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  • 作者:(德)伊夫·希爾皮斯科
  • 出版社:東南大學
  • ISBN:9787564183721
  • 出版日期:2019/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:691
人民幣:RMB 158 元      售價:

    Python已成為數據驅動和AI優先的金融界的首選編程語言。一些最大的投資銀行和對沖基金現在都使用Python及其生態系統來構建核心交易和風險管理系統。在本書的第二版中,Yves Hilpisch向開發人員和定量分析師展示了如何使用Python包和工具進行金融數據科學、演算法交易和計算金融學。第二版針對Python 3進行了更新,其中的大部分代碼都採用了Jupyter Notebooks的形式,為幾乎所有的示例提供了可執行互動式版本。在共5部分內容中,你將學習到Python及其生態系統是如何為從事金融業務的公司和個人提供技術框架的。

    伊夫·希爾皮斯科(Yves Hilpisch),The Python Quants是一個專註于Python與開源軟體在量化金融中應用的團隊,而Yves Hilpisch是The Python Quants的創始人與股東。Yves也是CQF項目的計算金融學講師。他的客戶遍及全球金融界,本身也積累了10年Python經驗。Yves同時是Python and Open Source for EquantFinance這個會議在法蘭克福、倫敦和紐約的組織者。

Part 1.  Python and Finance
  1. Why Python for Finance
  The Python Programming Language
  A Brief History of Python
  The Python Ecosystem
  The Python User Spectrum
  The Scientific Stack
  Technology in Finance
  Technology Spending
  Technology as Enabler
  Technology and Talent as Barriers to Entry
  Ever-Increasing Speeds, Frequencies, and Data Volumes
  The Rise of Real-Time Analytics
  Python for Finance
  Finance and Python Syntax
  Efficiency and Productivity Through Python
  From Prototyping to Production
  Data-Driven and AI-First Finance
  Data-Driven Finance
  AI-First Finance
  Further Resources
  2. Python Infrastructure
  conda as a Package Manager
  Installing Miniconda
  Basic Operations with conda
  conda as a Virtual Environment Manager
  Using Docker Containers
  Docker Images and Containers
  Building an Ubuntu and Python Docker Image
  Using Cloud Instances
  RSA Public and Private Keys
  Jupyter Notebook Configuration File
  Installation Script for Python and Jupyter Notebook
  Script to Orchestrate the Droplet Setup
  Further Resources
Part II.  Mastering the Basics
  3. Data Types and Structures
  Basic Data Types
  Excursion: Printing and String Replacements
  Excursion: Regular Expressions
  Basic Data Structures

  Excursion: Control Structures
  Excursion: Functional Programming
  Further Resources
  4. Numerical Computing with NumPy
  Arrays of Data
  Arrays with Python Lists
  The Python array Class
  Regular NumPy Arrays
Part III. Financial data science
Part IV. Algorithmic Trading
Part V. Derivatives Analytics

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