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  • 作者:(美)林舒//丹尼爾·科斯特洛|責編:陳亮
  • 出版社:世圖出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519283339
  • 出版日期:2022/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:1260
人民幣:RMB 228 元      售價:



1  Coding for Reliable Digital Transmission and Storage
  1.1  Introduction
  1.2  Types of Codes
  1.3  Modulation and Coding
  1.4  Maximum Likelihood Decoding
  1.5  Types of Errors
  1.6  Error Control Strategies
  1.7  Performance Measures
  1.8  Coded Modulation
2  Introduction to Algebra
  2.1  Groups
  2.2  Fields
  2.3  Binary Field Arithmetic
  2.4  Construction of Galois Field GF (2m)
  2.5  Basic Properties of a Galois Field GF (2m)
  2.6  Computations Using Galois Field GF (2m) Arithmetic
  2.7  Vector Spaces
  2.8  Matrices
3  Linear Block Codes
  3.1  Introduction to Linear Block Codes
  3.2  Syndrome and Error Detection
  3.3  The Minimum Distance of a Block Code
  3.4  Error-Detecting and Error-Correcting Capabilities of a Block Code
  3.5  Standard Array and Syndrome Decoding
  3.6  Probability of an Undetected Error for Linear Codes over a BSC
  3.7  Single-Parity-Check Codes, Repetition Codes, and Self-Dual Codes
4  Important Linear Block Codes
  4.1  Hamming Codes
  4.2  A Class of Single-Error-Correcting and Double-Error-Detecting Codes
  4.3  Reed-Muller Codes
  4.4  Other Constructions for Reed-Muller Codes
  4.5  The Squaring Construction of Codes
  4.6  The (24, 12) Golay Code
  4.7  Product Codes
  4.8  Interleaved Codes
5  Cyclic Codes
  5.1  Description of Cyclic Codes
  5.2  Generator and Parity-Check Matrices of Cyclic Codes
  5.3  Encoding of Cyclic Codes
  5.4  Syndrome Computation and Error Detection
  5.5  Decoding of Cyclic Codes
  5.6  Cyclic Hamming Codes

  5.7  Error-Trapping Decoding
  5.8  Improved Error-Trapping Decoding
  5.9  The (23, 12) Golay Code
  5.10  Shortened Cyclic Codes
  5.11  Cyclic Product Codes
  5.12  Quasi-Cyclic Codes
6  Binary BCH Codes
  6.1  Binary Primitive BCH Codes
  6.2  Decoding of BCH Codes
  6.3  Iterative Algorithm for Finding the Error-Location Polynomial σ (X)
  6.4  Simplified Iterative Algorithm for Finding the Error-Location Polynomial σ (X)
  6.5  Finding the Error-Location Numbers and Error Correction
  6.6  Correction of Errors and Erasures
  6.7  Implementation of Galois Field Arithmetic
  6.8  Implementation of Error Correction
  6.9  Weight Distribution and Error Detection of Binary BCH Codes
  6.10  Remarks
7  Nonbinary BCH Codes, Reed-Solomon Codes, and Decoding Algorithms
  7.1  q-ary Linear Block Codes
  7.2  Primitive BCH Codes over GF(q)
  7.3  Reed-Solomon Codes
  7.4  Decoding of Nonbinary BCH and RS Codes: The Berlekamp Algorithm
  7.5  Decoding with the Euclidean Algorithm
  7.6  Frequency-Domain Decoding
  7.7  Correction of Errors and Erasures
8  Majority-Logic Decodable and Finite Geometry Codes
  8.1  One-Step Majority-Logic Decoding
  8.2  A Class of One-Step Majority-Logic Decodable Codes
  8.3  Other One-Step Majority-Logic Decodable Codes
  8.4  Multiple-Step Majority-Logic Decoding
  8.5  Euclidean Geometry
  8.6  Euclidean Geometry Codes
  8.7  Twofold EG Codes
  8.8  Projective Geometry and Projective Geometry Codes
  8.9  Remarks
9  Trellises for Linear Block Codes
  9.1  Finite-State Machine Model and Trellis Representation of a Code
  9.2  Bit-Level Trellises for Binary Linear Block Codes
  9.3  State Labeling
  9.4  Structural Properties of Bit-Level Trellises
  9.5  State Labeling and Trellis Construction Based on the Parity-Check Matrix
  9.6  Trellis Complexity and Symmetry

  9.7  Trellis Sectionalization and Parallel Decomposition
  9.8  Low-Weight Subtrellises
  9.9  Cartesian Product
10 Reliability-Based Soft-Decision Decoding Algorithms for Linear
  Block Codes (Contributed by Marc P. C. Fossorier)
  10.1  Soft-Decision Decoding
  10.2  Reliability Measures and General Reliability-Based Decoding Schemes
  10.3  Sufficient Conditions on the Optimality of a Decoded Codeword
  10.4  Generalized Minimum Distance and Chase Decoding Algorithms
  10.5  Weighted Erasure Decoding
  10.6  A Maximum Likelihood Decoding Algorithm Based on Iterative Processing of the Least Reliable Positions
  10.7  Reduced List Syndrome Decoding Algorithm
  10.8  Most Reliable Independent Position Reprocessing Decoding Algorithms
  10.9  Weighted Majority-Logic Decoding
  10.10  Iterative Reliability-Based Decoding of One-Step Majority-Logic Decodable Codes
11 Convolutional Codes
  11.1  Encoding of Convolutional Codes
  11.2  Structural Properties of Convolutional Codes
  11.3  Distance Properties of Convolutional Codes
12 Optimum Decoding of Convolntional Codes
  12.1  The Viterbi Algorithm
  12.2  Performance Bounds for Convolutional Codes
  12.3  Construction of Good Convolutional Codes
  12.4  Implementation and Performance of the Viterbi Algorithm
  12.5  The Soft-Output Viterbi Algorithm (SOVA)
  12.6  The BCJR algorithm
  12.7  Punctured and Tail-Biting Convolutional Codes
13 Suboptimum Decoding of Convolutional Codes
  13.1  The ZJ (Stack) Sequential Decoding Algorithm
  13.2  The Fano Sequential Decoding Algorithm
  13.3  Performance Characteristics of Sequential Decoding
  13.4  Code Construction for Sequential Decoding
  13.5  Majority-Logic Decoding
  13.6  Performance Characteristics of Majority-Logic Decoding
  13.7  Code Construction for Majority-Logic Decoding
14 Trellis-Based Soft-Decision Decoding Algorithms
  14.1  The Viterbi Decoding Algorithm
  14.2  A Recursive Maximum Likelihood Decoding Algorithm
  14.3  A Suboptimum Iterative Decoding Algorithm Based on a Low-Weight Subtrellis
  14.4  The MAP Decoding Algorithm

  14.5  MAP Decoding Based on a Sectionalized Trellis
  14.6  Max-log-MAP Decoding Algorithm
15 Concatenated Coding, Code Decomposition, and Multistage Decoding
  15.1  Single-Level Concatenated Codes
  15.2  Multilevel Concatenated Codes
  15.3  A Soft-Decision Multistage Decoding
  15.4  Decomposition of Codes
  15.5  An Iterative Multistage MLD Algorithm
  15.6  Concatenated Coding Schemes with Convolutional Inner Codes
  15.7  Binary Concatenation
16 Turbo Coding
  16.1  Introduction to Turbo Coding
  16.2  Distance Properties of Turbo Codes
  16.3  Performance Analysis of Turbo Codes
  16.4  Design of Turbo Codes
  16.5  Iterative Decoding of Turbo Codes
17 Low-Density Parity-Cheek Codes
  17.1  Introduction to LDPC Codes
  17.2  Tanner Graphs for Linear Block Codes
  17.3  A Geometric Construction of LDPC Codes
  17.4  EG-LDPC Codes
  17.5  PG-LDPC Codes
  17.6  Decoding of LDPC Codes
  17.7  Code Construction by Column and Row Splitting
  17.8  Breaking Cycles in Tanner Graphs
  17.9  ShortenedFinite-Geometry LDPC Codes
  1.7.10  Construction of Gallager LDPC Codes
  17.11  Masked EG-Gallager LDPC Codes
  17.12  Construction of Quasi-Cyclic Codes by Circulant Decomposition
  17.13  Construction of LDPC Codes Based on Finite Geometries over GF(ps)
  17.14  Random LDPC Codes
  17.15  Irregular LDPC Codes
  17.16  Graph-Theoretic LDPC Codes
  17.17  Construction of LDPC Codes Based on Balanced Incomplete Block Designs
  17.18  Construction of LDPC Codes Based on Shortened RS Codes with Two Information Symbols
  17.19  Concatenations with LDPC and Turbo Codes
18 Trellis-Coded Modulation
  18.1  Introduction to Trellis-Coded Modulation
  18.2  TCM Code Construction
  18.3  TCM Performance Analysis
  18.4  Rotationally Invariant TCM
  18.5  Multidimensional TCM

19 Block Coded Modulation
  19.1  Distance Concepts
  19.2  Multilevel Block Modulation Codes
  19.3  Multistage Decoding of Multilevel BCM Codes
  19.4  Concatenated Coded Modulation
  19.5  Product Coded Modulation
  19.6  Multilevel Coded Modulation for Unequal Error Protection
20 Burst-Error-Correcting Codes
  20.1  Introduction
  20.2  Decoding of Single-Burst-Error-Correcting Cyclic Codes
  20.3  Single-Burst-Error-Correcting Codes
  20.4  Phased-Burst-Error-Correcting Codes
  20.5  Burst-and-Random-Error-Correcting Codes
21 Burst-Error-Correcting Convolutional Codes
  21.1  Bounds on Burst-Error-Correcting Capability
  21.2  Burst-Error-Correcting Convolutional Codes
  21.3  Interleaved Convolutional Codes
  21.4  Burst-and-Random-Error-Correcting Convolutional Codes
22 Automatic-Repeat-Request Strategies
  22.1  BasicARQ Schemes
  22.2  Selective-Repeat ARQ System with Finite Receiver Buffer
  22.3  ARQ Schemes with Mixed Modes of Retransmission
  22.4  Hybrid ARQ Schemes
  22.5  A Class of Half-Rate Invertible Codes
  22.6  Type-II Hybrid Selective-Repeat ARQ with Finite Receiver Buffer
  22.7  Hybrid ARQ Systems Using Convolutional Codes
  22.8  A Concatenated Coded Modulation Hybrid ARQ System
A Tables of Galois Fields
B Minimal Polynomials of Elements in GF (2m)
C Generator Polynomials of Binary Primitive BCH Codes of Length up to 210

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