幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:鍾惠波//雷家驌
  • 出版社:浙江大學
  • ISBN:9787308164016
  • 出版日期:2017/07/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:417
人民幣:RMB 228 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  The definition of the concepts related to independent innovation
    1.1.1  The basic concept of independent innovation
    I.1.2  The subjects of independent innovation
    1.1.3  The dispute over the definition of independent innovation
  1.2  Classification of the models and types of innovation
    1.2.1  Foreign classification of innovation models based on different paths
    1.2.2  Domestic classification of innovation models seen from different angles
  1.3  Classification of independent innovation
    1.3.1  Original innovation, integrated innovation, and re-innovation based on introduction, implementation, and adoption
    1.3.2  Conventional and unconventional independent innovation
    1.3.3  Breakthrough innovation of dominating design, core components, and product architecture
    1.3.4  Independent innovation based on cooperation
  1.4  The basic layout of this book
Chapter 2  The urgency for implementation of independent innovation strategy in China
  2.1  The practical enlightenment of「market for technology」in China
    2.1.1  Positive effects of「market for technology」on the innovation of Chinese domestic enterprises
    2.1.2  Negative effects of「market for technology」on the innovation of Chinese domestic enterprises
    2.1.3  The effect of「market for technology」requires independent innovation
  2.2  Japan:Imitation, improvement, and innovation
    2.2.1  The experience of Japanese independent innovation
    2.2.2  Japanese policy and measures of innovation
    2.2.3  Typical cases of Japanese independent innovation
  2.3  The Republic of Korea:Introduction and innovation
    2.3.1  The characteristics of Korean independent innovation
    2.3.2  The measures of Korean independent innovation
    2.3.3  Typical cases of Korean independent innovation
  2.4  China must insist on the national strategy of independent innovation
    2.4.1  Independent innovation is beneficial to the sustainable development of the Chinese economy
    2.4.2  Related practice shows that underdeveloped countries are likely to realize independent innovation
    2.4.3  China has the basic conditions and environment to implement independent innovation
    2.4.4  While insisting on independent innovation strategy, attention should be paid to its relevant restraining factors
Chapter 3  The efficient path towards Chinese independent innovation:Understanding through case studies
  3.1  Case selection
    3.1.1  Basic considerations and the principles of case selection
    3.1.2  Brief information concerning the case enterprises and the case list
  3.2  The path towards independent innovation from low-end to high-end(implementation, adoption, and re-innovation)
    3.2.1  The connotation of introduction, implementation, adoption, and re-innovation
    3.2.2  The e
Chapter 4  The capacity, mode, and trajectory of Chinese independent innovation
  4.1  The connotations of the capacity, mode, and trajectory of innovation
    4.1.1  Innovation and independent innovation capacity
    4.1.2  The mode of enterprise innovation and the trajectory of industry innovation
  4.2  The mode and the building up of the capacity for enterprise independent innovation
    4.2.1  The mode and the improvement of capacity in different stages of enterprise innovation
    4.2.2  The selection of the innovation mode in different stages of enterprise growth
  4.3  The construction of the trajectory of and ability for industry innovation
    4.3.1  The selection of a generalized trajectory of industry innovation
    4.3.2  The selection of a trajectory for industrial independent innovation:Taking the Chinese equipment manufacturing industry as an example
    4.3.3  The inherent structure and construction of the industrial capacity for independent innovation
Chapter 5  The method and mechanism of technology integration in enterprise independent innovation
  5.1  The relative concepts of technology and technology integration
    5.1.1  Definition of technology
    5.1.2  Two kinds of technology integration
    5.1.3  The relationship between technology integration and independent innovation
  5.2  The content and process of technology integration
    5.2.1  The content of technology integration
    5.2.2  The process of technology integration
    5.2.3  The problems enterprises face in the process of technology integration
  5.3  Technology integration from two perspectives
    5.3.1  Technology integration from the perspective of the construction of enterprise knowledge
    5.3.2  Technology integration from the perspectives of intemal and external resources
  5.4  The feasible mechanism of enterprise technology integr  tion
    5.4.1  The participants in and the task boundary of enterprise technology integration
    5.4.2  The mechanism of the three aspects of enterprise technology integration
Chapter 6  The institutional guarantee of Chinese independent jnnovation:The construction of an innovation system
  6.1  Innovation system, the institutional guarantee of independent innovation
    6.1.1  The connotations of innovation system
    6.1.2  The practices of building up a national innovation system(NIS)
  6.2  The establishment of an NIS oriented towards independent innovation
    6.2.1  The historical evolution of the Chinese NIS
    6.2.2  The construction of the Chinese NIS oriented towards independent
  6.3  The establishment of a sectoral innovation system(SIS)oriented towards independent innovation
    6.3.1  The connotations of an SIS
    6.3.2  The framework of an SIS oriented towards independent innovation
  6.4  The construction of an enterprise i
    1.Rapid development of CIMC
    2.The characteristics of CIMC's independent innovation mode
  Enterprise Case 3  BYD—From a battery king to an auto manufacturer
    1.The miracle from 2 million yuan to 80 billion yuan
    2.The experience of BYD's fast growth-Independent innovation
    3.Learning from BYD's independent innovation
  Enterprise Case 4  Tencent—Winning by「Q」
    1.The history of QQ's development
    2.The innovation path of QQ
    3.The characteristics of Tencent's independent innovation
  Enterprise Case 5  XunIei—A dominator and pioneer in the downloading engine industry
    1.The history of Xunlei's development
    2.The enlightenment of Xunlei's innovation
  Enterprise Case 6  Mindray—The leader of the Chinese medical equipment industry
    1.Mindray's growth
    2.Mindray's all-around independent innovation
    3.The enlightenment from Mindray's innovation
  Enterprise Case 7  CHINT—From a Wenzhou manufacturer to a world-class brand
    1.The history of CHINT's development
    2.The developmental trajectory from independent innovation to independent brand
    3.Selecting the trajectory for CHINT's independent innovation
  Enterprise Case 8  Nuctech—The clairvoyance of China
    1.Company profile
    2.The analysis of Nuctech's trajectory towards independent innovation
  Enterprise Case 9  Chery—Creating the independent brand of the Chinese auto industry
    2.Chery's independent innovation
    3.Chery's trajectory towards independent innovation:From introduction, integration, original innovation, then to fullinnovation
    4.The features and implications of Chery's independent innovation
  Industry Case  The bottleneck and trajectory of the localization of the Chinese equipment manufacturing industry
    1.The equipment manufacturing industry and its characteristics
    2.The situation and problems of the localization of the Chinese equipment manufacturing industry
    3.The analysis of the cause of low-level localization of the Chinese equipment manufacturing industry
    4.The analysis of the trajectory of the localization of the Chinese equipment manufacturing industry

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