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  • 作者:宋斌//張志勇|責編:張海娜|總主編:塗序彥
  • 出版社:科學
  • ISBN:9787030674661
  • 出版日期:2022/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:157
人民幣:RMB 98 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  Research Background and Significance
  1.2  Overview of Facial Expression Recognition
  1.3  Research Status at Home and Abroad
    1.3.1  Typical Facial Expression Recognition Algorithms
    1.3.2  Existing Problems in Facial Expression Recognition
  1.4  Research Contents
Chapter 2  Color Constancy Algorithm for Color Image Under Complex Illumination Conditions
  2.1  Introduction
  2.2  Correction of Color Deviation
    2.2.1  LoG Chrominance Edge Extraction
    2.2.2  White Balance Adjustment
    2.2.3  Experimental Results and Analysis
  2.3  Luminance Enhancement
    2.3.1  Retinex Enhancement Algorithm
    2.3.2  Color Retention Enhancement Algorithm
    2.3.3  Experimental Results and Analysis
  2.4  Fractional Step Color Constancy Algorithm
  2.5  Summary of This Chapter
Chapter 3  Face Detection Algorithm with Multi-feature Fusion
  3.1  Introduction
  3.2  Skin Color Area Detection
    3.2.1  Common Color Space
    3.2.2  Skin Color Clustering Analysis
    3.2.3  Skin Color Area Detection Algorithm
  3.3  AdaBoost Face Detection Combined with Skin Color Features
    3.3.1  AdaBoost Algorithm
    3.3.2  AdaBoost Face Detection Algorithm Combined with Skin Color Features
  3.4  Face Authentication Based on Harris Corner Point Detection
    3.4.1  Principles for Harris Corner Point Detection
    3.4.2  Harris Corner Point Detection Algorithm
    3.4.3  Face Authentication Based on Harris Corner Point Detection
  3.5  Experimental Results and Analysis
  3.6  Summary of This Chapter
Chapter 4  Facial Features Location
  4.1  Introduction
  4.2  Eye Location Based on the Robustness of Illuminated Expression
    4.2.1  Multi-scale Self-quotient Image
    4.2.2  Rough Location of Morphological Filtering
    4.2.3  Precise Eye Location
    4.2.4  Experimental Results and Analysis
  4.3  Location System of Key Color Facial Feature Point
    4.3.1  Overview of the System
    4.3.2  Eyes Location
    4.3.3  Mouth Location
    4.3.4  Experimental Results and Analysis
  4.4  Summary of This Chapter
Chapter 5  Normalization of Facial Expression Image
  5.1  Introduction

  5.2  Rotation Normalization
  5.3  Size Normalization
  5.4  Illumination Normalization
  5.5  Experimental Results and Analysis
  5.6  Summary of This Chapter
Chapter 6  Extraction of Facial Expression Features
  6.1  Introduction
  6.2  Gabor Local Statistical Features
  6.3  LBP Features
    6.3.1  Basic LBP and Its Improvement
    6.3.2  Uniform LBP Algorithm
    6.3.3  Expression Features Extracted by LBP Histogram
  6.4  Summary of This Chapter
Chapter 7  Facial Expression Recognition Based on Supervised Orthogonal Locality Preserving Projection
  7.1  Introduction
  7.2  LPP Algorithm
    7.2.1  Laplacianface Algorithm
    7.2.2  Orthogonal Laplacianface Algorithm
  7.3  Expression Recognition with SOLPP
    7.3.1  LDA
    7.3.2  SOLPP
    7.3.3  Classification of Facial Expressions
  7.4  Experimental Results and Analysis
  7.5  Summary of This Chapter
Chapter 8  Conclusion and Future Works
  8.1  Conclusion
  8.2  Future Works

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