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  • 作者:李娟娥//(美)林舒//哈立德·阿卜杜勒·加法爾//威廉·瑞安//丹尼爾·科斯特洛|責編:陳亮
  • 出版社:世圖出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519285111
  • 出版日期:2022/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:247
人民幣:RMB 79 元      售價:



1 Introduction
2 Definitions, Concepts, and Fundamental Characteristics of LDPC Codes
  2.1  Matrices and Matrix Dispersions of Finite Field Elements
  2.2  Fundamental Structural Properties and Performance Characteristics of LDPC Codes
  2.3  Discussion and Remarks
3 A Review of PTG-Based Construction of LDPC Codes
  3.1  PTG-LDPC Code Construction
  3.2  Conclusion and Remarks
4 An Algebraic Method for Constructing QC-PTG-LDPC Codes and Code Ensembles
  4.1  Construction of QC-PTG-LDPC Codes by Decomposing Base Matrices
  4.2  Construction of RC-Constrained PTG Parity-Check Matrices
  4.3  Examples
  4.4  Construction of the Ensemble of PTG-LDPC Codes from an Algebraic Point of View
  4.5  Discussion and Remarks
5 Superposition Construction of LDPC Codes
  5.1  SP-Construction of LDPC Codes and Its Graphical Interpretation
  5.2  Ensembles of SP-LDPC Codes
  5.3  Constraints on the Construction of SP-LDPC Codes Free of Cycles of Length 4
  5.4  SP-Construction of QC-LDPC Codes
  5.5  SP-Base Matrices over Nonnegative Integers
  5.6  Discussion and Remarks
6 Construction of Base Matrices and RC-Constrained Replacement Sets for SP-Construction
  6.1  RC-Constrained Base Matrices
  6.2  Construction of RC-Constrained Replacement Sets Based on Hamming Codes
  6.3  Construction of RC-Constrained Replacement Sets Based on m-dimensional Euclidean Geometry EG(m, 2) over GF(2)
  6.4  Construction of RC-Constrained Replacement Sets Based on RC-Constrained Arrays of CPMs
  6.5  Discussion and Remarks
7 SP-Construction of QC-LDPC Codes Using Matrix Dispersion and Masking
  7.1  A Deterministic SP-Construction of QC-LDPC Codes
  7.2  Conditions on Girth of CPM-QC-SP-LDPC Codes
  7.3  A Finite Field Construction of 2 x 2 SM-Constrained SP-Base Matrices and Their Associated CPM-QC-SP-LDPC Codes
  7.4  Masking
  7.5  Design of Masking Matrices
  7.6  Construction of CPM-QC-SP-LDPC Codes for Correcting Bursts of Erasures by Masking
  7.7  Discussion and Remarks
8 Doubly QC-LDPC Codes
  8.1  Base Matrices with Cyclic Structure
  8.2  CPM-D-SP-Construction of Doubly QC-LDPC Codes
  8.3  Masking and Variations
  8.4  SP-Construction of CPM-QC-SP-LDPC Codes
  8.5  Discussion and Remarks
9 SP-Construction of Spatially Coupled QC-LDPC Codes
  9.1  Base Matrices and Their Structural Properties
  9.2  Type-1 QC-SC-LDPC Codes
  9.3  Type-2 QC-SC-LDPC Codes
  9.4  Terminated and Tailbiting CPM-QC-SC-LDPC Codes
  9.5  A More General Construction of Type-1 CPM-QC-SC-LDPC Codes
  9.6  A More General Construction of Type-2 CPM-QC-SC-LDPC Codes
  9.7  Discussion and Remarks

10 Globally Coupled QC-LDPC Codes
  10.1  Construction of CN-Based QC-GC-LDPC Codes: Method-1
  10.2  A Local/Global Two-Phase Decoding of CN-Based CPM-QC-GC-LDPC Codes
  10.3  Construction of CN-Based GC-LDPC Codes: Method-2
  10.4  CPM-Dispersion Construction of CN-Based Product QC-GC-LDPC Codes
  10.5  Discussion and Remarks
11 SP-Construction of Nonbinary LDPC Codes
  11.1  General SP-Construction of NB LDPC Codes Using Binary Base Matrices
  11.2  SP-Construction of NB QC-LDPC Codes
  11.3  Construction of NB QC-SP-LDPC Codes Using q-ary CPM-Dispersion
  11.4  CPM-D Construction of NB CPM-QC-SP-LDPC Codes Using Binary-to-Nonbinary Replacement
  11.5  Algebraic Construction of NB QC-PTG-LDPC Codes
  11.6  Construction of NB LDPC Codes from Reed-Solomon Codes
  11.7  Construction of NB QC-SP-LDPC Codes based on RS Codes
  11.8  Discussion and Remarks
12 Conclusion and Remarks
A RC-Constrained Arrays of CPMs Constructed Based on Partial Geometries
  A.1  RC-Constrained Arrays of CPMs Constructed Based on Two-Dimensional Euclidean Geometries over Finite Fields
  A.2  RC-Constrained Arrays of CPMs Based on Partial Geometries Constructed from Prime Fields
B An Algorithm for Searching Compatible Masking and Base Matrices for the CPM-Dispersion Construction of QC-LDPC Codes
C Iterative Decoding Algorithm for NB LDPC Codes
  C.1  Introduction
  C.2  Algorithm Derivation
  C.3  The NB LDPC Decoding Algorithm

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