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Spark NLP自然語言處理(影印版)(英文版)

  • 作者:(美)亞歷克斯·托馬斯|責編:張燁
  • 出版社:東南大學
  • ISBN:9787564195113
  • 出版日期:2021/07/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:347
人民幣:RMB 132 元      售價:

    如果你想構建一款使用自然語言文本的企業級應用,但不確定從哪裡著手或者該使用什麼工具,這本實用指南可以助你一臂之力。Wisecube首席數據科學家Alex Thomas向軟體工程師和數據科學家們展示了如何使用深度學習和Apache Spark NLP庫構建可擴展的自然語言處理(Natural Language Processing,NLP)應用。
    基礎:理解自然語言處理、Apache Stark上的NLP及深度學習的基礎知識。

    亞歷克斯·托馬斯是Wisecube的首席數據科學家。他將自然語言處理和機器學習運用於臨床數據、身份數據、僱主和求職者數據以及如今的生化數據。Alex從09版本開始使用Apache Spark,在工作中也用過包括UIMA和OpenNLP在內的多種NLP庫和框架。

Part I.  Basics
  1. Getting Started
    Other Tools
    Setting Up Your Environment
      Starting Apache Spark
      Checking Out the Code
    Getting Familiar with Apache Spark
      Starting Apache Spark with Spark NLP
      Loading and Viewing Data in Apache Spark
    Hello World with Spark NLP
  2. Natural Language Basics
    What Is Natural Language?
      Origins of Language
      Spoken Language Versus Written Language
      Phonetics and Phonology
    Sociolinguistics: Dialects, Registers, and Other Varieties
      Roman ]akobson
      How To Use Pragmatics
    Writing Systems
    Exercises: Tokenizing
      Tokenize English
      Tokenize Greek
      Tokenize Ge'ez (Amharic)
  3. NLP on Apache Spark
    Parallelism, Concurrency, Distributing Computation
      Parallelization Before Apache Hadoop
      MapReduce and Apache Hadoop
      Apache Spark
    Architecture of Apache Spark

      Physical Architecture
      Logical Architecture
    Spark SQL and Spark MLlib
      Estimators and Models
    NLP Libraries
      Functionality Libraries
      Annotation Libraries
      NLP in Other Libraries
    Spark NLP
      Annotation Library
      Pretrained Pipelines
      Exercises: Build a Topic Model
  4. Deep Learning Basics
    Gradient Descent
    Convolutional Neural Networks
    Recurrent Neural Networks
      Backpropagation Through Time
      Elman Nets
  Exercise 1
  Exercise 2
Part II.  Building Blocks
  5. Processing Words
  6. Information Retrieval
  7. Classification and Regression
  8. Sequence Modeling with Keras
  9. Information Extraction
  10. Topic Modeling
  11. Word Embeddings
Part III.  Applications
  12. Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Detection
  13. Building Knowledqe Bases
  14. Search Engine
  15. Chatbot
  16. Object Character Recognition
Part IV.  Building NLP Systems
  17. Supporting Multiple Languages
  18. Human Labeling
  19. Productionizing NLP Applications

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