幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:周大地|譯者:岳曉玲//李益陽
  • 出版社:外文
  • ISBN:9787119119441
  • 出版日期:2019/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:377
人民幣:RMB 90 元      售價:



Chapter One  Toward a Green and Low-Carbon Future: The Past and Future of China's Energy
  Section I  China's Rapidly Increasing Energy Consumption and Its Driving Forces
  Section II  Resource, Environmental and Security Challenges Facing China's Energy Development
  Section III  China's Energy Revolution and Transition
Chapter Two  Energy Conservation First and the Energy Consumption Revolution
  Section I  China's National Development Strategy of Prioritizing Energy Conservation
  Section II  National Energy Management System with Chinese Characteristics
  Section III  Energy Conservation Heroes in China
Chapter Three  Toward a Low-Carbon Future: The Swift Rise of Renewable Energy
  Section I  Current Development of Renewable Energy in China
  Section II  Rapid Development of Wind Power
  Section III  Explosive Growth of Photovoltaic Power Generation
  Section IV  Prospect of Renewable Energy
Chapter Four  China's Coal Sector: The World's Largest Fossil Energy Sector
  Section I  Development of China's Coal Sector
  Section II  Transformation of China's Coal Production Center (Shanxi)
  Section III  Shenhua Group - The Benchmark Setter in China's Coal Sector
  Section IV  Unmanned Underground Mining
  Section V  Healing Scarred Land: Restoration of Damage from Mine Subsidence
Chapter Five  China's Oil and Gas Sector
  Section I  China's Oil and Gas Sector - a Self-Made Success Story
  Section II  From a Technology Importer to a World-Advanced Technology Developer
  Section III  Global Operations of Chinese Oil and Gas Companies
Chapter Six  China's Booming Power Sector
  Section I  Development of China's Power Sector
  Section II  Accelerated Transition toward a Low-Carbon Future
Chapter Seven  China's Energy Sector Reform
  Section I  Build an Open and Orderly Energy Market System
  Section II  Energy Price Reform

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