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  • 作者:(英)凱瑟琳·納爾遜|責編:張燁
  • 出版社:東南大學
  • ISBN:9787576617672
  • 出版日期:2025/02/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:238
人民幣:RMB 99 元      售價:


    凱瑟琳·納爾遜(Catherine Nelson),是一名自由數據科學家和作家。此前,她曾擔任SAP Concur的首席數據科學家,開發生產級機器學習應用,並創建了嶄新的商務旅行功能。她還是O』Reilly出版的Building Machine Learning Pipelines一書的合著者。

1. What Is Good Code?
  Why Good Code Matters
  Adapting to Changing Requirements
    Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY)
    Avoid Verbose Code
    Standards and Conventions
    Cleaning up
    Errors and Logging
  Key Takeaways
2. Analyzing Code Performance
  Methods to Improve Performance
  Timing Your Code
  Profiling Your Code
    Memory Profiling with Memray
  Time Complexity
    How to Estimate Time Complexity
    Big O Notation
  Key Takeaways
3. Using Data Struaures Effeaively
  Native Python Data Structures
  NumPy Arrays
    NumPy Array Functionality
    NumPy Array Performance Considerations
    Array Operations Using Dask
    Arrays in Machine Learning
  pandas DataFrames
    DataFrame Functionality
    DataFrame Performance Considerations
  Key Takeaways
4. Object-Oriented Programming and Functional Programming
  Ob)ect-Oriented Programming
    Classes, Methods, and Attributes
    Defining Your Own Classes
    OOP Principles
   Functional Programming

    Lambda Functions and map()
    Applying Functions to DataFrames
  Which Paradigm Should I Use?
   Key Takeaways
5. trr0rs, togging, and Debugging
   Errors in Python
    Reading Python Error Messages
    Handling Errors
    Raising Errors
    What to Log
    Logging Configuration
    How to Log
    Strategies for Debugging
    Tools for Debugging
  Key Takeaways
6. Code Formatting, Linting, and Type Checking
  Code Formatting and Style Guides
    Import Formatting
    Automatic Code Formatting with Black
    Linting Tools
    Linting in Your IDE
  Type Checking
    Type Annotations
    Type Checking with mypy
  Key Takeaways
7. Testing Your Code
  Why You Should Write Tests
  When to Test
  How to Write and Run Tests
    A Basic Test
    Testing Unexpected Inputs
    Running Automated Tests with Pytest
  Types of Tests
    Unit Tests
    Integration Tests
  Data Validation
    Data Validation Examples
    Using Pandera for Data Validation
    Data Validation with Pydantic
   Testing for Machine Learning
    Testing Model Training
    Testing Model Inference
   Key Takeaways
8. Design and Refactoring
  Project Design and Structure
    Project Design Considerations

    An Example Machine Learning Project
  Code Design
    Modular Code
    A Code Design Framework
    Interfaces and Contracts
  From Notebooks to Scalable Scripts
    Why Use Scripts Instead of Notebooks?
    Creating Scripts from Notebooks
    Strategies for Refactoring
    An Example Refactoring Workflow
   Key Takeaways
9. Documentation
  Documentation Within the Codebase
    Readmes, Tutorials, and Other Longer Documents
  Documentation in Jupyter Notebooks
  Documenting Machine Learning Experiments
  Key Takeaways
10. Sharing Your Code: Version Control, Dependencies, and Packaging
  Version Control Using Git
    How Does Git Work?
    Tracking Changes and Committing
    Remote and Local
    Branches and Pull Requests
  Dependencies and Virtual Environments
    Virtual Environments
    Managing Dependencies with pip
    Managing Dependencies with Poetry
  Python Packaging
    Packaging Basics
    Building and Uploading Packages
  Key Takeaways
11. APIs
  Calling an API
    HTTP Methods and Status Codes
    Getting Data from the SDG API
  Creating Your Own API Using FastAPI
    Setting Up the API
    Adding Functionality to Your API
    Making Requests to Your API
  Key Takeaways
12. Automation and Deployment
  Deploying Code
  Automation Examples
    Pre-Commit Hooks

    GitHub Actions
  Cloud Deployments
    Containers and Docker
    Building a Docker Container
    Deploying an API on Google Cloud
    Deploying an API on Other Cloud Providers
  Key Takeaways
13. Security
  What Is Security?
  Security Risks
    Credentials, Physical Security, and Social Engineering
    Third-Party Packages
    The Python Pickle Module
    Version Control Risks
    API Security Risks
  Security Practices
    Security Reviews and Policies
    Secure Coding Tools
    Simple Code Scanning
  Security for Machine Learning
    Attacks on ML Systems
    Security Practices for ML Systems
    Key Takeaways
14. Working in Software
  Development Principles and Practices
    The Software Development Lifecycle
    Waterfall Software Development
    Agile Software Development
    Agile Data Science
  Roles in the Software Industry
    Software Engineer
    QA or Test Engineer
    Data Engineer
    Data Analyst
    Product Manager
    UX Researcher
    Open Source
    Speaking at Events
    The Python Community
  Key Takeaways
15. Next Steps
  The Future of Code
  Your Future in Code
  Thank You

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