幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(美)哈亞·沙賈亞//艾哈邁德·阿卜杜勒哈迪//查爾斯·克蘭西|責編:陳亮//時悠
  • 出版社:世圖出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519283469
  • 出版日期:2022/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:185
人民幣:RMB 59 元      售價:



1  Introduction
  1.1  Motivation and Background
  1.2  Security and Performance Challenges in IoT Communications
    1.2.1  IoT Spectrum Sharing Systems
    1.2.2  Smart Grid Communications
    1.2.3  Uplink and Downlink Communications for IoT Applications
    1.2.4  M2M Communications
  1.3  Previous Studies in Performance and Security of IoT Communications
  1.4  Overview
  1.5  Book Organization
2  Secure IoT Spectrum Sharing System Leveraging Secure Spectrum Auctions
  2.1  Introduction
  2.2  System Model
    2.2.1  Spectrum Trading Architecture
    2.2.2  Spectrum Auction Model
  2.3  Design Considerations
    2.3.1  The Payment Method
    2.3.2  Desired Economic Auction Properties
    2.3.3  Design Challenges
  2.4  MTSSA: Secure Spectrum Auction Design
    2.4.1  Paillier Cryptosystem
    2.4.2  Frequency Bands Allocation Procedure
    2.4.3  Secure Spectrum Auction Using Paillier Cryptosystem
  2.5  Numerical Results and Analysis
    2.5.1  Performance Analysis
    2.5.2  MTSSA Security Analysis
    2.5.3  MTSSA Complexity Analysis
  2.6  Conclusion
3  Robust Joint Carrier Aggregation for IoT Spectrum Sharing Systems
  3.1  Introduction
  3.2  Problem Formulation
  3.3  The Global Optimal Solution
  3.4  The Dual Problem
  3.5  Distributed Optimization Algorithm
  3.6  Convergence Analysis
    3.6.1  Drawbacks of Algorithms 1 and 2
    3.6.2  Solution Using Algorithms 2 and 3
  3.7  Numerical Results
    3.7.1  First Heterogeneous Network
    3.7.2  Second Heterogeneous Network
  3.8  Conclusion
4  Optimal Bidding Strategy for Secure Spectrum Auctions
  4.1  Introduction
  4.2  System Model
  4.3  Spectrum Sharing through Secure and Truthful Spectrum Auction
    4.3.1  An Optimal Mechanism for Determining True Bidding Values
    4.3.2  Spectrum Bands Allocation
  4.4  Numerical Results

    4.4.1  Bidding Prices and the Final Allocated Rates
    4.4.2  Performance Analysis
  4.5  Conclusion and Future Work
5  Secure Smart Grids Communications Using Homomorphic Encryption
  5.1  Introduction
  5.2  System Model and Design Assumptions
  5.3  Design Considerations
    5.3.1  Payment Rule
    5.3.2  Security and Privacy Considerations
    5.3.3  Homomorphic Encryption
  5.4  Secure Power Scheduling Auction Mechanism
  5.5  Numerical Results
  5.6  Conclusion
6  Performance Trade-Offs in IoT Uplink Networks under Secrecy Constraints
  6.1  Introduction
  6.2  IoT Network Model
    6.2.1  Network Connectivity
    6.2.2  Uplink Data Transmission Policy
  6.3  Latency-Centric IoT Uplink Framework
    6.3.1  Rate-Limited Backhaul Network
    6.3.2  Latency-Limited Backhaul Network
  6.4  Secrecy in IoT: Attack Models
    6.4.1  Passive Eavesdropping on the Backhaul Link
  6.5  Numerical Results
  6.6  Conclusion
7  Securing Machine-to-Machine Uplink Communications
  7.1  Introduction
  7.2  System Model
  7.3  Anomaly Detection Metrics
  7.4  Anomaly Detection and Classification
    7.4.1  Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack or Emergency Scenario
    7.4.2  Device Failures
  7.5  Numerical Results
    7.5.1  Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack
    7.5.2  Emergency Scenario
    7.5.3  Device Failures
  7.6  Conclusion
8  Conclusion and Future Work
A  MATLAB Code for IoT Spectrum Sharing
B  MATLAB Code for IoT Smart Grid

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