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  • 作者:編者:張雪菲|責編:劉穎
  • 出版社:北京郵電大學
  • ISBN:9787563561896
  • 出版日期:2020/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:207
人民幣:RMB 38 元      售價:



第1章  電路元件和電路變數
  1.1  常見的電路變數
    1.1.1  電荷
    1.1.2  電壓
    1.1.3  電流
    1.1.4  功率與能量
  1.2  基本電路元件
    1.2.1  電阻
    1.2.2  電容
    1.2.3  電感
    1.2.4  獨立電壓源與獨立電流源
    1.2.5  受控源
  1.3  習題
第2章  電路基本分析方法
  2.1  節點、支路和網孔
  2.2  基爾霍夫電路定律
  2.3  電阻的串並聯組合
  2.42  b方法
  2.5  節點電壓法
  2.6  網孔電流法
  2.7  習題
第3章  電路基本理論
  3.1  疊加定理
  3.2  電壓源與電流源的等效變換
  3.3  戴維南定理和諾頓定理
  3.4  最大功率傳輸定理
  3.5  習題
第4章  RC電路和RL電路
  4.1  電感
  4.2  電容
  4.3  換路定則
  4.4  一階電路
  4.5  RL和RC電路的零輸入響應
    4.5.1  RC電路的零輸入響應
    4.5.2  RL電路的零輸入響應
  4.6  RL和RC電路的零狀態響應
    4.6.1  RL電路的零狀態響應
    4.6.2  RC電路的零狀態響應
  4.7  RL電路和RC電路的全響應和三要素法
  4.8  習題
第5章  正弦穩態電路分析
  5.1  正弦函數
  5.2  正弦響應
  5.3  相量
    5.3.1  相量變換
    5.3.2  相量反變換
    5.3.3  相量的基本運算
  5.4  阻抗和導納
  5.5  電路元件VCR的相量表示
    5.5.1  電阻VCR的相量形式

    5.5.2  電容VCR的相量形式
    5.5.3  電感VCR的相量形式
  5.6  基爾霍夫定律的相量形式
    5.6.1  KCL的相量形式
    5.6.2  KVL的相量形式
  5.7  電路簡化方法的相量形式
    5.7.1  串聯阻抗和並聯阻抗
    5.7.2  電壓源電流源的等效變換、戴維南定理和諾頓定理的相量形式
  5.8  電路基本分析方法的相量形式
    5.8.1  節點電壓法的相量形式
    5.8.2  網孔電流法的相量形式
  5.9  功率計算
  5.10  最大功率傳輸定理的相量形式
  5.11  習題
第6章  實驗
  6.1  基本電路測量儀器介紹
    6.1.1  萬用表
    6.1.2  直流電源
    6.1.3  電阻和滑動變阻器
    6.1.4  電容和電感
    6.1.5  示波器
    6.1.6  數字信號發生器
  6.2  電路模擬軟體介紹
  6.3  實驗實例
    6.3.1  電阻的直流特性
    6.3.2  驗證基爾霍夫定律
    6.3.3  RC電路和RL電路的測量
    6.3.4  驗證戴維南定理的實驗
Chapter 1Circuit Elements and Circuit Variables
  1.1  Common Circuit Variables
    1.1.1  Electric charge
    1.1.2  Voltage
    1.1.3  Current
    1.1.4  Power and energy
  1.2  Basic circuit element
    1.2.1  Resistor
    1.2.2  Capacitor
    1.2.3  Inductor
    1.2.4  Independent voltage source and independent current source
    1.2.5  Dependent source
  1.3  Exercises
Chapter 2Basic Circuit Analysis Method
  2.1  Node, branch and mesh
  2.2  Kirchhoff』s circuit law
  2.3  Series-parallel combinations of resistors
  2.4  2b-method
  2.5  Node voltage method
  2.6  Mesh current method
  2.7  Exercises
Chapter 3Circuit Theorem

  3.1  Superposition theorem
  3.2  Source transformations
  3.3  Thevenin theorem and Norton theorem
  3.4  Maximum power transfer theorem
  3.5  Exercises
Chapter 4RC Circuit and RL Circuit
  4.1  First-order circuits
  4.2  Capacitor
  4.3  Switching rule
  4.4  First-order circuit
  4.5  Zero-input response of RL and RC circuit
    4.5.1  Zero-input response of RC circuit
    4.5.2  Zero-input response of RL circuit
  4.6  Zero-state response of RL and RC circuit
    4.6.1  Zero-state response of RL circuit
    4.6.2  Zero-state response of RC circuit
  4.7  Complete response and three element method for RL and RC circuit
  4.8  Exercises
Chapter 5Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis
  5.1  Sinusoidal function
  5.2  Sinusoidal response
  5.3  The phasor
    5.3.1  Phasor transformation
    5.3.2  Inverse phasor transformation
    5.3.3  Basic operations of phasors
  5.4  Passive circuit elements in phasor
  5.5  VCR of circuit element in phasor
    5.5.1  VCR of resistor in phasor
    5.5.2  VCR of capacitor in phasor
    5.5.3  VCR of inductor in phasor
  5.6  Kirchhoff』s Law in phasor
    5.6.1  KCL in phasor
    5.6.2  KVL in phasor
  5.7  Circuit simplifications in phasor
    5.7.1  Impedances in series and parallel
    5.7.2  Source transformations in phasor, Thevenin theorem in phasor
and Norton theorem
  5.8  Basic circuit analysis methods in phasor
    5.8.1  Node voltage method in phasor
    5.8.2  Mesh current method in phasor
  5.9  Power calculation
  5.10  Maximum power transfer theorem in phasor
  5.11  Exercises
Chapter 6Experiment
  6.1  Basic electronic measuring devices
    6.1.1  Multi-meter
    6.1.2  DC power supply
    6.1.3  Resistor and slide rheostat
    6.1.4  Capacitor and inductor
    6.1.5  Oscilloscope

    6.1.6  Digital signal generator
  6.2  The introduction of circuit simulation software
  6.3  Experiment instances
    6.3.1  DC characteristics of resistors
    6.3.2  verification for Kirchhoff 』s laws
    6.3.3  RC circuit and RL circuit
    6.3.4  Verification for Thevenin theorem

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