幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:趙鳳山
  • 出版社:對外經貿大學
  • ISBN:9787566317568
  • 出版日期:2017/04/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:298
人民幣:RMB 42 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  The Evolution
  1.2  Economic Factors that Affect International Trade
  1.3  Basic Concepts
Chapter 2  Free Trade Theories
  2.1  Absolute Advantage
  2.2  Comparative Advantage
  2.3  Reciprocal Demand
  2.4  Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem
  2.5  Leontief Paradox
Chapter 3  Trade Protectionism Theories
  3.1  Mercantilism
  3.2  Infant Industry Argument
  3.3  Keynesianism
  3.4  Center and Periphery Theory
  3.5  Strategic Trade Theory
Chapter 4  Other Theories on International Trade
  4.1  Product Life Cycle Theory
  4.2  Intra-Industry Trade Theory
  4.3  National Competitive Advantage Theory
  4.4  New Economic Geography
Chapter 5  Tariff Measures
  5.1  Types and Forms of Tariffs
  5.2  The Harmonized System
  5.3  Effects of a Tariff
  5.4  Effective Rate of Protection (ERP)
  5.5  Tariffication
  5.6  Water in the Tariff
  5.7  Optimal Tariff
Chapter 6  Non-tariff Measures
  6.1  Definition and Classification
  6.2  The Incidence and the Importance of NTMs
  6.3  The Quantification of NTMs
  6.4  The WTO Notification, Monitoring and Review
  6.5  The WTO TBT Agreement and SPS Agreement
  6.6  Conclusion
Chapter 7  The World Trade Organization
  7.1  The Origins of the WTO
  7.2  Mandate of the WTO
  7.3  Membership of the WTO
  7.4  Structure of the WTO
  7.5  WTO Decision-making
Chapter 8  WTO Dispute Settlement System
  8.1  The Origin of the WTO Dispute Settlement System
  8.2  The Principles of WTO Dispute Settlement
  8.3  Institutions of WTO Dispute Settlement
  8.4  Proceedings of WTO Dispute Settlement
Chapter 9  Anti-dumping and Countervailing
  9.1  WTO Provisions on Anti-dumping
  9.2  Determination of Dumping

  9.3  Determination of Injury and Causal Link
  9.4  Anti-dumping Investigation and Measures
  9.5  WTO Provisions on Subsidies and Subsidized Trade
  9.6  Determination of Subsidisation
  9.7  Prohibited Subsidies and Actionable Subsidies
  9.8  Countervailing Measures
Chapter 10  The General Agreement on Trade in Services
  10.1  Definitions, Scope and Coverage
  10.2  General Obligations
  10.3  Exceptions
  10.4  Specific Commitments
  10.5  Schedules
Chapter 11  Tradein Services
  11.1  An Overview
  11.2  Trade in Financial Services
  11.3  Trade in Construction Services
  11.4  Trade in Telecommunication Services
  11.5  Trade in Transport Services
  ! 1.6  Trade in Health Services
Chapter 12  Trade Finance
  12.1  The Importance of Trade Finance
  12.2  Types of Trade Finance
  12.3  Special Types of Credits
Chapter 13  Payment, Guarantee and Insurance
  13.1  Trade Risks
  13.2  Methods of Payment
  13.3  Bonds and Guarantees
  13.4  Insurance

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