幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(美)布魯斯·卡爾森//保羅·克里利|責編:陳亮//夏丹
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519210045
  • 出版日期:2020/07/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:924
人民幣:RMB 169 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  Elements and Limitations of Communication Systems
    Information,Messages,and Signals
    Elements of a Communication System
    Fundamental Limitations
  1.2  Modulation and Coding
    Modulation Methods
    Modulation Benefits and Applications
    Coding Methods and Benefits
  1.3  Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Over Wireless Channels
    RF Wave Deflection
    Skywave Propagation
  1.4  Emerging Developments
  1.5  Societal Impact and Historical Perspective
    Historical Perspective
  1.6  Prospectus
Chapter 2  Signals and Spectra
  2.1  Line Spectra and Fourier Series
    Phasors and Line Spectra
    Periodic Signals and Average Power
    Fourier Series
    Convergence Conditions and Gibbs Phenomenon
    Parseval's Power Theorem
  2.2  Fourier Transforms and Continuous Spectra(2.1)
    Fourier Transforms
    Symmetric and Causal Signals
    Rayleigh's Energy Theorem
    Duality Theorem
    Transform Calculations
  2.3  Time and Frequency Relations (2.2)
    Time Delay and Scale Change
    Frequency Translation and Modulation s
    Differentiation and Integration
  2.4  Convolution(2.3)
    Convolution Integral
    Convolution Theorems
  2.5  Impulses and Transforms in the Limit(2.4)
    Properties of the Unit Impulse
    Impulses in Frequency
    Step and Signum Functions
    Impulses in Time
  2.6  Discrete Time Signals and the Discrete Fourier Transform
    Convolution Using the DFT(2.4)
Chapter 3  Signal Transmission and Filtering
  3.1  Response of LTI Systems (2.4)
    Impulse Response and the Superposition Integral
    Transfer Functions and Frequency Response
    Block-Diagram Analysis
  3.2  Signal Distortion in Transmission(3.1)

    Distortionless Transmission
    Linear Distortion
    Nonlinear Distortion and Companding
  3.3  Transmission Loss and Decibels(3.2)
    Power Gain
    Transmission Loss and Repeaters
    Fiber Optics
    Radio Transmission
  3.4  Filters and Filtering(3.3)
    Ideal Filters
    Bandlimiting and Timelimiting
    Real Filters
    Pulse Response and Risetime
  3.5  Quadrature Filters and Hilbert Transforms(3.4)
Chapter 4  Linear CW Modulation
Chapter 5  Exponential CW Modulation
Chapter 6  Sampling and Pulse Modulation
Chapter 7  Analog Communication Systems
Chapter 8  Probability and Random Variables
Chapter 9  Random Signals and Noise
Chapter 10  Noise in Analog Modulation Systems
Chapter 11  Baseband Digital Transmission
Chapter 12  Digitization Techniques for Analog Messages and Computer Networks
Chapter 13  Channel Coding and Encryption
Chapter 14  Bandpass Digital Transmission
Chapter 15  Spread Spectrum Systems
Chapter 16  Information and Detection Theory
Appendix: Circuit and System Noise
Solutions to Exercises
Answers to Selected Problems

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