幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:劉浩然|責編:王揚帆
  • 出版社:廈門大學
  • ISBN:9787561593431
  • 出版日期:2024/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:244
人民幣:RMB 79 元      售價:



Chapter 1 Introduction and Research Background
  1.1  Origin of This Study
  1.2  Research Aims and Objectives
  1.3  Research  Questions
Chapter 2 Primary School Teachers in China:Diversification and Structural Complexity
  2.1  Teacher Education and the Global Question on Professional Identity
  2.2  The Context of Primary Education and Teacher Education in China
  2.3  Ongoing Debate on the Public and the"Private in Education
  2.4  The Role of Public and Private Sectors in China's Education System
  2.5  The Status Quo of Private School Teachers in China
Chapter3 Literature Review
  3.1  Introduction
  3.2  Defining Identity
  3.3  How Does Professional Identity Affect Teachers' Practices?
  3.4  What Develops and Affects TPIs?
  3.5  Developing a Conceptual Framework
  3.6  Summary
Chapter 4 Research Design and Methodology
  4.1  Origin of the Study
  4.2  RQs and Research Strategy
  4.3  The Pilot Study
  4.4  The Sampling Scheme
  4.5  The Use of Interviews
  4.6  Data Analysis
  4.7  Strategies of Comparative Analysis
  4.8  Ensuring the Rigour and Quality of Qualitative Research
  4.9  Research Ethics and Limitations
  4.10  Summary
Chapter 5  Characteristics of TPIs in Willow School and Aspen School(State Schools)
  5.1  Introduction
  5.2  Introducing Willow School(State School)
  5.3  Example Teacher Case:Ruo1an
  5.4  Introducing Aspen School
  5.5  Example Teacher Case:Xinxin
Chapter 6 Comparing State School TPIs
  6.1  Narrative of a Lack of Career Choice
  6.2  Addressing Challenges t。SuPPort Students』Learning
  6.3  Summary
chapter 7 The Ash InternationaI School and the Redwood Charity schooi(Private Schools)
  7.1  Introducing the Ash International Sch001(AIS)
  7.2  Example Teacher Case:Baihe
  7.3  Introducing the Redwood Charity Sch。ol(RCS)
  7.4  Example Teacher Case:Ting
  7.5  Summary
Chapter 8 Comparing Private School TPI
  8.1  Narratives of Students』Learning and Development
  8.2  Narratives of the Curriculum
  8.3  Narrative of Job Involvement and Professional Image
  8.4  Narratives of Spirituality and Tangible Satisfaction
  8.5  Summary

Chapter 9 Comparative Analysis:Exploring the Significance of Contexts
  9.1  The Four Orientations of TPI Narratives
  9.2  Towards a Typology of Situated TPIs
  9.3  Summary
Chapter 10 Discussion and Conclusion
  10.1  Teacher Training and Education
  10.2  Professionalism and Policy Demands
  10.3  Community and Collaborations
  10.4  Sense of Vocation and Personal Values
  10.5  Revisiting the Concepts of「State』』Versus「Private Schools
  10.6  Reflections on Trustworthiness and Quality in Narrative Studies
  10.7  Summary of the Contribution tO Knowledge,Strengths Limitations and Recommendations for Further Studies

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