幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:王述祖|譯者:顧明
  • 出版社:南開大學
  • ISBN:9787310057726
  • 出版日期:2019/04/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:265
人民幣:RMB 66 元      售價:



Chapter One  Introduction
  Section One  A Summary of Globalization of Economies and
    Globalization of Cultures
  Section Two  China's Opening up to the Outside World and Impact of
    Outside Cultures
  Section Three  Various Subjects of Globalization of Cultures
Chapter Two  Formation of Globalization of Cultures and Its Influence
    on Economies
  Section One  Globalization of Economies Goes Hand in Hand with
    Globalization of Cultures
  Section Two  Influence of Globalization of Cultures on the Economy
    of a Nation
  Section Three  Influence of Globalization of Cultures on Globalization
    of Economies
Chapter Three  The Renaissance and the Rise of Modern Europe
  Section One  The Renaissance and the Technological Advances
    in Europe
  Section Two  The Renaissance and European Economy
  Section Three  The Renaissance and Globalization of Economies
  Section Four  The Renaissance and Globalization of Cultures
Chapter Four  Globalization of Cultures and Industrialization
     in Modern Japan
  Section One  Meiji Restoration in Japan and Outside Culture
  Section Two  Meiji Restoration and Industrialization in Japan
  Section Three  Globalization of Cultures and Rise of Japan
Chapter Five  Globalization of Cultures and Opening up to the Outside
     World in Modern China
  Section One  China's Traditional Society and Its Closed Culture
  Section Two  Outside Impact on Modem China
  Section Three  Slow Development of Industrialization in Modem China..
  Section Four  Ideology of Political Independence and Economic
Chapter Six  Globalization of Cultures Moving toward Globalization of Economies
  Section One  Influence of Cultural Dissemination and Globalization of Cultures on China
  Section Two  Empirical Analysis of Reform and Opening up to the Outside World and Influence of Globalization of Cultures...
  Section Three  Relationship between Chinese Culture and Globalization of Cultures

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