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  • 作者:(印)賈拉·薩拉基
  • 出版社:東南大學
  • ISBN:9787564178659
  • 出版日期:2018/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:464
人民幣:RMB 106 元      售價:

    賈拉·薩拉基著的《Python自然語言處理(影印版)(英文版)》首先闡述了自然語言處理(Natural Language Processing,NLP)的基礎,以及為什麼Python是構建基於NLP的專家系統的最佳選擇之一,其中包括社區支持和可用框架等優勢。它還能夠使你更好地理解可用的免費語料庫以及不同類型的數據集。隨後,你會學到如何為NLP應用選擇數據集,找到正確的NLP技術來處理數據集中的句子並理解其結構。另外還將學習如何標記句子的不同部分並查看其分析方法。在閱讀本書的過程中,你將探索文本的語義和句法分析。了解如何解決處理人類語言時出現的各種歧義,碰到在執行文本分析時出現各種情況。你會學到設置NLP環境的基礎知識,初始化設置,然後快速理解句子和語言。你將領會到利用機器學習和深度學習從文本數據中提取信息的威力。在本書的結尾,你會對NLP有一個清晰的理解並在現實中實現多個NLP示例。


Chapter 1:Introduction
    Understanding natural language processing
    Understanding basic applications
      Understanding advanced applications
    Advantages of togetherness—N LP and Python
    Environment setup for NLTK
    Tips for readers
Chapter 2:Practical Understanding of a Corpus and Datase
    What is a corpus?
    Why do we need a corpus?
    UnderStanding corpus analysis
    Understanding types of data attributes
      Categorical or qualitative data attributes
      Numeric or quantitative data attributes
    Exploring different file formats for corpora
    Resources for accessing free corpora
    Preparing a dataset for NLP applications
      Selecting data
      Preprocessing the dataset
        Transforming data
    Web scraping
Chapter 3:Understanding the Structure of a Sentences
    Understanding components of NLP
    Natural language understanding
      Natural language generation
      Differences between NLU and NLG
      Branches nf NLP
    Defining context-free grammar
    Morphological analysis
      What is morphology?
      What are morphemes?
      What is a stem?
      What is morphological analysis?
      What iS a word?
      Classification of morphemes
        Free morphemes
        Bound morphemes
          Derivational morphemes
          Inflectional morphemes
      What is the difference between a stem and a root?
      Lexical analysis

      Whal is a token?
      What are part of speech tags?
      Process of deriving tokens
      Difference between stemming and lemmatization
    Syntactic analysis
      What is syntactic analysis?
    Semantic analysis
      What is semantic analysis?
      Lexical semantics
      Hyponymy and hyponyms
      What is the difference between polysemy and homonymy?
      Application of semantic analysis
    Handling ambiguity
      Lexical ambiguity
      Syntactic ambiguity
        Approach to handle syntactic ambiguity
      Semantic ambiguity
      Pragmatic ambiguity
    Discourse integration
    Pragmatic analysis

Chapter 4: PreproceSSing
Chapter 5: Feature Engineering and NLP Alclorithms
Chapter 6:Advanced Feature Engineering and NLP Algorithms
Chapter 7: Rule-Based System for NLP
Chapter 8: Machine Learning for NLP Problems
Chapter 9: Deep Learnincl for NLU and NLG Problems
Chapter 10: Advanced Tools
Chapter 11 : How to Improve Your NLP Skills
Chapter 12: Installation Guide

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