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  • 作者:張勤|責編:楊小薇|總主編:柴劍平
  • 出版社:中國傳媒大學
  • ISBN:9787565737749
  • 出版日期:2024/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:391
人民幣:RMB 126 元      售價:



第一部分  情智信息
  Interaction Between Dynamic Aff ection and Arithmetic Cognitive Ability:a Practical
  Investigation with EEG Measurement
  SSTM-IS:Simplifi ed STM Method Based on Instance Selection for Real-Time EEG
  Emotion Recognition
  Multi-Source Information-Shared Domain Adaptation for EEG Emotion Recognition
  Emotional Quality Evaluation for Generated Music Based on Emotion Recognition
第二部分  媒介音頻
  Design of Linear-Phase Nonsubsampled Nonuniform Directional Filter Bank with
  Arbitrary Directional Partitioning
  Multi-Source Separation Using over Iterative Empirical Mode Decomposition
  A Two-Stage Complex Network Using Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for Speech Enhancement
  Analysis of Music Rhythm Based on Bayesian Theory
  Learning to Generate Emotional Music Correlated with Music Structure Features
  Visually Aligned Sound Generation via Sound-Producing Motion Parsing
  MovieREP:a New Movie Reproduction Framework for Film Soundtrack
第三部分  視覺處理
  Distributed Markov Chain Monte Carlo Kernel Based Particle Filtering for Object Tracking
  Use Hierarchical Genetic Particle Filter to Figure Articulated Human Tracking
  Human Action Recognition Using Multi-Velocity STIPs and Motion Energy Orientation Histogram
  Semantic Based Autoencoder-Attention 3D Reconstruction Network
  Flexible Light Field Angular Superresolution via a Deep Coarse-to-Fine Framework
  Cross-Domain Feature Similarity Guided Blind Image Quality Assessment
  A Dataset and Benchmark for 3D Scene Plausibility Assessment
第四部分  人工智慧
  Interpretability Diversity for Decision-Tree-Initialized Dendritic Neuron Model Ensemble
  Pruning of Dendritic Neuron Model with Signifi cance Constraints for Classifi cation
  A General Paradigm of Knowledge-Driven and Data-Driven Fusion

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