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  • 作者:編者:廖任秀//(紐西蘭)勞埃德·邁克爾·哈森|責編:盧楊//雷鴻俊
  • 出版社:西安電子科大
  • ISBN:9787560658773
  • 出版日期:2020/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:224
人民幣:RMB 37 元      售價:

    There are 12 modules in this textbook, including: C programming overview; types, operators and expressions; input and output; decision making; loops; arrays; functions; preprocessors; pointers; structures, unions and enums; bitwise operators; files.
    This textbook was developed in response to the growing scale of Sino-Foreign education cooperation and the growing demand for English and bilingual textbooks. It focuses on students participating in English or bilingual classes in higher vocational education, and emphasizes the combination of theory and practice.
    This textbook provides a variety of resources, such as the Chinese annotation of the corresponding chapters, answers to the exercises, source codes, teaching coursewares, teaching plans and other conventional teaching resources. Students can scan the QR code to gain these resources.


Module 1  C Programming Overview
  1.1  History of the C Language
  1.2  Features of the C Language
  1.3  C Program Development Process
  1.4  En "varonment Setup
  1.5  Simple C Example
  1.6  Summary
  1.7  Exercises
Module 2 Types, Operators and Expressions
  2.1  Keywords and Identifiers
    2.1.1  Keywords
    2.1.2  Identifiers
  2.2  Data Types of The C Language
  2.3  Constants and Variables
    2.3.1  Constants and Symbolic Constants
    2.3.2  Variables
    2.3.3  Data Type Conversion
  2.4  Operators and Expressions
    2.4.1  Arithmetic Operators and Arithmetic Expressions
    2.4.2  Assignment Operators and Assignment Expressions
    2.4.3  Comma Operator and Comma Expression
  2.5  Summary
  2.6  Exercises
Module 3 Input and Output
  3.1  Program Flow Chart
  3.2  Formatting Input and Output
    3.2.1  Formatted Output Function
    3.2.2  Formatted Input Function
  3.3  Character Input and Output
    3.3.1  putchar( ) Function
    3.3.2  getchar( ) Function
  3.4  Summary
  3.5  Exercises
Module 4 Decision Making
  4.1  Logical Operators and Logical Expressions
    4.1.1  Logical Operators
    4.1.2  Logical Expressions
  4.2  Relational Operators and Relational Expressions
    4.2.1  Relational Operators
    4.2.2  Relational Expressions
  4.3  Conditional Operators and Conditional Expressions
  4.4  Branch Structure
    4.4.1  Single Branch Structure
    4.4.2  Double Branch Structure
    4.4.3  Multi-Branch Structure
  4.5  Summary
  4.6  Exercises
Module 5 Loops
  5.1  For Loop
  5.2  While lamp

  5.3  Do-While Loop
  5.4  Nested Loop
  5.5  loop Control Statements
    5.5.1  Break Statement
    5.5.2  Continue Statement
  5.6  Summary
  5.7  Exercises
Module 6 Arrays
  6.1  Array Overview
  6.2  Single-Dimensional Arrays
    6.2.1  Declaring Single-DimensionalArrays
    6.2.2  Initializing Single-Dimensional Arrays
    6.2.3  Accessing Single-Dimensional Array Elements
  6.3  Two-Dimensional Arrays
    6.3.1  Declaring Two-Dimensional Arrays
    6.3.2  Initializing Two-Dimensional Arrays
    6.3.3  Accessing Two-Dimensional Array Elements
  6.4  Character Arrays and the Application of Strings
    6.4.1  Declaring Character Arrays
    6.4.2  Initializing Character Arrays
    6.4.3  Accessing Character Array Elements
    6.4.4  Input and Output of A Character Array
    6.4.5  Frequently Used String Processing Functions
  6.5  Sorting Arrays
    6.5.1  Bubble Sorting
    6.5.2  Selection Sorting
  6.6  Summary
  6.7  Exercises
Module 7 Functions
  7.1  Definition of Function
    7.1.1  Definition of Nonparametric Function
    7.1.2  Definition of Parametric Function
  7.2  Calling A Function
    7.2.1  The SyntaxofCallingAFunction
    7.2.2  Formal andActual Parameters
    7.2.3  RetumValue of AFunction
    7.2.4  Function Declaration
  7.3  Nested Calling of AFunction
  7.4  Recursive Call
  7.5  Array as a Function Parameter
  7.6  Scope and Storage Type of the Variable
    7.6.1  Scope of the Variable
    7.6.2  Storage Type of the Variable
  7.7  Internal and External Functions
    7.7.1  Internal Function
    7.7.2  External Function
  7.8  Summary
  7.9  Exercises
Module 8 Preprocessors
  8.1  Macro Definition

    8.1.1  Macro Definition with No Parameters
    8.1.2  Macro Definition with Parameters
  8.2  Include Directive
  8.3  Conditional Compilation
    8.3.1  #ifdef Form
    8.3.2  #ilhdef Form
    8.3.3  #if Form
  8.4  Summary
  8.5  Exercises
Modulo 9 Pointers
  9.1  Concept of Pointers
  9.2  Definition and Ref~nce of Pointer Variables
    9.2.1  Definition of Pointer Variables
    9.2.2  Referenc of Pointer Variables
    9.2.3  Pointer Variables as Function Arguments
  9.3  Pointer of Arrays and Pointer Variables to Arrays
    9.3.1  Pointers to Array Elements
    9.3.2  References to Array Elements through Pointers
    9.3.3  Array Names as Function Parameters
  9.4  Pointer of A String and A Pointer Variable to A String
  9.5  Pointer Variables Pointing to Functions
  9.6  Summary
  9.7  Exercises
Module 10 Structures, Unions and Enums
  10.1  Structures
    10.1.1  Definition of Structure Type
    10.1.2  Definition and Initialization of Structure Variables
    10.1.3  Accessing Slructum Variables
    10.1.4  Structurc Array
    10.1.5  Application of Structures in Functions
  10.2  Unions
    10.2.1  Definition of Union Type
    10.2.2  Definition of Union Variables
    10.2.3  Accessing Union Variables
  10.3  Enumerations
    10.3.1  Definition of Enumeration Types
    10.3.2  Defirtition of Enumeration Variables
  10.4  Typedef
  10.5  Summary
  10.6  Exercises
Modulo 11  Bitwiso Operators
  11.1  Representation of Values in Computers
    11.1.1  Binary Code
    11.1.2  Inverse Code
    11.1.3  Complement Code
  11.2  Bitwise Operators
    11.2.1  AND Operator
    11.2.2  OR Operator
    11.2.3  XOR Operator
    11.2.4  NOT Operator

    11.2.5  Left Shift Operator
    11.2.6  Right Shift Operator
  11.3  Sunmmry
  11.4  Exercises
Modulo 12 Files
  12.1  Overview of Files
    12.1.1  Ordinary Files and Device Files
    12.1.2  ASCII File and Binary File
  12.2  Opening and Closing of Files
    12.2.1  Definition of File Pointers
    12.2.2  Opening and Closing of Files
  12.3  Reading andWriting of Files
    12.3.1  Character Read-Write Functions fgetc( ) and fputc( )
    12.3.2  String Read-Write Functions: fgets( ) and fputs( )
    12.3.3  Block Data Reading-Writing Functions: fread( ) and fwrite( )
    12.3.4  Formatting Read-Write Functions fscanf( ) and fprinff( )
  12.4  File Location and Random Reading-Writing
    12.4.1  Random Reading-Writing of Documents
    12.4.2  File Detection Function
  12.5  Summary
  12.6  Exercises
AppendixA ASCII Code
Appendix B Pdority and Associativity of Operator
Appendix C Common Library Functions

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