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  • 作者:楊桂林//陳義明|責編:楊玉斌//姚同梅
  • 出版社:華中科技大學
  • ISBN:9787568073646
  • 出版日期:2021/10/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:187
人民幣:RMB 168 元      售價:



1  Introduction
  1.1  Motivation
  1.2  Past Research and Development Efforts
  1.3  Overview of This Book
2  Module Designs
  2.1  Module Design Requirements
  2.2  Joint Modules
    2.2.1  Revolute Joint Modules
    2.2.2  Prismatic Joint Modules
  2.3  Link Modules
3  Modular Robot Representation
  3.1  Graphs
    3.1.1  Basic Graph Definitions
    3.1.2  Matrix Representation of Graphs
  3.2  Kinematic Graphs
  3.3  Reclassification of Links and Joints
  3.4  Assembly Incidence Matrix
4  Modular Serial Robot Kinematics
  4.1  Introduction
  4.2  Geometric Background and the POE Formula
    4.2.1  Geometric Background
    4.2.2  The POE Formula
  4.3  Forward Kinematics
    4.3.1  Dyad Kinematics
    4.3.2  Forward Kinematics for a Tree-Structured Modular Robot
  4.4  Inverse Kinematics
    4.4.1  Differential Kinematics Model for a Single Branch
    4.4.2  Differential Kinematics Model for a Tree-Structured Robot
    4.4.3  Computation Examples
    4.4.4  Remarks on Computation Results
5  Kinematic Calibration for Modular Serial Robots
  5.1  Introduction
  5.2  Kinematic Calibration Models
    5.2.1  Basic Calibration Models
    5.2.2  An Iterative Least-Squares Algorithm
    5.2.3  Kinematic Calibration of Tree-structured Robots
  5.3  Computation Examples
    5.3.1  Calibration of a three-module Robot
    5.3.2  Calibration of a SCARA Type Robot
    5.3.3  Calibration of a Tree-structured Robot
6  Modular Serial Robot Dynamics
  6.1  Introduction
  6.2  Newton-Euler Equation for a Link Assembly
  6.3  Dynamic Formulation for a Tree-Structured Modular Robot
    6.3.1  Recursive Newton-Euler Algorithm
    6.3.2  Closed Form Equations of Motion
    6.3.3  Remarks on the Dynamics Algorithms
    6.3.4  Implementation and Examples
  6.4  Inverse and Forward Dynamics Problem
    6.4.1  Inverse Dynamics

    6.4.2  Forward Dynamics
7  Optimization of Modular Serial Robot Configurations
  7.1  Introduction
  7.2  General Design Methodology
  7.3  Optimization Model
    7.3.1  Definition of Robot Tasks
    7.3.2  Design Parameters and the Search Space
    7.3.3  Objective Function
    7.3.4  Performance Constraints
  7.4  Evolutionary Algorithm
    7.4.1  Coding Scheme
    7.4.2  AIM Generating Scheme
    7.4.3  Genetic Operators on AIMs
    7.4.4  Implementation of the Evolutionary Algorithm
  7.5  Computation Examples
8  Modular Parallel Robot Kinematics
  8.1  Introduction
  8.2  Displacement Analysis
    8.2.1  Forward Displacement Analysis
    8.2.2  Inverse Displacement Analysis
  8.3  Instantaneous Kinematics Analysis
    8.3.1  Forward Instantaneous Kinematics Analysis
    8.3.2  Inverse Instantaneous Kinematics Analysis
  8.4  Singularity Analysis
    8.4.1  Forward Singularity
    8.4.2  Inverse Singularity
    8.4.3  Combined Singularity
  8.5  Workspace Analysis
    8.5.1  Numerical Orientation Workspace Analysis
    8.5.2  Finite Partition Schemes
9  Kinematic Calibration for Modular Parallel Robots
  9.1  Introduction
  9.2  Self-calibration for Three-legged Modular Parallel Robots
    9.2.1  Self-calibration Model Based on Leg-end Distance Errors
    9.2.2  An Iterative Least-squares Algorithm
    9.2.3  Computation Example
  9.3  Base-tool Calibration for Three-legged Modular Reconfigurable Parallel Robots
    9.3.1  Base-tool Calibration Model Based on POE Formula
    9.3.2  An Iterative Least-squares Algorithm
    9.3.3  Computation Example

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