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  • 作者:(美)丹尼爾·斯托揚卡//珍妮·普倫基特|責編:張燁
  • 出版社:東南大學
  • ISBN:9787576613001
  • 出版日期:2024/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:487
人民幣:RMB 154 元      售價:



1.A Brief Introduction to Edge AI
  Defining Key Terms
    The Edge (and the Internet of Things)
    Artificial Intelligence
    Machine Learning
    Edge AI
    Embedded Machine Learning and Tiny Machine Learning
    Digital Signal Processing
  Why Do We Need Edge AI?
    To Understand the Benefits of Edge AI, Just BLERP
    Edge AI for Good
    Key Differences Between Edge AI and Regular AI
2.Edge AI in the Real World
  Common Use Cases for Edge AI
    Greenfield and Brownfield Projects
    Real-World Products
  Types of Applications
    Keeping Track of Objects
    Understanding and Controlling Systems
    Understanding People and Living Things
    Transforming Signals
  Building Applications Responsibly
    Responsible Design and AI Ethics
    Black Boxes and Bias
    Technology That Harms, Not Helps
3.The Hardware of Edge AI
  Sensors, Signals, and Sources of Data
    Types of Sensors and Signals
    Acoustic and Vibration
    Visual and Scene
    Motion and Position
    Force and Tactile
    Optical, Electromagnetic, and Radiation
    Environmental, Biological, and Chemical
    Other Signals
  Processors for Edge AI
    Edge AI Hardware Architecture
    Microcontrollers and Digital Signal Processors
    Deep Learning Accelerators
    FPGAs and ASICs
    Edge Servers
    Multi-Device Architectures
    Devices and Workloads

4.Algorithms for Edge AI
  Feature Engineering
    Working with Data Streams
    Digital Signal Processing Algorithms
    Combining Features and Sensors
  Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
    Algorithm Types by Functionality
    Algorithm Types by Implementation
    Optimization for Edge Devices
    On-Device Training
5.Tools and Expertise
  Building a Team for AI at the Edge
    Domain Expertise
6.Understanding and Framing Problems.
7.How to Build a Dataset
8.Designing Edge AI Applications
9.Developing Edge AI Applications.
10.Evaluatinq, Deploying, and Supporting Edge AI Applications
11.Use Case: Wildlife Monitoring
12.Use Case: Food Quality Assurance
13.Use Case: Consumer Products

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