complaint in the Restaurant餐廳投訴
    Part Three:Amusing to Listen聽說學旅遊
    Compound Dictation:Who Should I Complain to?我應當向誰投訴?
    Part Four:Interesting to Speak交談學旅遊
    Dialogue:Gifts for My Friends送朋友的禮物
    Part Five:Useful to Expand—Consolidation鞏固練習
    Reading:Customer Service客戶服務
    Story-retelling:I Don't Care我無所謂
  Chapter 16 Emergencies 突發事件
    Part One:Know-how for Tourism and Travel 旅遊知識
    Travel Safety 旅遊安全
    Part Two:Atractive to Watch觀看學旅遊
    video:Tips for Travelers' Security 旅遊安全小知識
    Part Three:Amusing to Listen聽說學旅遊
    Compound Dictation:Medicines for Travel旅遊必備藥品
    Part Four:Interesting to Speak交談學旅遊
    Dialogue:A Car Accident車禍事故
    Part Five: Useful to Expand—Consolidation鞏固練習
    Story-retelling:Let's Make Sure He's Dead確認他已死亡

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