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  • 作者:陳劍//歐陽權//王志勝|責編:杜筱娜
  • 出版社:華中科技大學
  • ISBN:9787577209418
  • 出版日期:2024/06/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:182
人民幣:RMB 158 元      售價:



1  Introduction
  1.1  Applications of Lithium-Ion Batteries
    1.1.1  The Crucial Role of Batteries
    1.1.2  Comparisons of Different Batteries
  1.2  Battery Inconsistency Phenomenon
  1.3  Crucial Role of Cell Equalization
    1.3.1  Voltage-Based Equalization
    1.3.2  SOC-Based Equalization
2  Overview of Cell Equalization Systems
  2.1  Classification and Comparisons of Cell Equalization Systems
    2.1.1  Passive Cell Equalization Systems
    2.1.2  Active Cell Equalization Systems
    2.1.3  Comparisons of Cell Equalization Systems
  2.2  Commercial Equalizers
    2.2.1  Bidirectional Buck-Boost Converters
    2.2.2  Bidirectional Modified C?k Converters
  2.3  Overview of Equalization Algorithms
    2.3.1  Cell-to-Cell Equalization Algorithms
    2.3.2  Cell-to-Pack-to-Cell Equalization Algorithms
    2.3.3  Charging Equalization Algorithms
3  Active Cell Equalization Topology
  3.1  Commonly Used Active Cell Equalization Topology
    3.1.1  Adjacent-Based Topology
    3.1.2  Non-adjacent-Based Topology
    3.1.3  Direct Cell-Cell Topology
    3.1.4  Mixed Topology
  3.2  Active Cell Equalization Topology Comparison
  3.2.1 Performance Comparison
  3.2.2 Economic Comparison
  3.2.3  Discussions
4  Optimal Active Cell Equalizing Topology Design
  4.1  Cell Equalizing System
    4.1.1  Equalizing System Model
    4.1.2  Consensus-Based Cell Equalizing Algorithm Design
  4.2  Design of the Optimal Equalizing Topology
    4.2.1  Equalizing Time
    4.2.2  Traditional Cell Equalizing Topology
    4.2.3  Position Identification of the Added ICEs for Reducing the Equalizing Time
  4.3  Simulation Results
  4.4  Experimental Results
5  Neural Network-Based SOC Observer Design for Batteries
  5.1  Battery Model
  5.2  RBF Neural Network Observer
    5.2.1  Neural Network Based Nonlinear Observer Design
    5.2.2  Convergence Analysis
  5.3  Experiments and Simulations

    5.3.1  Experiment for Parameter Extraction
    5.3.2  Experiment for SOC Estimation
6  Active Cell-to-Cell Equalization Control
  6.1  Cell Equalizing System Model
    6.1.1  Battery Cell Model
    6.1.2  Bidirectional Modified C?k Converter Model
    6.1.3  Cell Equalizing System Model
  6.2  Objective and Constraints of the Cell Equalizing Process
    6.2.1  Cell Equalizing Objective
    6.2.2  Cell Equalizing Constraints
  6.3  SOC Estimation Based Quasi-Sliding Mode Control for Cell Equalization
    6.3.1  Adaptive Quasi-Sliding Mode Observer Design for Cells' SOC Estimation
    6.3.2  Quasi-Sliding Mode-Based Cell Equalizing Control
  6.4  Experiments
    6.4.1  Experimental Setup
    6.4.2  Experimental Results
7  Module-Based Cell-to-Cell Equalization Control
  7.1  Module-Based Cell-to-Cell Equalization Systems
    7.1.1  Equalizing Currents
    7.1.2  Cell Equalizing System Model
    7.1.3  Cell Equalizing Constraints
  7.2  Hierarchical Optimal Control Strategy
    7.2.1  Cell Equalizing Task Formulation
    7.2.2  Top Layer:Module-Level Equalizing Control
    7.2.3  Bottom Layer:Cell-Level Equalizing Control
  7.3  Results and Discussions
    7.3.1  Cell Equalizing Results
    7.3.2  Tests of Different Weight Selections
    7.3.3  Comparison With Decentralized Equalizing Control
    7.3.4  Tests for Different Cells』 Initial SOCs
8  Module-Based Cell-to-Pack Equalization Control
  8.1  Improved Module-Based CPC Equalization System
    8.1.1  Equalizing Current Formulation
    8.1.2  Improved Module-Based CPC Equalization System Model
  8.2  Two-Layer Model Predictive Control Strategy
    8.2.1  Cost Function Formulation
    8.2.2  Constraints
    8.2.3  Centralized MPC Design
  8.3  Two-Layer MPC for Cell Equalization
    8.3.1  Top-layer MPC:ML Equalizing Current Control
    8.3.2  Bottom-Layer MPC:CMC Equalizing Current Control
    8.3.3  Computational Complexity Comparison With Centralized MPC
  8.4  Results and Discussions
    8.4.1  Equalization Results
    8.4.2  Comparison With the Centralized MPC
    8.4.3  Comparison With a Commercial CPC-Based Equalization Structure
    8.4.4  Tests of Different Cells' Initial SOC Vectors

9  Optimal Hierarchical Charging Equalization for Battery Packs
  9.1  Charging System Model
    9.1.1  Battery Pack Model
    9.1.2  Multi-module Charger Modeling
    9.1.3  Charging System Modeling
  9.2  Hierarchical Control for the Charging Equalization System
    9.2.1  Charging Equalization Objectives
    9.2.2  Charging Constraints
    9.2.3  Top-Layer Control:Optimal Charging Current Scheduling
    9.2.4  Bottom-Layer Control:Charging Current Tracking
  9.3  Simulation and Experimental Results
    9.3.1  Simulation Results
    9.3.2  Experimental Results
10  Simultaneous Charging Equalization Strategy for Battery Packs
  10.1  Charging Model
    10.1.1  Battery Pack Modeling
    10.1.2  Charging Objective
    10.1.3  Charging Constraints
  10.2  Simultaneous Charging Development
  10.3  Simulation and Experimental Results
    10.3.1  Simulation Results
    10.3.2  Experimental Results

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