Chapter 1 Introducing C 1.1 Why programming is important 1.2 Why C 1.3 History of C 1.4 Strengths and Weaknesses of C 1.5 How to learn C? 1.5.1 Code::Blocks 1.5.2 XCODE 1.5.3 online compiler 1.5.4 How to sign in to ICOURSE (MOOC) and XUETANG 1.5.5 Can』t find GNU GCC Compiler 1.5.6 I can』t debug Quiz 1 Chapter 2 Data Types and Expressions 2.1 The General Form of a Simple Program 2.2.1 The General Form 2.2.2 Variables and Assignment 2.2 Character set and Keywords 2.2.1 Character set 2.2.2 Keywords 2.2.3 Identifiers 2.3 Data Types 2.3.1 integer types 2.3.2 floating types 2.3.3 Character types 2.3.4 void type 2.3.5 Variables 2.4 Constants and Variables 2.4.1 Constants 2.5 Operators and Expressions 2.5.1 Arithmetic Operators 2.5.2 Assignment Operators 2.5.3 Increment and Decrement Operators 2.5.4 The sizeof Operator 2.5.5 The Comma Operator 2.5.6 The conditional operator 2.5.7 Bitwise Operators 2.5.8 Expression Statement 2.5.9 Type Conversion Quiz 2 Chapter 3 Program control structure 3.1 Statement 3.2 Input and output 3.2.1 Single Character Input/output 3.2.2 Formatted Input and Output 3.2 The scanf Function 3.3 The sequence structure 3.4 The selection structure 3.4.1 Relational Expressions 3.4.2 Logical Expressions
3.4.3 The if Statement 3.4.5 The switch Statement 3.5 The loop structure 3.5.1 While loop 3.5.2 do while loop 3.5.3 for loop 3.5.4 Exiting from a Loop Quiz 3 Chapter 4 The Preprocessor 4.1 Preprocessor Directives 4.2 Macro Definitions 4.3 File Inclusion Quiz 4 Answer 4 Chapter 5 Arrays 5.1 One-Dimensional Arrays 5.1.1 The declaration of a one-dimensional array 5.1.2 Access array elements 5.1.3 Index 5.1.4 Initialization 5.1.5 Variable-Length Arrays 5.2 Multidimensional Arrays 5.2.1 Declaration of a two-dimensional array 5.2.2 Variable-Length 2D arrays 5.2.3 Initializing a 2D Array 5.2.4 Application of the 2D Array Quiz 5 Answer Chapter 6 Functions 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Defining and Calling Functions 6.3 Arguments 6.4 The return Statement 6.5 Declaration 6.6 Array arguments 6.7 Recursion 6.8 Sort algorithm 6.9 Program Organization 6.9.1 Scope 6.9.2 Local variables and Global variables Quiz 6 Answer Chapter 7 Pointers 7.1 Pointer Variables 7.2 The Address and Indirection Operators 7.3 Pointers as Arguments 7.4 Pointers as Return Values 7.5 Using Pointers for Array 7.6 Array Arguments 7.9 Pointers and Multidimensional Arrays
7.10 Pointers to Functions Quiz 7 Answer Chapter 8 Strings 8.1 String Constants and Variables 8.1.1 String Constants 8.1.2 String Variables 8.2 Reading and Writing Strings 8.2.1 Writing Strings 8.2.2 Reading Strings 8.3 Accessing the Characters in a String 8.4 Using the C String Library 8.4.1 strcpy and strncpy 8.4.2 strlen 8.4.3 strcat and strncat 8.4.4 strcmp 8.5 sprintf and sscanf 8.6 Array of Strings 8.7 Array of Pointers to Strings Quiz 8 Answer Chapter 9 Structures, Unions, and Enumerations 9.1 Structure Variables 9.1.1 Structure Variables 9.1.2 Structures as Arguments and Return Values 9.1.3 Arrays of Structures 9.1.4 Pointers to structs 9.2 Unions 9.3 Enumerations Quiz 9 Answer Chapter 10 LinkedList 10.1 Introduction 10.3 creating a linked list 10.4 Insert a node 10.5 Search a node 10.6 delete a node Chapter 11 Files 11.1 Streams 11.2 File Operations 11.2.1 Openin 11.2.2 Closing a File 11.2.3 Remove and Rename Functions 11.2.4 Detecting End-of-File and Error Conditions 11.3 Input/Output Operation on File 11.3.1 Character Input/Output Functions 11.3.2 Line Input/Output Functions 11.3.3 Formatted Input/Output Functions 11.3.4 Block Input/Output Functions 11.4 File Position