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  • 作者:編者:李國厚//孟慶波|責編:周光明
  • 出版社:北京師大
  • ISBN:9787303286027
  • 出版日期:2024/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:310
人民幣:RMB 55 元      售價:



Lesson 1 Resistance and Ohm's Law
  Translating Skills 專業英語翻譯概述
  Reading Material. Circuit Elements
Lesson 2 Basic Analysis Methods
  Translating Skills 詞義的選擇和引申
  Reading Material Not the Earth Ground from Geology
Lesson 3 Sinusoidal AC Circuit Analysis and Three-Phase Circuits
  Translating Skills 動詞的翻譯
  Reading Material Power in AC Circuits Reading Material Introductions and RMS Values
Lesson 4 Basic Circuits of Operational Amplifiers
  Translating Skills形容詞與副詞的翻譯
  Reading Material Class A Amplifiers
Lesson 5 The D Flip Flop
  Translating Skills 名詞與代詞的翻譯
  Reading Material A Brief Introduction
  To Number Systems
Lesson 6 Electronic Design Automation
  Translating Skills 數詞的翻譯
  Reading Material What is MATLAB
Lesson 7 Basic Knowledge of Feedback Control
  Translating Skills 不定式和分詞作狀語的翻譯
  Reading Material Mathematical Systems & Control Theory(MSCT)
Lesson 8 Introduction to System Modeling
  Translation Skill』it 結構的翻譯
  Reading Material  Introductions to SCADA
Lesson 9 The Position-Control SystemsS
  Translating Skills詞性的轉換
  Reading Material'What is a Servo
Lesson 10 Design and Compensation Techniques
  Translating Skills詞量的增減
  Reading Material Motion Control
Lesson 11 Introductions To Sensors
  Translating Skills 英漢語序的對比及翻譯
  Reading Material Integrated Supervisory
  Control System for GuangZhou-FoShan Line
Lesson 12Introductions to PID Controllers
  Translating Skills 句子成分的轉換
  Reading Material Tuning a PID(Three Mode) Controller
Lesson 13 Process Control System
  Translating Skills 狀語從句的翻譯
  Reading Material GE Intelligent Platforms
Lesson 14 Introductions to PLC
  Translating Skills 定語從句及同位語從句的翻譯
  Reading Material Programmable
  Automation Controller
Lesson 15 Microcontroller and Its Application
  Translating Skills 否定句的譯法
  Reading Material Embedded System
Lesson 16 Power Electronics
  Translating Skills 被動語態的翻譯

  Reading Material Solid-state Devices
Lesson 17 Motor Starting and Braking Systems
  Translating Skills 分譯與合譯
  Reading Material Forward and Reverse Control
Lesson 18 The Three-phase Induction Motors
  Translating Skills 長句的譯法
  Reading Material DC Motors
Lesson 19 Transformers
  Writing Skills 英語科技論文寫作
  Reading Material Inverter applications
Lesson 20 Transmission of Electrical Energy
  Oral Skills 國際學術會議常用英語口語表達
  Reading MaterialSmart Grid
附錄A 國際單位制(SI)
附錄B 單位換算
附錄C 度量衡比較表
附錄D 希臘字母表
附錄E 常用拉丁文縮寫詞
附錄F 常用符號及數學表達
附錄G 常用專業辭彙表
附錄H 中英文課程對照
附錄I 課文參考翻譯

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