幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(美)帕斯卡·阿克曼
  • 出版社:東南大學
  • ISBN:9787564178635
  • 出版日期:2018/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:440
人民幣:RMB 99 元      售價:

    本書首先介紹了工業控制系統(Industrial Control System,ICS)技術,其中包括ICS體系結構、通信媒體與協議。然後講述了ICS的安全性和不安全性。在展示與ICS相關的攻擊情景之後,討論了ICS的安全問題,包括網路分段、縱深防禦策略以及保護性解決方案等主題。

    帕斯卡·阿克曼(Pascal Ackerman)是一位經驗豐富的工業安全專家,擁有電氣工程專業學位,在大型工業控制系統的設計、故障排除和安全防護方面擁有超過15年的經驗,精通大型工業控制系統相關的多種網路技術。在積累了十多年的一線工作經驗后,2015年他加入羅克韋爾自動化公司,目前在網路和安全服務部門擔任工業網路安全高級顧問。近,他成為一名數字遊民,一邊與家人環遊世界,一邊對抗網路攻擊。

Chapter 1: Industrial Control Systems
  An overview of an Industrial control system
    The view function
    The monitor function
    The control function
  The Industrial control system architecture
    Programmable logic controllers
    Human Machine Interface
    Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
    Distributed control system
    Safety instrumented system
  The Purdue model for Industrial control systems
    The enterprise zone
      Level 5 - Enterprise network
      Level 4 - Site business planning and logistics
    Industrial Demilitarized Zone
    The manufacturing zone
      Level 3 - Site operations
      Level 2 - Area supervisory control
      Level 1 - Basic control
      Level 0 - Process
  Industrial control system communication media and protocols
    Regular information technology network protocols
    Process automation protocols
    Industrial control system protocols
    Building automation protocols
    Automatic meter reading protocols
      Communication protocols in the enterprise zone
        Communication protocols in the Industrial zone
Chapter 2: Insecure by Inheritance
  Industrial control system history
  Modbus and Modbus TCP/IP
    Breaking Modbus
    Using Python and Scapy to communicate over Modbus
    Replaying captured Modbus packets
    PROFINET packet replay attacks
    $7 communication and the stop CPU vulnerability
    EtherNet/IP and the Common Industrial Protocol
    Shodan: The scariest search engine on the internet
  Common IT protocols found in the ICS
    File Transfer Protocol
    Address Resolution Protocol
    ICMP echo request
Chapter 3: Anatomy of an ICS Attack Scenario

  Setting the stage
  The Slumbertown paper mill
  Trouble in paradise
    Building a virtual test network
    Clicking our heels
  What can the attacker do with their access?
  The cyber kill chain
  Phase two of the Slumbertown Mill ICS attack
  Other attack scenarios
Chapter 4: Industrial Control System Risk Assessment
  Attacks, objectives, and consequences
  Risk assessments
  A risk assessment example
    Step 1 - Asset identification and system characterization
    Step 2 - Vulnerability identification and threat modeling
      Discovering vulnerabilities
      Threat modeling
    Step 3 - Risk calculation and mitigation
Chapter 5: The Purdue Model and a Converged Plantwide Ethernet
  The Purdue Enterprise Reference Architecture
    The Converged Plantwide Enterprise
    The safety zone
    Cell/area zones
      Level 0 - The process
      Level 1 - Basic control
      Level 2 - Area supervisory control
    The manufacturing zone
      Level 3 - Site manufacturing operations and control
    The enterprise zone
      Level 4 - Site business planning and logistics
      Level 5 - Enterprise
      Level 3.5 - The Industrial Demilitarized Zone
    The CPwE industrial network security framework
Chapter 6: The Defense-in-depth Model
  ICS security restrictions
  How to go about defending an ICS?
  The ICS is extremely defendable
  The defense-in-depth model
    Physical security
    Network security
    Computer security
    Application security
    Device security
    Policies, procedures, and awareness
Chapter 7: Physical ICS Security
  The ICS security bubble analogy

  Segregation exercise
  Down to it - Physical security
Chapter 8: ICS Network Security
  Designing network architectures for security
    Network segmentation
      The Enterprise Zone
      The Industrial Zone
        Cell Area Zones
        Level 3 site operations
      The Industrial Demilitarized Zone
      Communication conduits
    Resiliency and redundancy
      Architectural overview
        Configuring the active-standby pair of firewalls
      Security monitoring and logging
      Network packet capturing
      Event logging
      Security information and event management
        Firewall logs
          Configuring the Cisco ASA firewall to send log data to the OSSIM server
          Setting the syslog logging level for Cisco devices
      Network intrusion detection logs
          Why not intrusion prevention?
          Configuring the Cisco Sourcefire IDS to send log data to the OSSIM server
      Router and switch logs
          Configuring Cisco lOS to log to the syslog service of the OSSIM server
      Operating system logs
          Collecting logs from a Windows system
          Installing and configuring NXLog CE across your Windows hosts
      Application logs
          Reading an application log file with an HIDS agent on Windows
      Network visibility
Chapter 9: ICS Computer Security
  Endpoint hardening
    Narrowing the attack surface
    Limiting the impact of a compromise
      Microsoft Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit
      Configuring EMET for a Rockwell Automation application server
      Microsoft AppLocker
      Microsoft AppLocker configuration
  Configuration and change management
  Patch management
    Configuring Microsoft Windows Server Update Services for the industrial zone
      Configuring the Cisco ASA firewall
        Creating the Windows Server Update Services server
        Configuring Windows client computers to get updates from the WSUS server
  Endpoint protection software

    Host-based firewalls
    Anti-malware software
      Types of malware
    Application whitelisting software
      Application whitelisting versus blacklisting
      How application whitelisting works
      Symantec's Embedded Security: Critical system protection
        Building the Symantec's Embedded Security: Critical System Protection management server
      Monitoring and logging
Chapter 10: ICS Application Security
  Application security
    Input validation vulnerabilities
    Software tampering
    Authentication vulnerabilities
    Authorization vulnerabilities
    Insecure configuration vulnerabilities
    Session management vulnerabilities
    Parameter manipulation vulnerabilities
  Application security testing
    OpenVAS security scan
  ICS application patching
  ICS secure SDLC
    The definition of secure SDLC
Chapter 11: ICS Device Security
  ICS device hardening
  ICS device patching
  The ICS device life cycle
    ICS device security considerations during the procurement phase
    ICS device security considerations during the installation phase
    ICS device security considerations during the operation phase
    ICS device security considerations for decommissioning and disposal
Chapter 12: The ICS Cybersecurity Program Development Process
  The NIST Guide to Industrial control systems security
    Obtaining senior management buy-in
    Building and training a cross-functional team
    Defining charter and scope
    Defining ICS-specific security policies and procedures
    Implementing an ICS security risk-management framework
       Categorizing ICS systems and network assets
       Selecting ICS security controls
       Performing (initial) risk assessment
       Implementing the security controls
  The ICS security program development process
    Security policies, standards, guidelines, and procedures
    Defining ICS-specific security policies, standards, and procedures
    Defining and inventorying the ICS assets
    Performing an initial risk assessment on discovered ICS assets

      The Slumbertown Paper Mill initial risk assessment
    Defining and prioritizing mitigation activities
    Defining and kicking off the security improvement cycle

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