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  • 作者:編者:王志成//錢斌//劉冠鵬//張惠國|責編:萬才蘭
  • 出版社:蘇州大學
  • ISBN:9787567238886
  • 出版日期:2022/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:263
人民幣:RMB 56 元      售價:

    本書結合燃料電池的 發展概況,系統地介紹燃料電池種類和原理,燃料電池用氫能的制取、純化和儲存,以及燃料電池汽車等方面的知識,使讀者對燃料電池及其在汽車方面的應用有全面的認識。


Chapter 1 Fuel Cell Overview
  1.1  Working Principle of Fuel Cell
  1.2  Classificatioof Fuel Cell
  1.3  Development History of Fuel Cell
  1.4  Characteristics of Fuel Cell
  1.5  Applicatioof Fuel Cell
Chapter 2 Electrochemical Basis of Fuel Cell
  2.1  Fuel Cell Thermodynamics
    2.1.1  Relationship BetweeGibbs Free Energy and Electromotive Force of Cell
    2.1.2  Nernst Equation
    2.1.3  FC Efficiency
  2.2  Kiics of Electrode Process
    2.2.1  Faraday's Law and Electrochemical Process Rate
    2.2.2  Electrochemical ReactioRate
  2.3  Polarization
    2.3.1  Electrochemical Polarization
    2.3.2  ConcentratioPolarization
    2.3.3  Ohmic Polarization
  2.4  PolarizatioTest
Chapter 3 Fuel Cell Type
  3.1  ProtoExchange Membrane Fuel Cell
    3.1.1  Structure and Working Principle of PEMFC
    3.1.2  Development History of PEMFC
    3.1.3  MaiComponents of PEMFC
    3.1.4  Single Cell and Cell Stack of PEMFC
    3.1.5  Analysis of PEMFC Stack Failure
  3.2  Direct Methanol Fuel Cell
    3.2.1  Structure and Working Principle of DMFC
    3.2.2  Key Materials of DMFC
    3.2.3  Differences BetweeDMFC and PEMFC
    3.2.4  Esting Problems of DMFC
    3.2.5  Applicatioof DMFC
  3.3  Solid Ode Fuel Cell
    3.3.1  Structure and Working Principle of SOFC
    3.3.2  Development Overview of SOFC
    3.3.3  Key Materials of SOFC
    3.3.4  Development Trend of SOFC
    3.3.5  Problems of SOFC
    3.3.6  SOFC Stack
    3.3.7  High Power Density SOFC
  3.4  Alkaline Fuel Cell
    3.4.1  Structure and Working Principle of AFC
    3.4.2  Development Overview of AFC
    3.4.3  Key Materials of AFC
    3.4.4  Drainage of AFC
    3.4.5  Advantages and Disadvantages of AFC
    3.4.6  Single Cell and Cell Stack of AFC
  3.5  Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell

    3.5.1  Structure and Working Principle of PAFC
    3.5.2  Development Overview of PAFC
    3.5.3  PAFC Materials
    3.5.4  PAFC Stack
    3.5.5  Factors Affecting PAFC
    3.5.6  Factors Affecting Lifetime and Improvement Methods
    3.5.7  Advantages and Disadvantages of PAFC
  3.6  MolteCarbonate Fuel Cell
    3.6.1  Structure and Working Principle of MCFC
    3.6.2  Development Overview of MCFC
    3.6.3  Key Materials of MCFC
    3.6.4  Single Cell and Cell Stack of MCFC
    3.6.5  Impact from Operating Condition on MCFC Performance
    3.6.6  Advantages and Disadvantages of MCFC
Chapter 4  Preparation, Purification and Storage of Hydrogen Fuel for Fuel Cells
  4.1  Hydrogen Production
    4.1.1  Hydrogen Production from Fossil Energy
    4.1.2  Hydrogen Production by Water Electrolysis
    4.1.3  Hydrogen Production from Biomass
    4.1.4  Hydrogen Production from Hydronitrogen
    4.1.5  Hydrogen Production from Sodium Borohydride
  4.2  Hydrogen Purification
  4.3  Hydrogen Storage
    4.3.1  High-Pressure Gaseous Storage
    4.3.2  Low-Temperature Liquid Storage
    4.3.3  Hydrogen Storage in Metal Hydride
    4.3.4  Hydrogen Storage in New Carbon Materials
    4.3.5  Hydrogen Storage in Organic Liquid Hydride
    4.3.6  Other Hydrogen Storage Technologies
Chapter 5  Fuel Cell Vehicle
  5.1  Working Principle of Fuel Cell Vehicle
  5.2  Key Components of Fuel Cell Vehicle
    5.2.1  Fuel Cell Engine
    5.2.2  Power System
    5.2.3  Motor
    5.2.4  Electronic Control System
    5.2.5  Fuel System
    5.2.6  Safety System
  5.3  Key Technologies of Fuel Cell Vehicle
    5.3.1  Battery Technology
    5.3.2  Motor Technology
    5.3.3  Controller Technology
  5.4  PEMFC Electric Vehicle
    5.4.1  Development Overview
    5.4.2  R&D Direction and Problems to Be Solved
  5.5  SOFC Electric Vehicle
    5.5.1  Development Overview
    5.5.2  Challenges of SOFC Application to Vehicles

  5.6  Infrastructure Construction of Fuel Cell Vehicle
    5.6.1  Hydrogen Fueling Station
    5.6.2  Development Overview of Hydrogen Fueling Station

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