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  • 作者:(德)庫爾特·庫格勒//張作義|責編:孫亞楠
  • 出版社:清華大學
  • ISBN:9787302631293
  • 出版日期:2023/11/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:1102
人民幣:RMB 468 元      售價:



1 Aspects of energy economy
  1.1  Importance of energy supply
  1.2  Development in the past and status of world energy economy
  1.3  Prognosis on energy demand
  1.4  Energy reserves and resources
  1.5  Aspects of future worldwide energy supply
  1.6  Aspects of nuclear energy for the future world energy cconomy
  1.7  Nuclear energy for the market of electrical energy
  1.8  Some aspects regarding the application of nucicar energy in the non-electric energy market
  1.9  Some further aspects of future energy supply
  1.10  Some aspects of process analysis in the field of energy technology
2 Processes of nuclear heat application
  2.1  Overview over possible processes
  2.2  Nuclear reactors for process heat application
  2.3  Process steam production
    2.3.1  Overview over possiblc processes
    2.3.2  Cogeneration processes using steam turbines
    2.3.3  Cogeneration processes using gas turbines
  2.4  Applications of process steam
    2.4.1  Overview
    2.4.2  Energy supply by district heat systems
    2.4.3  Process heat for sea water desalination
    2.4.4  Process steam for enhanced oil recovery
    2.4.5  Process steam application in refineries
    2.4.6  Energy supply in chemical industrial complexes
    2.4.7  Use of process steam for the gasification of carbon containing fuels
  2.5  Steam gasification of coal using high temperature nuclear heat
    2.5.1  General overview
    2.5.2  Use of nuclear heat for steam gasification
    2.5.3  Some aspects of use of steam gasification processes
  2.6  Steam reforming of methane
    2.6.1  General overview
    2.6.2  Use of nuclear heat for the steam reforming process
  2.7  Applications of the steam reforming process
    2.7.1  Overview over different possible processes
    2.7.2  Hydrogasification of coal
    2.7.3  Hydrocracking of heavy oil fractions
    2.7.4  Hydrogenation of coal
    2.7.5  Direct reduction of iron ore
    2.7.6  Long distance energy transport
  2.8  Production of oil from oil shale and oil sand
  2.9  Production of olefins from gasoline by steam cracking
  2.10  Production of hydrogen using nuclear heat
    2.10.1  Overview on hydrogen production processes
    2.10.2  Electrolysis of water by low temperature processes
    2.10.3  Electrolysis of water by high temperature processes
    2.10.4  Hydrogen production by thermo-chemical processes of water splitting
    2.10.5  Safety aspects of hydrogen application
  2.11  Usc of nuclear process heat for special industrial processes

    2.11.1  Production of aluminum
    2.11.2  Generation of hot air and application in different industrial processes
    2.11.3  Production of cement
    2.11.4  Production of ceramic materials
    2.11.5  Sintering of iron ore and forming of iron oxide pellets
  2.12  Combined processes for electricity production and cogeneration using IHX-systems
  2.13  Some aspects of analysis of processes
3 Concept of a VHTR (Very High Temperature Reactor)
  3.1  Principle overview on plant
  3.2  Fuel clements for the generation of high hclium temperatures
  3.3  Layout of core and core structure for very high temperatures
  3.4  Shut down system
  3.5  Fuel element handling system
  3.6  Primary hot gas duct
  3.7  Primary enclosure
  3.8  Primary helium circulator
  3.9  Reactor building
  3.10  Helium purification plant
  3.11  Decay heat removal
  3.12  Heat exchanging system of a VHTR-plant
  3.13  Intermediate storage of spent fuel clements on site of reactor
  3.14  Overview on safety aspeets of a VHTR
  3.15  Alternative technical solution for a future VHTR-plant
4 Experiences and special aspects of modular high temperature reactors at very high temperatures
  4.1  Overview on some questions according to VHTR-systems
5 Intermediate heat exchangers
6 Components of IHX-circuit
7 Helium Heated Steam Reformers
8 Steam gasification of coal
9 High temperature alloys
10 Aspects of coupling a VHTR with a chemical plant
11 Special safety aspects of nuclear process heat plants
12 Experiences in the field of helium technology
13 Experiences with combined processes
14 Environmental aspects
15 Economic conditions
16 Further possibilities for use of process heat technologies
Appendix 1 Acknowledge to the development of nuclear process heat in Germany
Appendix 2 List of names of contributors to the development of nuclear process heat in Germany

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