幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:張魯青
  • 出版社:對外經貿大學
  • ISBN:9787566318275
  • 出版日期:2017/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:240
人民幣:RMB 40 元      售價:



Chapter 1  The General Process of International Trade
  Lesson 1  The General Process of Export Trade
  Lesson 2  The General Process of Import Trade
Chapter 2  Object of Contract
  Lesson 1  Name
  Lesson 2  Quality
  Lesson 3  Quantity
  Lesson 4  Package
Chapter 3  Trade Terms
  Lesson 1  The Practice of Trade Terms
  Lesson 2  International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms(INCOTERMS 2010)
  Lesson 3  Trade Terms of INCOTERMS 2010
  Lesson 4  Selection of Trade Terms
Chapter 4  Price of the Goods
  Lesson 1  Price Setting
  Lesson 2  The Price of Main Trade Terms and Their Conversion
  Lesson 3  Methods of Pricing
  Lesson 4  Selection of Money of Account
  Lesson 5  Commission and Discount
  Lesson 6  Price Clause
Chapter 5  International Cargo Transport
  Lesson 1  Modes of Transport
  Lesson 2  Shipment Clause
  Lesson 3  Transport Documents
Chapter 6  International Cargo Transport Insurance
  Lesson 1  Outline of Insurance
  Lesson 2  Insurance Coverage in Chinese Ocean Transport Insurance
  Lesson 3  Institute Cargo Clauses
Chapter 7  International Settlement of Trade
  Lesson 1  Payment Instruments
  Lesson 2  Remittance
  Lesson 3  Collection
  Lesson 4  Letter of Credit
Chapter 8  Inspection of Goods
  Lesson 1  Meaning and Function of Inspection of Goods
  Lesson 2  Time and Location of Inspection
  Lesson 3  Inspection Standards and Inspection Institution
  Lesson 4  Inspection Certificate
  Lesson 5  Inspection Procedure
  Lesson 6  Inspection Clause
Chapter 9  Dispute and Its Settlement in International Trade
  Lesson 1  Claim
  Lesson 2  Force Majeure
  Lesson 3  Arbitration
Chapter 10  Business Negotiation and Conclusion of Contract
  Lesson 1  Preparations before Business Negotiation
  Lesson 2  Business Negotiation
  Lesson 3  Conclusion of the Contract

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