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  • 作者:編者:方惠忠|責編:唐爽
  • 出版社:大連理工大學
  • ISBN:9787568529006
  • 出版日期:2021/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:238
人民幣:RMB 48.8 元      售價:



Chapter One Electrotechnics,Electronics and Components
  Unit One Analog and Digital Circuits
    Text A Parking Aid
    Text B Digital Step-km Counter
    Text C The Wheatstone Bridge
  Unit Two  Sensors and Measurement
    Text A Inductive Displacement Sensors
    Text B Measurement.Instrument and Sensors
    Text C Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit
  Unit Three  MicrOcOntrOller
    Text A Microcontroller and Its Application
    Text B Introduction to MCS
    Text C Introduction to DSP
Chapter Two  Electrotechnics,Machinery and Apparatus
  Unit Four Motor and Its Applications
    Text A Principle of Operation of an Induction Machine
    Text B LIM in the Maglev Vehicle
    Text C DC Motor
  Unit Five Switch Electric Appliance
    Text A Principles and Applications of Circuit Breakers
    Text B Vacuum Circuit Breaker
    Text C History of SF6 Circuit Breaker
  Unit Six Programmable Logic Controller
    Text A An Example of PLC』S Application
    Text B Features and PrOgramming of PLC
    Text C Development of PLC
Chapter Three  Electric Automation System
  Unit Seven  Factory Supply and Distribution System
    Text A Introduction to Electric Power System
    Text B Distribution Automation System(DAS)
    Text C Smart Grid
  Unit Eight  Factory Automation Monitoring System
    Text A What Is Industrial Automation
    Text B What Is Automated Assembly
    Text C What Happens on a Car Assembly Line
  Unit Nine  Building Automation System
    Text A What Are Building Automation Systems
    Text B Key Elements in Intelligent Buildings
    Text C The Three Dimensions of Intelligent Cities
  Unit Ten Distributed Control System
    Text A Introduction to Distributed Control System
    Text B Application of DCS in Electric Power System
    Text C Wireless Sensor Network
Appendix  電氣自動化專業常用英語縮略語

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