幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:周焰//黎慧|責編:王漢江
  • 出版社:華中科技大學
  • ISBN:9787568086233
  • 出版日期:2022/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:242
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:



第1章  概述1
Chapter 1 Outline
  1.1  引言1
  1.1  Introduction
  1.2  雷達網信息處理中的基本概念
  1.2  Basic Concepts of Radar Net Information Processing
    1.2.1  雷達信息
    1.2.1  Radar Information
    1.2.2  量測
    1.2.2  Measurement
    1.2.3  航跡3
    1.2.3  Track
  1.3  雷達網信息處理過程
  1.3  Flow of Radar Net Information Processing
    1.3.1  雷達站的處理
    1.3.1  Processing at Radar Station
    1.3.2  處理中心的處理
    1.3.2  Processing at Information Processing Center
  1.4  雷達網信息處理的相關技術
  1.4  Related Techniques of Radar Net Information Processing
    1.4.1  雷達網布站技術
    1.4.1  Technique of Radar Net Deployment
    1.4.2  數據預處理技術
    1.4.2  Technique of Data Pre?procession
    1.4.3  數據關聯技術
    1.4.3  Technique of Data Association
    1.4.4  航跡起始技術
    1.4.4  Technique of Track Initiation
    1.4.5  跟蹤濾波技術
    1.4.5  Technique of Tracking and Filtering
    1.4.6  點跡融合與航跡融合技術
    1.4.6  Technique of Measurement Fusion and Track Fusion
    1.4.7  目標身份識別技術
    1.4.7  Technique of Target Identification
  1.5  小結
  1.5  Summary
第2章  雷達數據處理
Chapter 2Radar Data Processing
  2.1  雷達數據處理的目的和意義
  2.1  Purpose and Meaning of Radar Data Processing
  2.2  雷達數據處理的過程
  2.2  Course of Radar Data Processing
    2.2.1  點跡預處理
    2.2.1  Measurement Pre?prcession
    2.2.2  數據互聯
    2.2.2  Data Association
    2.2.3  波門選擇
    2.2.3  Wave-gate Choice

    2.2.4  航跡起始與終止
    2.2.4  Track Initiation and Termination
    2.2.5  跟蹤濾波
    2.2.5  Tracking and Filtering
    2.2.6  航跡管理
    2.2.6  Track Management
  2.3  航跡起始
  2.3  Track Initiation
    2.3.1  航跡起始的原理
    2.3.1  Principle of Track Initiation
    2.3.2  航跡起始的方法
    2.3.2  Approaches of Track Initiation
    2.3.3  航跡起始性能的主要指標
    2.3.3  Performance Indexes of Track Initiation
  2.4  點跡-航跡關聯
  2.4  Measurement-to-track Association
    2.4.1  點跡-航跡關聯的原理
    2.4.1  Principle of Measurement-to-track Association
    2.4.2  點跡-航跡關聯的方法
    2.4.2  Approaches of Measurement-to-track Association
  2.5  波門選擇
  2.5  Choice of Wave?gate
    2.5.1  波門的形狀
    2.5.1  Wave-gate Shape
    2.5.2  波門的類型
    2.5.2  Wave-gate Type
    2.5.3  波門的尺寸
    2.5.3  Wave-gate Size
    2.5.4  波門尺寸的自適應調整
    2.5.4  Adapted Adjustment of Wave-gate Size
  2.6  實驗:航跡起始
  2.6  Experiment of Track Initiation
  2.7  實驗:點跡-航跡關聯48
  2.7  Experiment of Measurement-to-Track Association
  2.8  小結
  2.8  Summary
第3章  跟蹤濾波
Chapter 3 Tracking and Filtering
  3.1  隨機估計理論
  3.1  Stochasitic Estimation Theory
    3.1.1  跟蹤濾波的過程
    3.1.1  Process of Tracking and Filtering
    3.1.2  隨機估計的基本概念
    3.1.2  Basic Concept of Stochasitic Estimation
    3.1.3  *小均方誤差估計
    3.1.3  Minimum Mean?Square Error Estimation
    3.1.4  遞推式濾波
    3.1.4  Recursive Filtering

  3.2  系統模型61
  3.2  System Model
    3.2.1  狀態方程
    3.2.1  State Equation
    3.2.2  量測方程
    3.2.2  Measurement Equation
  3.3  卡爾曼濾波器
  3.3  Kalman Filter
    3.3.1  濾波器模型
    3.3.1  Filter Model
    3.3.2  濾波器初始化
    3.3.2  Filter Initialization
    3.3.3  應用舉例
    3.3.3  Examples of Application
    3.3.4  使用中應注意的問題
    3.3.4  Issues that Should Be Cared in Use
  3.4  常增益濾波器
  3.4  Constant Gain Filter
    3.4.1  α-β濾波器
    3.4.1  α-β Filter
    3.4.2  α-β-γ濾波器
    3.4.2  α-β-γ Filter
    3.4.3  應用舉例
    3.4.3  Examples of Application
  3.5  機動目標跟蹤
  3.5  Maneuvering Target Tracking
    3.5.1  演算法分類
    3.5.1  Classifying of Algorithms
    3.5.2  基於機動檢測的跟蹤演算法
    3.5.2  Tracking Algorithm based on Maneuver Detection
  3.6  實驗:目標跟蹤
  3.6  Experiment of Target Tracking
  3.7  小結
  3.7  Summary
第4章  雷達網
Chapter 4 Radar Net
  4.1  雷達網的特點及分類
  4.1  Characteristics and Categories of Radar Net
    4.1.1  雷達網的特點91
    4.1.1  Characteristics of Radar Net
    4.1.2  雷達網的分類94
    4.1.2  Categories of Radar Net
  4.2  雷達網的探測範圍
  4.2  Detection Range of Radar Net
    4.2.1  雷達的探測範圍
    4.2.1  Radar Detection Range
    4.2.2  雷達網的探測範圍
    4.2.2  Radar Net Detection Range

  4.3  雷達網性能指標
  4.3  Performance Indexes of Radar Net
    4.3.1  責任區域
    4.3.1  Responsibility Zone
    4.3.2  覆蓋性能指標
    4.3.2  Coverage Rate
    4.3.3  抗干擾能力
    4.3.3  Anti-jamming Ability
  4.4  雷達網布站方法104
  4.4  Deployment of Radar Net
    4.4.1  根據無縫覆蓋原則進行布站105
    4.4.1  Deployment for Seamless Coverage
    4.4.2  從探測隱身目標出發進行布站109
    4.4.2  Deployment for Stealthy Target Detection
    4.4.3  從抗干擾原則出發進行布站110
    4.4.3  Deployment for Anti?jamming
    4.4.4  從對頂空補盲的原則出發確定布站110
    4.4.4  Deployment for Headspace Blind Zone Compensation
  4.5  雷達網信息處理方式111
  4.5  Processing Mode of Radar Net Information
    4.5.1  處理區域111
    4.5.1  Processing Area
    4.5.2  集中式處理113
    4.5.2  Centralized Processing
    4.5.3  分散式處理114
    4.5.3  Distributed Processing
    4.5.4  混合式處理115
    4.5.4  Hybird Processing
  4.6  小結115
  4.6  Summary
第5章  雷達網信息預處理
Chapter 5 Radar Net Information Preprocessing
  5.1  格式排錯
  5.1  Format Check
    5.1.1  雷達信息報文格式
    5.1.1  Radar Message Format
    5.1.2  信息格式排錯
    5.1.2  Message Format Check
  5.2  誤差配准
  5.2  Error Registration
    5.2.1  系統誤差產生的原因
    5.2.1  Causes of Systematic Error
    5.2.2  系統誤差的配准方法
    5.2.2  Approaches of Systematic Error Registration
  5.3  時間統一
  5.3  Time Unification
    5.3.1  時間基準統一
    5.3.1  Timing Reference Calibration

    5.3.2  航跡點時間統一
    5.3.2  Track Time?aligment
  5.4  坐標變換
  5.4  Coordinate Transformation
    5.4.1  常用坐標系
    5.4.1  Common Coordinate Systems
    5.4.2  常用坐標系之間的轉換
    5.4.2  Transformation of Common Coordinate System
  5.5  實驗:坐標變換
  5.5  Experiment of Coordinate Transformation
  5.6  小結
  5.6  Summary
第6章  雷達網集中式信息處理
Chapter 6 Centralized Information Processing of Radar Net
  6.1  處理流程
  6.1  Processing Flow
  6.2  平均處理周期
  6.2  Average Processing Cycle
  6.3  多雷達目標點跡串列合併
  6.3  Multi-radar Target Measurement Serial Merging
  6.4  多雷達目標跟蹤濾波
  6.4  Multi-radar Target Tracking and Filtering
    6.4.1  並行濾波
    6.4.1  Parallel Filtering
    6.4.2  序貫濾波
    6.4.2  Serial Filtering
    6.4.3  壓縮濾波
    6.4.3  Compressed Filtering
  6.5  數據編排
  6.5  Data Arrangement
  6.6  實驗:多雷達集中式融合跟蹤
  6.6  Experiment of Multi?radar Centralized Fusion Tracking
  6.7  小結
  6.7  Summary
第7章  雷達網分散式信息處理
Chapter 7 Information Distributed Processing of Radar Net
  7.1  處理流程
  7.1  Processing Flow
  7.2  航跡相關處理
  7.2  Track Correlation Processing
    7.2.1  航跡的粗相關
    7.2.1  Track Rough Correlation
    7.2.2  航跡的精相關
    7.2.2  Track Fine Correlation
    7.2.3  航跡的相關驗證
    7.2.3  Verification of Track Correlation

  7.3  航跡融合處理
  7.3  Track Fusion Processing
    7.3.1  航跡融合結構
    7.3.1  Track Fusion Architecture
    7.3.2  航跡融合演算法
    7.3.2  Track Fusion Algorithms
  7.4  航跡其他處理
  7.4  Additional Processing of Track
    7.4.1  航跡跨區處理
    7.4.1  Across?region Track Processing
    7.4.2  航跡定時整理
    7.4.2  Track Timed Arrangement
  7.5  實驗:航跡融合
  7.5  Experiment of Track Fusion
  7.6  小結
  7.6  Summary
第8章  目標身份識別
Chapter 8 Target Identification
  8.1  目標身份識別的內容
  8.1  Issues of Target Identification
  8.2  雷達信號特徵識別
  8.2  Identification Based on Radar Echo Signal
  8.3  敵我識別系統及二次雷達識別
  8.3  Identification Based on IFF and SSR
    8.3.1  敵我識別系統識別
    8.3.1  Identification Based on IFF
    8.3.2  二次雷達識別
    8.3.2  Identification Based on SSR
  8.4  基於飛行區域識別
  8.4  Identification Based on Flying Zone
    8.4.1  飛行活動區域識別
    8.4.1  Identification Based on Flight Area
    8.4.2  指定飛行區域識別
    8.4.2  Identification Based on Designated Flight Area
    8.4.3  空中走廊識別
    8.4.3  Identification Based on Air Lane
  8.5  基於飛行計劃識別
  8.5  Identification Based on Flight Plan
  8.6  目標識別處理流程
  8.6  Flow of Target Identification
  8.7  融合識別
  8.7  Fusion Identification
    8.7.1  目標融合識別層次
    8.7.1  Levels of Target Fusion Identification
    8.7.2  目標融合識別方法
    8.7.2  Methods of Target Fusion Identification
  8.8  小結
  8.8  Summary

附錄1 本書符號約定
Appendix I Symbolic Convention in This Book
附錄2 常用術語漢英對照
Appendix Ⅱ Chinese?English Comparison of Common Terms
附錄3 英文縮寫辭彙表
Appendix Ⅲ English Abbreviation Glossary

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