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Scikit-Learn Keras和TensorFlow的機器學習實用指南(影印版上下第3版)(英文版)

  • 作者:(法)奧雷利安·吉翁|責編:張燁
  • 出版社:東南大學
  • ISBN:9787576605945
  • 出版日期:2023/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:834
人民幣:RMB 199 元      售價:

    在更新的第3版中,作者Aur?lien G?ron探究了一系列技術,從簡單的線性回歸開始,逐步推進到深度神經網路。書中的大量代碼示例和練習有助於你學以致用。你需要具備一定的編程經驗。

    奧雷利安·吉翁是一名機器學習顧問。作為一名前Google職員,在2013至2016年間,他領導了YouTube視頻分類團隊。在2002至2012年間,他是法國主要的無線ISP Wifirst的創始人和CT0,在2001年他還是Polyconseil的創始人和CT0,這家公司現在管理著電動汽車共享服務Autolib。

Part Ⅰ.The Fundamentals of Machine Learning
1.TheMachine Learning Landscape
  What Is Machine Learning
  Whr Use Machine Learning
  Examples of Applications
  Types of Machine Learning Systems
  Training Supervision
  Batch Versus Online Learning
  Instance Based Versus Model Based Learning
  Main Challenges of Machine Learning
  Insufficient Quantity of Training Data
  NonrepresentatiVe Training Data
  Poor-Quality Data
  Irrelevant Features
  Overfitting the Training Data
  Underfitting the Training Data
  Stepping Back
  Testing and Validating
  Hyperparameter Tuning and Model Selection
  Data Mismatch
2.End-to-End Machine Learning Project
  Working with Real Data
  Look at the Big Picture
  Frame the Problem
  Select a Performance Measure
  Check the Assumptions
  Get the Data
  Running the Code Examples Using Google Colab
  Saving Your Code Changes and Your Data
  The Power and Danger of Interactivity
  Book Code Versus Notebook Code
  Download the Data
  Take a Quick Look at the Data Structure
  Create a 11est Set
  Explore and Visualize the Data to Gain Insights
  Visualizing Geographical Data
  Look for Correlations
  Experiment with Attribute Combinations
  Prepare the Data for Machine Learning Algorithms
  Clean the Data
  Handling Text and Categorical Attributes
  Feature Scaling and Transformation
  Custom Transformers
  Transformation Pipelines
  Select and Train a Model
  Train and Evaluate on the Training Set
  Better Evaluation Using Cross-Validation
  Fine-Tune Your Model

  Grid Search
  Randomized Search
  Ensemble Methods
  Analyzing the Best Models and Their Errors
  Evaluate Your System on the Test Set
  Launch,Monitor,and Maintain Your System
  Training a Binary Classifier
  Performance Measures
  Measuring Accuracy Using Cross-Validation
  Confusion Matrices
  Precision and Recall
  The Precision/Recall Trade-off
  The ROC Curve
  Multiclass Classification
  Error Analysis
  Multilabel Classification
  Multioutput Classification
Part Ⅱ Neural Networks and Deep Learning
A.Machine Learning Project Checklist
C.SpecialData Structures

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