幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:朱永強|責編:王雅新
  • 出版社:機械工業
  • ISBN:9787111755586
  • 出版日期:2024/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:295
人民幣:RMB 59 元      售價:



  Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Electric Power System
  Part 1 Basic Construction of Electric Power System
  Part 2 Typical Topologies of Electric Power System
  Part 3 Characteristics of Most Power Systems
  Part 4 The Growth of Electric Power System
  Word-Building (1) General Introduction 專業辭彙和構詞方法
  Chapter 2 Electric Power Generation
  Part 1 About Power Generation
  Part 2 Hydropower Generation
  Part 3 Thermal Generation
  Part 4 Nuclear Generation
  Part 5 Application of Various Power Stations
  Word-Building (2) electro-, magneto 電,磁
  Chapter 3 Power Generating Stations
  Part 1 Hydropower Stations
  Part 2 Thermal Stations
  Part 3 Nuclear Stations
  Word-Building (3) hydro-, thermo- 水,熱
Unit 1
  Special Topic (1) Basic Electric Quantities
  Reading Material The One-Line Diagram
  Knowledge & Skills (1) Parenthesis
  Chapter 4 Transmission System and Transmission Lines
  Part 1 General Introduction of the Transmission System
  Part 2 Considerations for Transmission Lines and Cables
  Part 3 Circuit Parameters of Transmission Lines and Cables
  Part 4 Types of Transmission Conductors
  Part 5 Power Transmission Towers
  Word-Building (4)后綴-or, er;-ance 機,器,裝置,元件
  Chapter 5 Power Transformers
  Part 1 Power Transformers Used in Power System
  Part 2 The Structure of a Transformer
  Part 3 The Ideal Transformer
  Part 4 The Equivalent Circuit of a Practical Transformer
  Part 5 Special Transformers
  Word-Building (5) auto- 自動, 遠程
  Chapter 6 Distribution Systems and Loads
  Part 1 Introduction of Distribution Systems

  Part 2 Familiar Loads and Their Classification
  Part 3 Loads Models for Power System Study
  Part 4 Acquisition of Load Model Parameters
  Word-Building (6) re-; im- 重,再; 不,非
Unit 2
  Special Topic (2) Passive Elements and Impedance
  Reading Material Per-Unit Value
  Knowledge & Skills (2) Inversion and Intensive Mood
  Chapter 7 Alternating-Current Electric Machines
  Part 1 Components and Principles of Operation of Induction Motors
  Part 2 Equivalent Circuit and Characteristics of Induction Motors
  Part 3 Synchronous Generators and Motors
  Part 4 The Synchronous Motor versus The Induction Motor
  Chapter 8  Direct-Current Electric Machines
  Chapter 9  Switch Devices
Unit 3
  Chapter 10  Instruments and Transducers
  Chapter 11  Power System Relay Protection
  Chapter 12  Insulation and Grounding
  Chapter 13  Overvoltage and Lightning Shielding
Unit 4
  Chapter 14  Faults on Power System
  Chapter 15  Stability of Power System
  Chapter 16  Voltage Regulation and Reactive Power Compensation
Unit 5
  Chapter 17  Automation and Intelligence of Power System
  Chapter 18  Electric Power Market
  Chapter 19  Power System Planning and Design
Unit 6
  Chapter 20  High-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission
  Chapter 21  Flexible AC Transmission System
  Chapter 22  Power Quality and Its Improvement
  Chapter 23  Electromagnetic Field and Electromagnetic Compatibility.
Unit 7
  Chapter 24  Renewable Energy Sources and Distributed Generation
  Chapter 25  Multi-energy Utilization
  Chapter 26  Energy Storage System
Unit 8

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