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  • 作者:(美)韋斯·麥金尼|責編:張燁
  • 出版社:東南大學
  • ISBN:9787576602500
  • 出版日期:2023/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:561
人民幣:RMB 148 元      售價:

    本書由Python pandas項目創始人Wes McKinney親筆撰寫,詳細介紹利用Python進行操作、處理、清洗和規整數據等方面的具體細節和基本要點。你將在閱讀過程中學習到新版本的pandas、NumPy、IPython和Jupyter。
    本書由Wes McKinney創作,他是Python pandas項目的創始人。本書是對Python數據科學工具的實操化、現代化的介紹,非常適合剛學Python的數據分析師或剛學數據科學以及科學計算的Python編程者。數據文件和相關的材料可以在GitHub上找到:使用IPython shell和Jupyter notebook進行探索性計算;學習NumPy(Numerical Python)的基礎和高級特性;入門pandas庫中的數據分析工具;使用靈活工具對數據進行載入、清洗、變換、合併和重塑;使用matplotlib創建富含信息的可視化;將pandas的groupby功能應用於對數據集的切片、分塊和匯總;分析並操作規則和不規則的時間序列數據;利用完整的、詳細的示例學習如何解決現實中數據分析問題。


  1.1  What Is This Book About
    What Kinds of Data
  1.2  Whv Python for Data Analysis
    Python as Glue
    Solving the Two—Language Problem
    WhvNot Python
  1.3  Essential Python Libraries
    IPython and Iupyter
    Other Packages
  1.4  Installation and Setup
    Miniconda on Windows
    Miniconda on macOS
    Installing Necessary Packages
    Integrated Development Environments and Text Editors
  1.5  Community and Conferences
  1.6  Navigating This Book
    Code Examples
    Data for Examples
    Import Conventions
2.Python Language Basics,IPython,and Jupyter Notebooks
  2.1  The Python Interpreter
  2.2  IPython Basics
    Running the IPython Shell
    Running the Jupyter Notebook
    Tab Completion
  2.3  Python Language Basics
    Language Semantics
    Control Flow
  2.4  Conclusion
3.Built.In Data Structures,Functions,and Files
  3.1  Data Structures and Sequences
    Built—In Sequence Functions
    List,Set,and Dictionary Comprehensions
  3.2  Functions
    Namespaces,Scope,and Local Functions

    Returning Multiple Values
    Functions Are Objects
    Errors and Exception Handling
  3.3  Files and the Operating System
    Bytes and Unicode with Files
  3.4  Conclusion
4.NumPy Basic:Arrays and Vectorized Computation
  4.1  The NumPy ndarray:A Multidimensional Array Object
    Creating ndarrays
    Arithmetic with NumPy Arrays
    Basic Indexing and Slicing
    Boolean Indexing
    Fancy Indexing
    Transposing Arrays and Swapping Axes
  4.2  Pseudorandom Number Generation
  4.3  Universal Functions:Fast Element—Wise Array Functions
  4.4  Array—Oriented Programming with Arrays
    Expressing Conditional Logic as Array Operations
    Mathematical and Statistical Methods
    Methods for Boolean Arrays
    Unique and Other Set Logic
  4.5  File Input and Output with Arrays
  4.6  Linear Algebra
  4.7  Example:Random Walks
    Simulating Many Random Walks at Once
  4.8  Conclusion
5.Getting Startedwith pandas
  5.1  Introduction to pandas Data Structures
    Index Objects
  5.2  Essential Functionality
    Dropping Entries from an Axis
    Indexing,Selection,and Filtering
    Arithmetic and Data Alignment
    Function Application and Mapping
    Sorting and Ranking
    Axis Indexes with Duplicate Labels
  5.3  Summarizing and Computing Descriptive Statistics
    Correlation and C:ovariance
    Unique Values,Value Counts,and Membership
  5.4  Conclusion
6.Data Loading,Storage,and File Formats
  6.1  Reading and Writing Data in Text Format
    Reading Text Files in Pieces

    WiRing Data to Text Format
    Working with Other Delimited Formats
    TSON Data
    XML and HTML:Wleb Scraping
  6.2  Binary Data Formats
    Reading Microsoft Excel Files
    Using HDF5 Format
  6.3  Interacting with Web APIs
  6.4  Interacting with Databases
  6.5  Conclusion
7.DataCleaningand Preparation
8.Data Wrangling:Join,Combine,and Reshape
9.Plotting andVisualization
10.Data Aggregation and Group Operations
12.Introduction to Modeling Libraries in Python
13.DataAnalysis Examples
B.MoreontheIPython System

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