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  • 作者:(澳)Mars Geldard//Jon Manning//Paris Buttfield-Addison//Tim Nugent|責編:張燁
  • 出版社:東南大學
  • ISBN:9787564188788
  • 出版日期:2020/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:501
人民幣:RMB 128 元      售價:

    人工智慧對每個開發者來說越來越重要一一你不需要成為數據科學家或數學家就能在你的應用中利用它。探索用於構建應用程序的基於Swift的人工智慧和機器學習技術。了解人工智慧驅動的特性以及它們如何發揮作用。學習不同的開發工具,如蘋果公司基於Python開發的Turi Crete和谷歌的Swift for TensorFlow庫。

(澳)Mars Geldard//Jon Manning//Paris Buttfield-Addison//Tim Nugent|責編:張燁

Part I.  Fundamentals and Tools
    Practical AI with Swift…and Python
      Code Examples
    Why Swift
      Why AI
    What Is AI and What Can It Do
      Deep Learning versus AI
      Where Do the Neural Networks Come In
      Ethical,Effective,and Appropriate Use of AI
    Practical AI Tasks
    A Typical Task·Based Approach
    Why Top Down
      Turi Create
      Apple's Other Frameworks
      CoreML Community TOols
    Tools from Others
      Swift for TensorFlow
      TensorFlow to CoreML Model Converter
      Other Converters
    AI-Adjacent Tools
      Other People's Tools
    What's Next
  3.FindingorBuilding aDataset
    Planning and Identifying Data to Target
      Negation as Failure
      Closed-Wbrid Assumptions
    Finding a Dataset
      Where to Look
      What to Look Outfor
    Building a Dataset
      Data Recording
      Data Collation
      Data Scraping
    Preparing a Dataset
      Getting to Know a Dataset
      Cleaning a Dataset
      Transforming a Dataset
      verif)ring the Suitability of a Dataset
    Apple's Models

    Practical AI and Vision
    Task:Face Detection
      Problem and Approach
      Building the App
      What Just Happened?How Does This Work
      Improving the App
      Even More Improvements
    Task:Barcode Detection
    Task:Saliency Detection
    Task:Image Similarity
      Problem and Approach
      Building the App
      What Just Happened?How Does This Work
      Next Steps
    Task:Image Classification
      Problem and Approach
      Building the ipp
      AI T00lkit and Dataset
      Incorporating the Model in the App
      Improving the ipp
    Task:Drawing Recognition
      Problem and Approach
      AI T00lkit and Dataset
      Buildingthe App
      What's Next
    Task:Style Classification
      Converting the Model
    Next Steps
    Audio and Practical AI
    Task:Speech Recognition
      Problem and Approach
      Building the ipp
      What Just Happened?How Does This Work
    Task:Sound Classification
      Problem and Approach
      AI T00lkit and Dataset
      Creating a Model
      Incorporating the Model in the ipp
    Next Steps
  6.Textand Language
    Practical AI,Text,and Language
    Task:Language Identification
    Task:Named Entity Recognition
    Task:Lemmatization,Tagging,and Tokenization
      Parts of Speech

      Tokenizing a Sentence
    Task: Sentiment Analysis
      Problem and Approach
      Building the App
      AI T00lkit and Dataset
      Creating a Model
      Incorporating the Model in the ApP
    Task:Custom Text Classifiers
      AI T00lkit and Dataset
    Next Steps
  7.Motion andGestures
    Practical AI,Motion,and Gestures
    Task: Activity Recognition
      Problem and Approach
      Building the App
      What Just Happened?How Does This Wbrk
    Task:Gestural Classification for Drawing
      Problem and Approach
      AI 1bolkit and Dataset
      Building the App
    Task:Activity Classification
    Problem and Approach
      AI Toolkit and Dataset
    Using the Model
    Task:Using Augmented Reality with AI
    Next Steps
    Practical AI and Augmentation
    Task:Image Style Transfer
      Problem and Approach
      Building the App
     AI Tbolkit and Dataset
      Creating a Model
      Incorporating the Model in the App
    Task:Sentence Generation
      What Just Happened?How Does This Work
    Task: Image Generation with a GAN
      Problem and Approach
      AI Toolkit and Dataset
      Building an App
    Task: Recommending Movies
      Problem and Approach
    AI Toolkit and Dataset
    Using a Recommender
  Task: Regressor Prediction
    Problem and Approach
    AI Toolkit and Dataset
    Using the Regressor in an App
  Next Steps
  9·Beyond Features

    Task:Installing Swift for TensorFloW
      Adding Swift for TensorFlow to Xcode
      Installing Swift for TensorFlow with Docker and Iupvter
    Using Python with Swift
    Task:Training a Classifier Using Swift for TensorFlow
    Task:Using the CoreML Community Tools
      The Problem
      The Process
      Using the Converted Model
    On-Device Model Updates
    Task:Downloading Models On-device
    Next Steps
Part III.Beyond
      AI/ML Components
      AI/ML Objectives
      Next Steps
  11.Looking Underthe Hood
    A Look Inside CoreML
      Face Detection
      Barcode Detection
      Saliency Detection
      Image Classification
      Image Similarity
      Bitmap Drawing Classification
      Sound Classification
      Speech Recognition
    Text and Language
      Language Identification
      Named Entity Recognition
    Text Generation
    The Future of CoreML
    Next Steps
  Behind CoreML's Magic
  Task:Building XOR

    The Shape of Our Network
    BuildingIt Up
    Using the Neural Network
    Approximations of XOR
    Next Steps

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