幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:楊靜
  • 出版社:東北財大
  • ISBN:9787565434167
  • 出版日期:2019/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:259
人民幣:RMB 38 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Overview of International Trade Documents 外貿單證概論
  Learning Objectives
    1.1  Meaning,Role,and Significance of International Trade Documents 外貿單證的含義、作用與重要性
    1.2  Main Kinds of International Trade Documents 外貿單證的主要類型
    1.3  Parties to International Trade Documents 外貿單證當事人
    1.4  Basic Requirements for International Trade Documents 外貿單證的基本要求
    1.5  Checklist for Documents Errors 單證糾錯內容
    1.6  Relevant International Regulations and Practices 相關國際規則與慣例
    1.7  Skills of Making Documents 制單技巧
    1.8  Main Links of Procedure of Export Documents 出口單證流程要點
    1.9  General Procedure of Import Documents 進口單證的一般程序
    1.10  Methods of Examining Documents 審單的方法
    1.11  Key Projects of Examining Documents 審單的重點項目
    1.12  Key Points Reviewed and Common Discrepancies of Main Documents 主要單證的審核要點及常見不符點
    1.13  Processing Methods of Problem Documents 有問題單證的處理方法
  Key Terms
Chapter 2  Knowledge of an L/C 信用證知識
  Learning Objectives
    2.1  Clauses Concerning Documents in Sales Contracts 銷售合同中的單證條款
    2.2  Sample of an L/C(Table 2-1) 信用證範例(見表2-1)
    2.3  Clauses and Phrases of an L/C(Table 2-2) 信用證條款及短語(見表2-2)
  Key Terms
Chapter 3  Examination and Amendment to an L/C 信用證的審核與修改
  Learning Objectives
    3.1  Review of an L/C 信用證的審核
    3.2  Amendment to an L/C 信用證的修改
    3.3  L/C Fraud and Precaution 信用證欺詐與防範
    3.4  Prevention of L/C Fraud 信用證詐騙的防範
    3.5  Processing of Discrepant Documents under an L/C with Relief 信用證項下不符單據的處理與救濟
  Key Terms
Chapter 4  Transaction Documents 交易單證
  Learning Objectives
    4.1  Keys on Transaction Documents 交易單證的要點
    4.2  Flow of Transaction Doeuments 交易單證的製作流程
    4.3  Kinds of Transaction Doouments 交易單證的種類
  Key Terms
Chapter 5 Shipping Documents 裝運單證
  Learning Objectives
    5.1  Bill of Lading 提單
    5.2  Packing List 裝箱單
    5.3  Other Certificates 其他證明
  Key Terms
Chapter 6  Export Documents 出口單證
  Learning Objectives
    6.1  Documents Required before or at Contract Negotiations 合同談判之前或之中所需的單證

    6.2  Documents Involved in Goods Preparations 備貨時涉及的單證
    6.3  Documents Concerning Mandatory Inspections 與強制檢驗有關的單證
    6.4  Documents Involved in Transportations 運輸單證
    6.5  Documents Needed for Export Customs Clearances 出口清關需要的單證
    6.6  Documents Received after Shipment 裝運后收到的單證
    6.7  Insurance Documents 保險單證
    6.8  Documents for Bank Negotiations 銀行議付單證
    6.9  Exporter's Instruction Documents 出口商指示單證
    6.10  A Summary of Export Documents 出口單證小結
  Key Terms
Chapter 7  Import Documents 進口單證
  Learning Objectives
    7.1  Definition 定義
    7.2  Basic Requirements for Making Import Documents 進口制單的基本要求
    7.3  Import License/Permit and Declaration 進口許可證與進口報關單
    7.4  Additional Documents Required by Import Authorities 進口國當局要求的其他單證
    7.5  Special Import Transport Documents 特殊的進口運輸單證
    7.6  Banking and International Exchange Documents 銀行單證與外匯單證
  Key Terms
Chapter 8  Banking Documents 銀行單證
  Learning Objectives
    8.1  Methods of Payments 支付方式
    8.2  International Banking Documents 國際銀行單證
    8.3  Documentary L/C 跟單信用證
    8.4  Documentary Collection 跟單托收
    8.5  Documentary Collection and Documentary L/C 跟單托收與跟單信用證
  Key Terms
Chapter 9  Special Documents 特殊單證
  Learning Objectives
    9.1  Inspection Documents 檢驗單證
    9.2  Insurance 保險
    9.3  Trade Agreements and Trade Preference Documents 貿易協定與貿易優惠單證
  Key Terms
Chapter 10  Electronic Commerce and International Trade Documents 電子商務與國際貿易單證
  Learning Objectives
    10.1  E-Commerce and International Trade 電子商務與國際貿易
    10.2  E-Documents and E-Payment 電子單證與電子支付
    10.3  Electronic Documents in International Trade 國際貿易中的電子單證
  Key Terms
References 參考文獻

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