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  • 作者:(波蘭)巴特洛梅耶·普洛特卡|責編:張燁
  • 出版社:東南大學
  • ISBN:9787576606591
  • 出版日期:2023/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:476
人民幣:RMB 128 元      售價:

    ·應用go test、pprof、benchstat和k6等工具創建可靠的微觀和宏觀基準

    巴特洛梅耶·普洛特卡(Bartlomiej Ptotka)是Red Hat的首席軟體工程師,擁有可觀測性和SRE方面的專業背景。他是CNCF大使、TAG可觀測性技術負責人以及Thanos項目的聯合創始人。此外,他還是包括Prometheus和bingo在內的開源Go項目的核心維護者。

1. Software Efficiency Matters
  Behind Performance
  Common Efficiency Misconceptions
    Optimized Code Is Not Readable
    You Aren't Going to Need It
    Hardware Is Getting Faster and Cheaper
    We Can Scale Horizontally Instead
    Time to Market Is More Important
  The Key to Pragmatic Code Performance
2. Efficient Introduction to Go
  Basics You Should Know About Go
    Imperative, Compiled, and Statically Typed Language
    Designed to Improve Serious Codebases
    Governed by Google, Yet Open Source
    Simplicity, Safety, and Readability Are Paramount
    Packaging and Modules
    Dependencies Transparency by Default
    Consistent Tooling
    Single Way of Handling Errors
    Strong Ecosystem
    Unused Import or Variable Causes Build Error
    Unit Testing and Table Tests
  Advanced Language Elements
    Code Documentation as a First Citizen
    Backward Compatibility and Portability
    Go Runtime
    Object-Oriented Programming
  Is Go "Fast"?
3. Conquering Efficiency
  Beyond Waste, Optimization Is a Zero-Sum Game
    Reasonable Optimizations
    Deliberate Optimizations
  Optimization Challenges
  Understand Your Goals
    Efficiency Requirements Should Be Formalized
    Resource-Aware Efficiency Requirements
    Acquiring and Assessing Efficiency Goals
    Example of Defining RAER
  Got an Efficiency Problem? Keep Calm!
  Optimization Design Levels
  Efficiency-Aware Development Flow
    Functionality Phase
    Efficiency Phase
4. How Go Uses the CPU Resource (or Two)
  CPU in a Modern Computer Architecture

  Understanding Go Compiler
  CPU and Memory Wall Problem
    Hierachical Cache System
    Pipelining and Out-of-Order Execution
    Operating System Scheduler
    Go Runtime Scheduler
  When to Use Concurrency
5. How Go Uses Memory Resource
  Memory Relevance
  Do We Have a Memory Problem?
  Physical Memory
  OS Memory Management
    Virtual Memory
    mmap Syscall
    OS Memory Mapping
  Go Memory Management
    Values, Pointers, and Memory Blocks
    Go Allocator
    Garbage Collection
6. Efficiency Observability
  Example: Instrumenting for Latency
  Efficiency Metrics Semantics
    CPU Usage
    Memory Usage
7. Data-Driven Efficiency Assessment
  Complexity Analysis
    "Estimated" Efficiency Complexity
    Asymptotic Complexity with Big 0 Notation
    Practical Applications
  The Art of Benchmarking
    Comparison to Functional Testing
    Benchmarks Lie
  Reliability of Experiments
    Human Errors
    Reproducing Production
    Performance Nondeterminism
  Benchmarking Levels
    Benchmarking in Production

    What Level Should You Use?
8. Benchmarking
    Go Benchmarks
    Understanding the Results
  Tips and Tricks for Microbenchmarking
    Too-High Variance
    Find Your Workflow
    Test Your Benchmark for Correctness!
    Sharing Benchmarks with the Team (and Your Future Self)
    Running Benchmarks for Different Inputs
    Microbenchmarks Versus Memory Management
    Compiler Optimizations Versus Benchmark
    Go e2e Framework
    Understanding Results and Observations
    Common Macrobenchmarking Workflows
9. Data-Driven Bottleneck Analysis
  Root Cause Analysis, but for Efficiency
  Profiling in Go
    pprof Format
    go tool pprof Reports
  Capturing the Profiling Signal
  Common Profile Instrumentation
    Off-CPU Time
  Tips and Tricks
    Sharing Profiles
    Continuous Profiling
    Comparing and Aggregating Profiles
10. Optimization Examples
  Sum Examples
  Optimizing Latency
    Optimizing bytes.Split
    Optimizing runtime.slicebytetostring
    Optimizing strconv.Parse
  Optimizing Memory Usage
    Moving to Streaming Algorithm
    Optimizing bufio.Scanner
  Optimizing Latency Using Concurrency
    A Naive Concurrency
    A Worker Approach with Distribution
    A Worker Approach Without Coordination (Sharding)

    A Streamed, Sharded Worker Approach
  Bonus: Thinking Out of the Box
11. Optimization Patterns
  Common Patterns
    Do Less Work
    Trading Functionality for Efficiency
    Trading Space for Time
    Trading Time for Space
  The Three Rs Optimization Method
    Reduce Allocations
    Reuse Memory
  Don't Leak Resources
    Control the Lifecycle of Your Goroutines
    Reliably Close Things
    Exhaust Things
  Pre-Allocate If You Can
  Overusing Memory with Arrays
  Memory Reuse and Pooling
  Next Steps
A.  Latencies for Napkin Math Calculations

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