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  • 作者:(美)麥克·戈雷利克//(英)伊恩·奧茲瓦爾德|責編:張燁
  • 出版社:東南大學
  • ISBN:9787564194932
  • 出版日期:2021/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:444
人民幣:RMB 148 元      售價:



1.Understanding Performant Python
  The Fundamental Computer System
  Computing Units
  Memory Units
  Communications Layers
  Putting the Fundamental Elements Together
  Idealized Computing Versus the Python Virtual Machine
  So Why Use Python?
  How to Be a Highly Performant Programmer
  Good Working Practices
  Some Thoughts on Good Notebook Practice
  Getting the Joy Back into Your Work
2.Profiling to Find Bottlenecks.
  Profiling Efficiently
  Introducing the Julia Set
  Calculating the Full Julia Set
  Simple Approaches to Timing—print and a Decorator
  Simple Timing Using the Unix time Command
  Using the cProfile Module
  Visualizing cProfile Output with SnakeViz
  Using line_profiler for Line-by-Line Measurements
  Using memory_profiler to Diagnose Memory Usage
  Introspecting an Existing Process with PySpy
  Bytecode: Under the Hood
  Using the dis Module to Examine CPython Bytecode
  Different Approaches, Different Co mplexity
  Unit Testing During Optimization to Maintain Correctness
  No-op @profile Decorator
  Strategies to Profile Your Code Successfully
3.Lists and Tuples
  A More Efficient Search
  Lists Versus Tuples
  Lists as Dynamic Arrays
  Tuples as Static Arrays
4.Dictionaries and Sets.
  How Do Dictionaries and Sets Work?
  Inserting and Retrieving
  Hash Functions and Entropy
  Dictionaries and Namespaces
5.Iterators and Generators.
  Iterators for Infinite Series
  Lazy Generator Evaluation

6.Matrix and Vector Computation.
  Introduction to the Problem
  Aren't Python Lists Good Enough?
  Problems with Allocating Too Much
  Memory Fragmentation
  Understanding perf
  Making Decisions with perf's Output
  Enter numpy
  Applying numpy to the Diffusion Problem
  Memory Allocations and In-Place Operations
  Selective Optimizations: Finding What Needs to Be Fixed
  numexpr: Making In-Place Operations Faster and Easier
  A Cautionary Tale: Verify 「Optimizations"(scipy)
  Lessons from Matrix Optimizations
  Pandas's Internal Model
  Applying a Function to Many Rows of Data
  Building DataFrames and Series from Partial Results Rather than
  There's More Than One (and Possibly a Faster) Way to Do a Job
  Advice for Effective Pandas Development asu
7.Compiling to C.
  What Sort of Speed Gains Are Possible?
  JIT Versus AOT Compilers
   Why Does Type Information Help the Code Run Faster?
  Using a C Compiler
  Reviewing the Julia Set Example
  Compiling a Pure Python Version Using Cython
  Cython Annotations to Analyze a Block of Code
  Adding Some Type Annotations
  Cython and numpy
  Parallelizing the Solution with OpenMP on One Machine
  Numba to Compile NumPy for Pandas
  Garbage Collection Differences
  Running PyPy and Installing Modules
  A Summary of Speed Improvements
  When to Use Each Technology
  Other Upcoming Projects
  Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)
  Dynamic Graphs: PyTorch
  Basic GPU Profiling
  Performance Considerations of GPUs
  When to Use GPUs
  Foreign Function Interfaces

  CPython Module
8.Asynchronous l/0.
9.The multiprocessing Module.
10.Clusters and Job Queues
11.Using Less RAM.
12.Lessons from the Field.

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