幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:沃倫·基根//馬克·格林
  • 出版社:中國人民大學
  • ISBN:9787300274546
  • 出版日期:2019/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:401
人民幣:RMB 65 元      售價:

    本書是一本英文影印版,原著Global Marketing是國際營銷資深學者沃倫·基根教授的代表作,在世界許多國家和地區廣泛使用。


PART ONE  introduction
  Chapter 1  Introduction to Global Marketing
    Introduction and Overview
    Principles of Marketing: A Review
    Global Marketing: What It Is and What It Isn't
    The Importance of Global Marketing
    Management Orientations
    Forces Affecting Global Integration and Global Marketing
    Outline of This Book
PART TWO  The Global Marketing Environment
  Chapter 2  The Global Economic Environment
    The World Economy——An Overview
    Economic Systems
    Stages of Market Development
    Balance of Payments
    Trade in Merchandise and Services
  Chapter 3  The Global Trade Environment
    The World Trade Organization and GATT
    Preferential Trade Agreements
    North America
    Latin America: SICA, Andean Community, Mercosur, and CARICOM
    Asia-Pacific: The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
    Western, Central, and Eastern Europe
    The Middle East
  Chapter 4  Social and Cultural Environments
    Society, Culture, and Global Consumer Culture
    High- and Low-Context Cultures
    Hofstede's Cultural Typology
    The Self-Reference Criterion and Perception
    Diffusion Theory
    Marketing Implications of Social and Cultural Environments
  Chapter 5  The Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments
    The Political Environment
    International Law
    Sidestepping Legal Problems: Important Business Issues
    Conflict Resolution, Dispute Settlement, and Litigation
    The Regulatory Environment
PART THREE  Approaching Global Markets
  Chapter 6  Global Information Systems and Market Research
    Information Technology and Business Intelligence for Global Marketing
    Sources of Market Information
    Formal Market Research
    Headquarters' Control of Market Research
    The Marketing Information System as a Strategic Asset
  Chapter 7  Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
    Global Market Segmentation
    Assessing Market Potential and Choosing Target Markets or Segments
    Product-Market Decisions

    Targeting and Target Market Strategy Options
  Chapter 8  Global Market-Entry Strategies: Licensing, Investment, and Strategic Alliances
    Global Strategic Partnerships
    International Partnerships in Developing Countries
    Cooperative Strategies in Asia
    Twenty-First-Century Cooperative Strategies
    Market Expansion Strategies
PART FOUR  The Global Marketing Mix
  Chapter 9  Brand and Product Decisions in Global Marketing
    Basic Product Concepts
    Basic Branding Concepts
    A Needs-Based Approach to Product Planning
    〝Country of Origin" as Brand Element
    Extend, Adapt, Create: Strategic Alternatives in Global Marketing
    New Products in Global Marketing
  Chapter 10  Pricing Decisions
    Basic Pricing Concepts
    Global Pricing Objectives and Strategies
    Environmental Influences on Pricing Decisions
    Global Pricing: Three Policy Alternatives
    Gray Market Goods
    Price Fixing
    Transfer Pricing
  Chapter 11  Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution
    Distribution Channels: Objectives, Terminology, and Structure
    Establishing Channels and Working with Channel Intermediaries
    Global Retailing
    Physical Distribution, Supply Chains, and Logistics Management
  Chapter 12  Global Marketing Communications Decisions Ⅰ: Advertising and Public Relations
    Advertising Agencies: Organizations and Brands
    Creating Global Advertising
    Global Media Decisions
    Public Relations and Publicity
  Chapter 13  Global Marketing Communications Decisions Ⅱ: Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, and Special Forms of Marketing Communication
   Sales Promotion
   Personal Selling
   Special Forms of Marketing Communications: Direct Marketing, Support Media, Event Sponsorship, and Product Placement
  Chapter 14  Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution
    The Digital Revolution: A Brief History
    Value Networks and Disruptive Technologies
    Global E-Commerce
    Web Site Design and Implementation
    New Products and Services


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