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  • 作者:龍靜
  • 出版社:清華大學
  • ISBN:9787302265696
  • 出版日期:2011/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:306
人民幣:RMB 42 元      售價:



    Part I  Fundamental Accounting  基礎會計
Chapter 1  Overview of Accounting  第1章  會計概述  2
  章前導讀  2
  Learning Objectives  學習目標  3
  1.1  Nature of Accounting  會計的本質  3
  1.2  Accounting System  會計系統  4
  1.3  Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)  公認會計準則  6
  Summary of Learning Objectives  學習目標小結  7
  Key Terms  關鍵術語  8
  Exercises  練習題  9
Chapter 2  Conceptual Framework of Financial Reporting
  第2章  財務報告概念框架  10
  章前導讀  10
  Learning Objectives  學習目標  11
  2.1  Reporting Entity—Firms and Firm Organizations
  報告主體——公司和公司組織  11
  2.2  Basic Assumptions and Principles of Accounting  會計的基本假設和原則  12
  2.2.1  Basic Assumptions of Accounting  會計基本假設  13
  2.2.2  Principles of Accounting  會計原則  14
  2.3  Financial Reporting—The Financial Statements  財務報告——財務報表  18
  2.3.1  Balance Sheet  資產負債表  19
  2.3.2  Income Statement  利潤表  21
  2.3.3  Statement of Retained Earnings  留存收益報表  22
  2.3.4  Statement of Cash Flows  現金流量表  23
  Summary of Learning Objectives  學習目標小結  24
  Key Terms  關鍵術語  26
  Exercises  練習題  28
Chapter 3  Balance Sheet Concepts: Assets, Liabilities, Owners』 Equity
  第3章  資產負債表概念:資產、負債、所有者權益  31
  章前導讀  31
  Learning Objectives  學習目標  32
  3.1  Balance Sheet Accounts—Accounting Elements
  資產負債表賬戶——會計要素  32
  3.1.1  Assets  資產  32
  3.1.2  Liabilities  負債  36
  3.1.3  Owners'Equity  所有者權益  38
  3.2  Constructing Balance Sheet—Accounting Equation
  構建資產負債表——會計等式  41
  3.3  Reading the Balance Sheet—Balance Sheet Structure
  讀懂資產負債表——資產負債表結構  43
  3.4  Overall View of the Balance Sheet—Balance Sheet Connotation
  資產負債表總述——資產負債表內涵  48
  3.4.1  View of Resources and Claims  資源和索求權的角度  48
  3.4.2  View of Sources and Uses of Funds  資金來源和使用的角度  50
  Summary of Learning Objectives  學習目標小結  50
  Key Terms  關鍵術語  52
  Case Study  案例拓展  54
  Exercises  練習題  56
Chapter 4  Income Statement Concepts: Revenue, Expenses, Income
  第4章  利潤表概念:收入、費用、利潤  60

  章前導讀  60
  Learning Objectives  學習目標  61
  4.1  Income Statement Accounts—Accounting Elements
  利潤表賬戶——會計要素  61
  4.1.1  Revenue  收入  61
  4.1.2  Expenses  費用  62
  4.1.3  Income/Profit  利潤  63
  4.2  The Income Statement  利潤表  64
  4.3  Statement of Retained Earnings  留存收益表  68
  4.4  Relationships Among Financial Statements  財務報表之間的關係  70
  4.5  Objectives for Financial Statements  財務報表的目的  72
  Summary of Learning Objectives  學習目標小結  73
  Key Terms  關鍵術語  75
  Case Study  案例拓展  75
  Exercises  練習題  76
Chapter 5  The Accounting Cycle—8 Steps of the Accounting Process
  第5章  會計循環——會計業務的八大步驟  78
  章前導讀  78
  Learning Objectives  學習目標  79
  5.1  Some Concepts Related to the Accounting Cycle  和會計循環相關的概念  79
  5.2  Recording Balance Sheet Transactions—Accounting Cycle(I)
  記錄資產負債表交易——會計循環(一)  83
  5.3  Recording Income Statement Transactions—Accounting Cycle(II)
  記錄利潤表交易——會計循環(二)  89
  5.4  Making Adjusting Entries for Accruals and Deferrals—Accounting Cycle(III)
  作調整分錄的應計項目和遞延項目——會計循環(三)  99
  5.4.1  Characteristics of Adjusting Entries  調整分錄的特徵  99
  5.4.2  Types of Adjusting Entries  調整分錄的種類  100
  5.4.3  Making Adjusting Entries  作調整分錄  100
  5.5  Preparing Financial Statements—Accounting Cycle(IV)
  編製資產負債表——會計循環(四)  110
  5.6  Recording Closing Entires—Accounting Cycle(V)
  記錄結賬分錄——會計循環(五)  112
  5.7  The Entire Accounting Cycle  全部會計循環  116
  Summary of Learning Objectives  學習目標小結  117
  Key Terms  關鍵術語  120
  Case Study  案例拓展  122
  Exercises  練習題  123
    Part II  Financial Accounting  財務會計
Chapter 6  Financial Assets  第6章  金融性資產  132
  章前導讀  132
  Learning Objectives  學習目標  133
  6.1  Cash  現金  134
  6.2  Short-Term Investments  短期投資  138
  6.3  Accounts Receivable  應收賬款  141
  6.4  Notes Receivable  應收票據  146
  Summary of Learning Objectives  學習目標小結  148
  Key Terms  關鍵術語  150
  Case Study  案例拓展  150
  Exercises  練習題  151

Chapter 7  Inventory  第7章  存貨  157
  章前導讀  157
  Learning Objectives  學習目標  158
  7.1  Inventory in Different Types of Companies  不同類型公司的存貨形式  158
  7.2  The Flow of Inventory Costs  存貨成本的流轉假設  161
  7.3  Inventory System  存貨制度  163
  7.4  Inventory Costing Methods  存貨成本計價方法  164
  7.4.1  Cost Flow Assumptions  成本流轉假設  164
  7.4.2  Four Inventony Costing Methods  四種存貨成本計價方法  165
  7.4.3  Evaluation of These Methods  存貨計價方法評價  169
  7.4.4  Pricing the Ending Balance of Inventory  存貨的期末計價  170
  Summary of Learning Objectives  學習目標小結  171
  Key Terms  關鍵術語  173
  Case Study  案例拓展  174
  Exercises  練習題  176
Chapter 8  Long-term Investments  第8章  長期投資  179
  章前導讀  179
  Learning Objectives  學習目標  180
  8.1  Classifying Investments and Its Accounting Methods
  投資分類和它的會計核算方法  180
  8.1.1  Classification of Investments  投資的分類  180
  8.1.2  Accounting Methods for Investments  投資的會計核算方法  182
  8.2  Accounting for Long-Term Investments  長期投資的會計核算  183
  Summary of Learning Objectives  學習目標小結  188
  Key Terms  關鍵術語  188
  Case Study  案例拓展  189
  Exercises  練習題  190
Chapter 9  Long-Lived Nonmonetary Assets  第9章  長期非貨幣性資產  193
  章前導讀  193
  Learning Objectives  學習目標  194
  9.1  Major Categories of Long-Lived Nonmonetary Assets
  長期非貨幣資產的主要分類  194
  9.2  Property, Plant and Equipment  固定資產  195
  9.2.1  Acquisitions of Property, Plant and Equipment  固定資產的取得  195
  9.2.2  Depreciation of Property, Plant and Equipment  固定資產的折舊  198
  9.2.3  Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment  固定資產處置  204
  9.3  Intangible Assets  無形資產  206
  9.4  Nature Resources  自然資源  209
  9.5  Depreciation, Amortization and Depletion  折舊,攤銷和折耗  210
  Summary of Learning Objectives  學習目標小結  210
  Key Terms  關鍵術語  212
  Exercises  練習題  213
Chapter 10  Current Liabilities  第10章  流動負債  218
  章前導讀  218
  Learning Objectives  學習目標  219
  10.1  Nature of Current Liabilities  流動負債的性質  219
  10.2  Accounts Payable  應付賬款  219
  10.3  Notes Payable  應付票據  220
  10.4  Une
  10.6  Dividends Payable  應付股利  222
  10.7  Payroll Liabilities  薪金負債  223
  10.8  Current Maturities of Long-Term Obligations
  長期負債到期屬於流動的部分  224
  10.9  Contingent Liabilities  或有負債  224
  Summary of Learning Objectives  學習目標小結  226
  Key Terms  關鍵術語  226
  Exercises  練習題  227
Chapter 11  Long-Term Liabilities  第11章  長期負債  229
  章前導讀  229
  Learning Objectives  學習目標  230
  11.1  Notes Payable  應付票據  230
  11.2  Bonds Payable  應付債券  231
  11.2.1  Concept and Types of Bonds  債券的概念和類型  232
  11.2.2  Accounting for Bonds Payable  應付債券的會計核算  233
  11.3  Capital Leases  融資租賃  238
  Summary of Learning Objectives  學習目標小結  240
  Key Terms  關鍵術語  241
  Exercises  練習題  241
Chapter 12  Stockholders』 Equity  第12章  股東權益  245
  章前導讀  245
  Learning Objectives  學習目標  246
  12.1  Forms of Business Organization  企業組織形式  246
  12.2  Accounting for Proprietor』s and Partners』 Equity
  業主權益和合夥人權益的會計核算  247
  12.3  Accounting for Stockholders』 Equity  股東權益的會計核算  248
  12.3.1  Paid-in Capital  繳入資本  248
  12.3.2  Retained Earnings  留存收益  250
  12.3.3  Stock Options  股票期權  254
  12.4  Reporting Equity on Financial Statements  財務報表上的權益報告  255
  12.4.1  Statement of Retained Earnings  留存收益報表  255
  12.4.2  Statement of Stockholders』 Equity  股東權益報表  256
  12.4.3  Stockholders』 Equity on Balance Sheet  資產負債表上的股東權益  257
  Summary of Learning Objectives  學習目標小結  257
Key Terms  關鍵術語  259
Exercises  練習題  261
REFERENCE  參考文獻  264
Appendix I  Suggestions on How to Read the Original English Version of Accounting Teaching Materials
附錄1  關於閱讀會計英文原版教材的幾點建議  265
Appendix II  The Learner is Also the Teaching Participant
附錄2  關於會計英語教學的幾點體會: 學習者亦是教學的參與者  268
Appendix III  CGA Competency List
附錄3  加拿大CGA應具有的資格能力(原文)  272
Appendix IV  CGA-Canada Examination (Financial Accounting)
附錄4  加拿大CGA資格考試樣題示例  285

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