幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(英)伊恩·薩默維爾
  • 出版社:機械工業
  • ISBN:9787111580966
  • 出版日期:2017/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:761
人民幣:RMB 129 元      售價:


     伊恩·薩默維爾(Ian Sommerville)英國著名軟體工程專家,曾任聖安德魯斯大學軟體工程系教授。他在軟體工程的教學和科研方面有40多年的工作經驗,研究領域包括需求工程、大規模複雜系統和系統可靠性等。他撰寫的軟體工程教材暢銷全球,銷量超過75萬冊。

Part 1 Introduction to Software Engineering
  Chapter 1  Introduction
    1.1  Professional software development
    1.2  Software engineering ethics
    1.3  Case studies
  Chapter 2 Software processes
    2.1  Software process models
    2,2  Process activities
    2.3  Coping with change
    2.4  Process improvement
  Chapter 3 Agile software development
    3.1  Agile methods
    3.2  Agile development techniques
    3.5  Agile project management
    3.4  Scaling agile methods
  Chapter 4 Requirements engineering
    4.1  Functional and non-functional requirements
    4.2  Requirements engineering processes
    4.5  Requirements elicitation
    4.4  Requirements specification
    4.5  Requirements validation
    4,6  Requirements change
  Chapter 5 System modeling
    5.1  Context models
    5.2  Interaction models
    5.3  Structural models
    5.4  Behavioral models
    5.5  Model-driven architecture
  Chapter 6 Architectural design
    6.1  Architectural design decisions
    6.2  Architectural views
    6.3  Architectural patterns
    6.4  Application architectures
  Chapter 7 Design and implementation
    7.1  Object-oriented design usingthe UML
    7.2  Design patterns
    7.3  Implementation issues
    7.4  Open-source development
  Chapter 8 Software testing
    8.1  Development testing
    8.2  Test-driven development
    8.3  Release testing
    8.4  User testing
  Chapter 9 Software evolution
    9.1  Evolution processes
    9.2  Legacy systems
    9.3  Software maintenance
Part 2 System Dependability and Security
  Chapter 10 Dependable systems
     10.1 Dependability properties

     10.2 Sociotechnical systems
     10.3 Redundancy and diversity
     10.4 Dependable processes
     10.5 Formal methods and dependability
  Chapter 11 Reliability engineering
     1 1.1 Availability and reliability
     11.2 Reliability requirements
     11.3 Fault-tolerant architectures
     11.4 Programming for reliability
     11.5 Reliability measurement
  Chapter 12 Safety engineering
     12.1 Safety-critical systems
     12.2 Safety requirements
     12.3 Safety engineering processes
     12.4 Safety cases
  Chapter 13 Security engineering
     13.1 Security and dependability
     13.2 Security and organizations
     13.3 Security requirements
     13.4 Secure systems design
     13.5 Security testing and assurance
  Chapter 14 Resilience engineering
     14.1 Cybersecurity
     14.2 Sociotechnical resilience
     14.3 Resilient systems design
Part 3 Advanced Software Engineering
  Chapter 15 Software reuse
     15.1 The reuse landscape
     15.2 Application frameworks
     15.3 Software product lines
     15.4 Application system reuse
  Chapter 16 Component-based software engineering
     16.1 Components and component models
     16.2 CBSE processes
     16.3 Component composition
  Chapter 17 Distributed software engineering
     17.1 Distributed systems
     17.2 Client-server computing
     17.3 Architectural patterns for distributed systems
     17.4 Software as a service
  Chapter 18 Service-oriented software engineering
     18.1 Service-oriented architecture
     18.2 RESTful services
     18.3 Service engineering
     18.4 Service composition
  Chapter 19 Systems engineering
     19.1 Sociotechnical systems
     19.2 Conceptual design
     19.3 System procurement
     19.4 System development

     19.5 System operation and evolution
  Chapter 20 Systems of systems
     20.1 System complexity
     20.2 Systems of systems classification
     20.3 Reductionism and complex systems
     20.4 Systems of systems engineering
     20.5 Systems of systems architecture
  Chapter 21 Real-time software engineering
     21.1 Embedded system design
     21.2 Architectural patterns for real-time software
     21.3 Timing analysis
     21.4 Real-time operating systems
Part 4 Software Management
  Chapter 22 Project management
     22.1 Risk management
     22.2 Managing people
     22.3 Teamwork
  Chapter 23 Project planning
     23.1 Software pricing
     23.2 Plan-driven development
     23.3 Project scheduling
     23.4 Agile planning
     23.5 Estimation techniques
     23.6 COCOMO cost modeling
  Chapter 24 Quality management
     24.1 Software quality
     24.2 Software standards
     24.3 Reviews and inspections
     24.4 Quality management and agile development
     24.5 Software measurement
  Chapter 25 Configuration management
     25.1 Version management
     25.2 System building
     25.3 Change management
     25.4 Release management

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