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  • 作者:編者:盧川英//邵奎燕|責編:李紅
  • 出版社:大連理工大學
  • ISBN:9787568535540
  • 出版日期:2022/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:225
人民幣:RMB 49.8 元      售價:



Project One Assembling Computers
  Part A Theoretical Learning
    Skill One: A Short Introduction to Computers
    Skill Two: How Does a Computer Work
    Fast Reading One: Input / Output System
    Fast Reading Two: History of the ENIAC
  Part B Practical Learning
    Task One: Name the Computer Hardware Devices
    Task Two: Computer Assembly and CMOS Setup
  Part C Occupation English: An Introduction to Computers for Customers
Project Two Installing the Software
  Part A Theoretical Learning
    Skill One: System Software - OS
    Skill Two: Application Software - OA
    Fast Reading One: Computer Development
    Fast Reading Two: Linux
  Part B Practical Learning
    Task One: Download the Software (Windows 7 and Application Software)
    from the Internet
    Task Two: Install the Software
  Part C Occupation English: Installing Operating System
Project Three LAN Setup and Connecting It to the Internet
  Part A Theoretical Learning
    Skill One: Foundation of Network
    Skill Two: Network Devices
    Fast Reading One: TCP/IP Protocols
    Fast Reading Two: Windows Network Projector Overview
  Part B Practical Learning
    Task One: Connect the Computer to the Internet
    Task Two: Construct LAN in English Environment
  Part C Occupation English: How to Make Effective Use of E-learning
Project Four Information Query and Analysis
  Part A Theoretical Learning
    Skill One: Big Data
    Skill Two: Cloud Computing
    Fast Reading One: Information Retrieval
    Fast Reading Two: The Structure of BigData
  Part B Practical Learning
    Task One: Inquire Information on the Internet
    Task Two: Choose Useful Information
  Part C Occupation English: How to Search Information Efficiently
Project Five Designing Online Stores
  Part A Theoretical Learning
    Skill One: A Short Introduction to the Internet
    Skill Two: Website Design
    Fast Reading One: The Advancement of the Computer
    Fast Reading Two: Storage Devices
  Part B Practical Learning
    Task One: Collect the Necessary Data

    Task Two: Design the Online Store
  Part C Occupation English: How to Design a Website
Project Six Creating Database
  Part A Theoretical Learning
    Skill One: Foundation of Database
    Skill Two: Database model
    Fast Reading One: Database Management System
    Fast Reading Two: Database Security
  Part B Practical Learning
    Task One: Screening the Information of Goods and learning Website Design
    Task Two: Create Database for the Goods
  Part C Occupation English: How to Install a Database
Project Seven Online Shopping Mall's Security
  Part A Theoretical Learning
    Skill One: Computer Virus
    Skill Two: Computer System Security Measures
    Fast Reading One: A Brief Introduction to Firewalls
    Fast Reading Two: Firewall Techniques
  Part B Practical Learning
    Task One: Discuss Potential Security Issues
    Task Two: Set Up Security Measures for the Store
  Part C Occupation English: Network Security
Project Eight Let the Students Trade Online
  Part A Theoretical Learning
    Skill One: E-Commerce
    Skill Two: Online shopping
    Fast Reading One: An Introduction to Programming Languages
    Fast Reading Two: Safe Shopping Online
  Part B Practical Learning
    Task One: Discuss the Differences Between Buyer and Seller
    Task Two: Trade Online
  Part C Occupation English: Discussion on E-commerce
Project Nine Order Tracking
  Part A Theoretical Learning
    Skill One: Internet of things
    Skill Two: 5G
    Fast Reading One: Application of Internet of Things
    Fast Reading Two: Enabling Technologies for LoT
  Part B Practical learning
    Task One: Students Complete an Online Shopping Transaction
    Task Two: Order tracking
  Part C Occupation English: Interview
Project Ten Artificial Intelligence
  Part A Theoretical Learning
    Skill One: A short introduction of artificial intelligence
    Skill Two: The Applications of Artificial Intelligence
    Fast Reading One: The Approaches of Artificial Intelligence
    Fast Reading Two: The Tools of Artificial Intelligence
  Part B Practical Learning
    Task One: Search for Cases of Artificial Intelligence on the Internet

    Task Two: Complete an Application Related to Artificial Intelligence
  Part C Occupation English: Intelligent Car

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