幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(英)休斯//斯蒂芬森
  • 出版社:經濟科學
  • ISBN:9787514189643
  • 出版日期:2018/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:79
人民幣:RMB 29 元      售價:



Module 1
1.1 World of work
1.2 Persona1
details and professional
1.3 Reading Test:Part one

Module 2
2.1 Work in progress
2.2 Making arrangements
2.3 Writing Test:Introduction

Module 3
3.1 Company biography
3.2 Company performance
3.3 Listening Test:Part one

Module 4
4.1International business
4.2 Business communications
4.3 Speaking Test:Part One

Module 5
5.1 career choices
5.2 Achievements and plans
5.3Reading Test:Part Four

Module 6
6.1 Business travel
6.2 Travel arrangements
6.3 Writing Test:Part One

Module 7
7.1 Products and services
7.2 orders and contracts
7.3 Listening Test:Part Two and
Part Three

Module 8
8.1 Manufacturing processes
8.2 Problems and solutions
8.3 Speaking Test:Part Two and
Part Three

Module 9
9.1 The future
9.2 Meetings
9.3 Reading Test:Part Five and
Part Six

Module 10

10.1 Career development
10.2 organising a conference
10.3 Writing Test:Part Two

Module 11
11.1 Health and safety
11.2 Reporting accidents
11.3 Listening Test:Part Four

Module 12
12.1 The job market
12.2 Job applications
12.3 Reading Test:Part Seven
Answer key

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