幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:(英)鮑勃·迪格南
  • 出版社:商務印書館
  • ISBN:9787100159753
  • 出版日期:2019/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:95
人民幣:RMB 55 元      售價:


    鮑勃·迪格南Bob Dignen is a director of York Associates and author of several best-sellingbusiness English publications. He specialises in intercultural skills programmes andinter'national team seminars which he delivers to clients in Germany, SwitzerlandIceland and Sweden. He is accredited to use The International Profiler (anintercultural profiling tool) and is also an advanced practitioner of TMP (TeamManagement Profile-an international team profiling tool).www. cambridge.org/elt/communicatingacrosscultures

Preparing to communicate across cultures
1 Developing intercultu ral skills
  A Desc ribing corporate cultu res
  B Developing flexible thinking to deal with diffe rent inte rcultural situations
2 Managing fi rst meetings
  A Strategies for managing fi rst meetings
  B Building relationships
3 Communicating effectively
  A Communicating clearly-good and bad news
  B Managing conversation styles
4 Managing international meetings
  A Decision making
  B Dealing with diffe rent and difficult styles of communication
5 Becoming a better listener
  A Clarifying meaning
  B Listening effectively
6 Presenting across cultu res
  A Customising your message for diffe rent audiences
  B Managing questions effectively
7 Writing emails
  A Communicating clearly in emails
  B Communicating sensitive messages effectively
8 Negotiating ac ross cultures
  A Setting clear objectives for a negotiation
  B Influencing strategies for negotiations
9 Managing conflict
  A Understanding and avoiding conflict
  B Dealing with conflict
10 Working in an international team
  A Introducing yourself to your team
  B Giving and responding to team feedback
11 Managing diversity and c reativity
  A Getting{he besl out of an international team
  B Problem—solving techniques
12 Profiling you r intercultu ral competence
  Self-profiling of inte rcultural competence and development of a pe rsona
  action nlan
Huaio scrlpts
Key and commentary
Communication tasks
Further reading

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