幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(印)司瑞妮瓦薩·R.孔提帕里//(新加坡)穆罕默德·A.伊姆蘭
  • 出版社:東南大學
  • ISBN:9787564173623
  • 出版日期:2017/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:353
人民幣:RMB 82 元      售價:



Chapter 1: Setting Up the Lab
  installing the required tools
  Android Studio
  Setting up an AVD
    Real device
    Burp Suite
  Configuring the AVD
    QARK (No support for windows)
      Getting ready
    Advanced REST Client for Chrome
    Droid Explorer
    Cydia Substrate and Introspy
    SQLite browser
      Setting up Frida server
      Setting up frida-client
    Vulnerable apps
    Kali Linux
  ADB Primer
    Checking for connected devices
    Getting a shell
    Listing the packages
    Pushing files to the device
    Pulling files from the device
    Installing apps using adb
    Troubleshooting adb connections
Chapter 2: Android Rooting
  What is rooting?
    Why would we root a device?
    Advantages of rooting
      Unlimited control over the device
      Installing additional apps
      More features and customization
    Disadvantages of rooting
      It compromises the security of your device
      Bricking your device
      Voids warranty
  Locked and unlocked boot loaders
    Determining boot loader unlock status on Sony devices
    Unlocking boot loader on Sony through a vendor specified method
    Rooting unlocked boot loaders on a Samsung device
  Stock recovery and Custom recovery

  Rooting Process and Custom ROM installation
    Installing recovery softwares
      Using Odin
      Using Heimdall
  Rooting a Samsung Note 2
  Flashing the Custom ROM to the phone
Chapter 3: Fundamental Building Blocks of Android Apps
  Basics of Android apps
    Android app structure
      How to get an APK file?
    Storage location of APK files
  Android app components
Chapter 4: Overview of Attacking Android Apps
Chapter 5: Data Storage and Its Security
Chapter 6: Sewer-Side Attacks
Chapter 7: Client-Side Attacks - Static Analysis Techniques
Chapter 8: Client-Side Attacks - Dynamic Analysis Techniques
Chapter 9: Android Malware
Chapter 10: Attacks on Android Devices

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