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  • 一类非线性系统鲁棒控制方法研究

  • 所属分类:电子电脑>>电工无线电自动化>>自动化技术     作者:梁春辉|责编:张志雯     出版社:哈尔滨工程大学
  •     针对探测器在小天体附 近运动过程中的非线性特性 ,考虑系统不确定性和外界 干扰及对探测器下降着陆过 程安全性、准确性的要求, 首先,研究了探测器动力下 降段和最终着陆段的轨道控 制方法,建立了具有鲁棒性 和自适应性的控制方法,保 证探测器成功绕飞、下降和 软着陆;其次,研究了探测 器动力下降过程的姿态控制 问题;再次,研究了探测器 软着陆过程中的姿轨耦合控 制问题:最后,将所提出的 鲁棒控制方法推广到一类典 型非线性系统光伏直流微电 网系统的建模和稳定控制中 。 本书在数学基础、控制 理论、工程应用、Matlab仿 真等方面,具有系统性和统 一性,可供控制工程、探测 制导与控制、电气工程等专 业学生借鉴,亦可供相关专 业或工程技术人员参考。
  • 人民币:RMB 42.00 元     售价:NT$ 168.00
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  • 4G通信网络管理员(高级澜湄职业教育培训中心暨柬埔寨鲁班工坊系列教材)(英文版)

  • 所属分类:电子电脑>>电工无线电自动化>>无线电电子.电讯     作者:编者:刘赟宇|责编:王斌//刘玉芳     出版社:西安电子科大
  •     Based on TD-LTE (Time Division-Long Term Evolution), this book adopts the modular teaching mode and applies the eNodeB equipment of Datang Mobile TD-LTE. Through the specific tasks in each module, it presents such contents as base station products, equipment installation, wireless technology, network testing, network planning and optimization, etc. in a comprehensive and detailed way. This book is divided into four training modules, namely, TD-LTE Equipment Cognition, TD-LTE Key Technologies, Network Test, Network Planning and Optimization. After learning the four training modules, learners can master the basic contents involved in the operation and maintenance of the mobile communications system, such as the hardware structure, maintenance and testing of the base station equipment, network planning and optimization. This book aims to cultivate high-quality skilled personnel who master the testing and optimization skills of base station and meet the requirements of standardized field maintenance operation. On the basis of traditional technical resources and training materials, the common knowledge points about network planning and optimization are extracted, and systematic thinking is highlighted. With strong operability and practicality, the chapter layout of this book is based on the working process and practical tasks. Besides, this book explains the basic concepts of mobile communication in a simple way, comprehensively introduces the process of construction and maintenance, test and optimization of the 4G base station, and carries out network test and analysis with Datang Outum software. This book can be used as the textbook of 4G communication technology courses for electronics, telecommunications and related majors of application-oriented universities and higher vocational colleges, as well as the reference book for mobile communications, network engineering professionals and engineering technicians.
  • 人民币:RMB 24.00 元     售价:NT$ 96.00
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  • 4G通信网络管理员(初级澜湄职业教育培训中心暨柬埔寨鲁班工坊系列教材)(英文版)

  • 所属分类:电子电脑>>电工无线电自动化>>无线电电子.电讯     作者:编者:高源|责编:任倍萱//刘玉芳     出版社:西安电子科大
  •     Based on TD-LTE technology, this book adopts a leaming mode that features modularized training, and chooses the eNodeB made by Datang Telecom Group as learning platform. Hardware structures, installation of the host, and antenna connection of 4G base station are explained in a comprehensive and detailed way through specific task modules. The book is divided into 3 training modules including Introduction to TD-LTE Base Station and EPC Network, Installation of Base Station Equipment, and Installation of Auxiliary Equipment in Base Station and Optical Fiber Fusion Splicing. Readers can carry out correct installation and connection of 4G base station equipment by completing these three training modules. The purpose of this book lies in cultivating high-quality and skilled personnel who can construct and maintain 4G base station, helping them master the skills required for operating and maintaining communication base station, and meeting the requirements for standardized on-site maintenance. Rich in content, the book explains in detail the installation process of 4G base station equipment in a standard way, and illustrates the process by using the on-site construction data provided by Datang. The book is highly practical, for it focuses on the work processes and the actual tasks. The book can be used as the textbook of 4G communication course for electronics, communication and related majors in higher vocational colleges, as well as a reference book for professionals and engineering technicians who are interested in 4G communication technology.
  • 人民币:RMB 21.00 元     售价:NT$ 84.00
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  • 电工--高级(澜湄职业教育培训中心暨柬埔寨鲁班工坊系列教材)(英文版)

  • 所属分类:电子电脑>>电工无线电自动化>>电工技术     作者:编者:李云龙//张佳//张新江|责编:明政珠     出版社:西安电子科大
  •     本书以《国家职业技能 标准——电工》为依据,紧 紧围绕“以柬埔寨实际国情 ,面向高校、社会和企业 需求为导向,以职业能力 为核心”的理念进行编写。 本书每个模块内容包含维 修电工理论知识和实践操 作内容。其中理论部分以 理论串讲的形式,从国家 职业资格考试的考核点出 发,辅以典型例题精析, 使读者摆脱了看书抓不到 重点、理解不到位的困境 。实践操作部分以先进的 实训设备为操作平台,展 示了典型案例的实践过程 ,可达到实战演练的效果 ,锻炼学生的动手能力。 本书力求突出职业技能培 训特色,满足职业技能培 训与鉴定考核的需要。本 书既可作为柬埔寨院校相 关专业的培训教材,也可 作为技术工人参加国家职 业技能鉴定高级考核的学 习教材,还可作为在职培 训、岗位培训的参考用书 。
  • 人民币:RMB 42.00 元     售价:NT$ 168.00
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