List of figures List of tables Preface I BASIC CONCEPTS 1 Complete contingent claims 2 Arbtrage and asset vauation 3 Expected utility 4 CAPM and APT 5 Consumption and saving II RECURsIVE MODELS 6 Dynamic programming 7 Intertemporal risk sharing 8 Consumption and aSSet pricing 9 Non-separable preferences 10 Economies with production 11 Investment 12 Business cycles III MONETARY AND INTERNATl0NAL MODEL5 13 Models with cash-in-advance constraints 14 International asset markets IV MOQELS WITH MARKET INCOMPLETENESS 15 Asset}3ricing with frictions 16 Borrowina constraints 17 Overlapping generations models V SUPPLEMENTARYRY MATERIAL A Mathematical appendix A.1 Stochastic processes A.2 Some useful theorems Bibliography Index