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  • 作者:編者:李勁東|責編:武麗娟
  • 出版社:北京理工大學
  • ISBN:9787568290647
  • 出版日期:2020/09/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:421
人民幣:RMB 158 元      售價:

    本書是北京理工大學出版社與Springer Nature聯合出版圖書。衛星遙感技術作為一門綜合性的科學技術應用於政治、經濟、軍事和社會等眾多領域,具有視域廣、數據採集快、可重複並連續觀測等特點,在國土資源的監測和開發、交通設施監測、災區重建、農林業資源調查等方面具有不可替代的作用。本書主要闡述了各類遙感衛星系統的設計、遙感衛星任務分析、技術特點,內容涉及高解析度合成孔徑雷達遙感衛星系統設計、遙感衛星系統構建與總體構型布局設計、高速圖像數據處理與傳輸系統設計、遙感衛星微振動抑制與在軌檢測技術、遙感衛星總裝集成與驗證技術等10章。本書原創性強、創新性突出,反映了作者及其團隊在衛星遙感領域科學研究和工程實踐取得的新方法、新技術與新成果,主要為從事遙感衛星總體設計、衛星數據採集與分析及有關專業的科技人員和政府決策人員提供智力支持。


1  Fundamentals of Satellite Remote Sensing Technology
  1.1  Introduction
  1.2  Physical Basis of Satellite Remote Sensing
    1.2.1  Electromagnetic Wave and Electromagnetic Spectrum
    1.2.2  Solar Radiation Characteristics
    1.2.3  Interaction Between Solar Radiation and Atmosphere
    1.2.4  Interaction Between Electromagnetic Radiation and Target
  1.3  Terrestrial Environment
    1.3.1  Analysis of Satellite On-Orbit Environment and Effect
    1.3.2  Charged Particle Radiation Environment
    1.3.3  Vacuum
    1.3.4  Neutral Atmosphere
    1.3.5  Solar Electromagnetic Radiation
    1.3.6  Solar Disturbance
    1.3.7  Total Dose Effect of Space Radiation
    1.3.8  Spatial Displacement Effect
    1.3.9  Spatial Single Event Effect
  1.4  Introduction to Satellite Remote Sensing Engineering System
2  Space Orbit Design of Remote Sensing Satellite
  2.1  Overview
    2.1.1  Classification by Orbit Altitude
    2.1.2  Classification by Orbital Characteristics
  2.2  Design Requirements and Characteristics of Remote Sensing Satellite Orbits
    2.2.1  Orbit Design Analysis of Optical Remote Sensing Satellite
    2.2.2  Orbit Design Analysis of Microwave Remote Sensing Satellite
  2.3  Analysis and Design of Multi-mission Orbits for Optical Remote Sensing Satellite
    2.3.1  Orbit Selection Principle
    2.3.2  Satellite Multi-mission Orbit Design
    2.3.3  Design of Satellite Multi-mission Orbit Parameters
    2.3.4  Orbit Control
    2.3.5  Orbit Control Fuel Consumption
    2.3.6  Mission Application Strategy
    2.3.7  Design of Initial Orbit Offset
    2.3.8  Drift Characteristics of LTDN
    2.3.9  Design of Resolution and Revisit Ability
  2.4  Orbital Analysis and Design of Microwave Imaging Remote Sensing Satellite
    2.4.1  Orbit Selection Principle
    2.4.2  Orbital Parameter Determination
    2.4.3  Mission Orbit Parameter
    2.4.4  Initial Orbit Offset Design
    2.4.5  Orbit Control
    2.4.6  Observational Capability Analysis
    2.4.7  LTDN Drift
3  Analysis and Design of High-Resolution Visible Spectral Remote Sensing Satellite System
  3.1  Overview
    3.1.1  Development Overview
    3.1.2  Trend of Development
  3.2  Demand Analysis and Technical Characteristics
    3.2.1  Demand Analysis

    3.2.2  Technical Characteristics of Visible Spectral Remote Sensing Satellite
  3.3  Key Performance Indicators of Imaging Quality of Visible Spectral Remote Sensing System
    3.3.1  Radiation Imaging Quality
    3.3.2  Geometric Imaging Quality
  3.4  Analysis and Design of Imaging Quality of High-Resolution Visible Spectral Camera
    3.4.1  Overview of the Development of High-Resolution Visible Spectral Cameras
    3.4.2  Key Design Elements of Visible Spectral Camera
    3.4.3  Design of GSD and Camera Focal Length
4  Design and Analysis of Infrared Remote Sensing Statellite System
5  Design and Analysis of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Statellite System
6  Design and Analysis of High-Precision Stereo Surveying and Mapping Satellite System
7  Design and Analysis of High-Resolution SAR Remote Sensing Satellite System
8  Design and Analysis of High-Precision Microwave Remote Sensing Satellite System
9  Design and Analysis of Optical Remote Sensing Satellite System on Geostationary Orbit
10  Development Prospect

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