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  • 作者:陳岷婕//尹國傑|責編:楊國強
  • 出版社:經濟管理
  • ISBN:9787509695975
  • 出版日期:2024/04/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:278
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:



Section 1  Phonics-Related General Knowledge
  1.1  What is Phonics
  1.2  What is Phonics Instruction
  1.3  What is Synthetic Phonics Instruction
  1.4  What is the Systematic Synthetic Phonics Approach
  1.5  What are the Benefits of the SSP Approach
  1.6  What is the Correlation between Phonics and Reading
  1.7  Two Prerequisites of Phonics Instruction
  1.8  The 44 Speech Sounds of English
  1.9  What is a Consonant
  1.10  What is a Consonant Sound
  1.11  What is a Vowel
  1.12  What is a Vowel Sound
  1.13  What is a Digraph (Letter Team/ Letter Pair)
  1.14  What is a Vowel Digraph
  1.15  What is a Consonant Digraph
  1.16  What is a Diphthong
  1.17  What is a Consonant Cluster
  1.18  What is a Consonant Blend
  1.19  What is an Onset-Rime
  1.20  What is a Phonogram
  1.21  What is a Syllable
  1.22  What is an Open Syllable
  1.23  What is a Closed Syllable
  1.24  What is a Stable Syllable
  1.25  Syllable Juncture Patterns
  1.26  Four Basic One-Syllable Pattens in English
  1.27  What is Phonemic Awareness
  1.28  What is Phonological Awareness
  1.29  Phonemic Awareness and Phonological Awareness
  1.30  Phonemic Awareness Skills
  1.31  The Development of Phonemic Awareness
  1.32  The Importance of Phonemic Awareness
Section 2  Phonics Decoding Rules
  2.1  Vowel Sounds
  2.2  Consonant Sounds
  2.3  Phonograms (Word Families)
Section 3  Phonics Instruction Approaches
  3.1  Necessities of Phonics Instruction
  3.2  Introduction to Phonics Instruction
  3.3  The Synthetic Phonics Instruction Approach
  3.4  The Analytic Phonics Instruction Approach
  3.5  The Analogy Phonics Instruction Approach
  3.6  Key Characteristics of the Effective Synthetic Phonies Instruction Approach
  3.7  Scope and Sequence of the SSP Instruction Approach
  3.8  Alphabet Recognition Requirements
  3.9  Guidelines for Alphabet Instruction
  3.10  Benefits of Alphabet Books
  3.11  Tips for Teaching with Alphabet Books
  3.12  Sight Words, High-Frequency Words and Irregulars

  3.13  "Irregulars" in the English language
  3.14  Suggested Teaching Steps for High-Frequency Words
  3.15  The Most Frequent Word List
  3.16  Definition of Decodable Text
  3.17  Characteristics of Decodable Text
  3.18  Benefits of Decodable Text
  3.19  Summary of Synthetic Phonics Instruction Procedures
Section 4  Guidelines for and Sample Lessons in the SSP Model
  4.1  Alphabet Recognition Instruction with Alphabet Books
  4.2  Single Consonant Instruction in the SSP Model
  4.3  Consonant Digraphs Instruction in the SSP Model
  4.4  Consonant Clusters Instruction in the SSP Model
  4.5  Silent Consonant Letters Instruction in the SSP Model (Optional When Needed)
  4.6  Short Vowel Sounds Instruction in the SSP Model
  4.7  Long Vowel Sounds Instruction in the SSP Model
  4.8  Other Vowel Sounds Instruction in the SSP Model
  4.9  Instruction of Phonograms, Sight Words and Irregulars
  4.10  Discussion on Rules and Generalisations
  4.11  Phonics Lesson Don'ts
  4.12  Phonics Lesson Dos
Appendices  Word List for Instruction Reference
  Part Ⅰ  Consonant Sounds List
  Part Ⅱ  Vowel Sounds List
  Part Ⅲ  Phonograms
  Part Ⅳ  Sight Words List
第1章  概述
  1.1  自然拼讀(Phonics)
  1.2  自然拼讀教學(Phonics Instruction)
  1.3  自然拼讀綜合教學法(Synthetic Phonics Instruction)
  1.4  系統綜合自然拼讀教學模式(SystematicSynthetic Phonics Instruction Mode.)
  1.5  系統綜合自然拼讀教學模式的益處
  1.6  自然拼讀和閱讀之間的關係
  1.7  開始自然拼讀教學的兩個先決條件
  1.8  英語的44個音素
  1.9  輔音字母
  1.10  輔音音素
  1.11  母音宇母
  1.12  母音音素
  1.13  二合字母(Digraph)
  1.14  母音二合字母(Vowel Digraph)
  1.15  輔音二合字母(Consonant Digraph)
  1.16  雙母音音素(Diphthong)
  1.17  輔音字母連綴(Consonant Cluster)
  1.18  輔音音素連綴(Consonant Blend)
  1.19  首一尾音/聲母一韻母(Onset-Rime)
  1.20  拼讀模塊(Phonogram)
  1.21  音節(Syllable)
  1.22  開音節(Open Syllable)

  1.23  閉音節(Closed Syllable)
  1.24  成音節(Stable Syllable)
  1.25  音節連接模式_(Syllable Juncture Patterns)
  1.26  四種基本單音節模式(Four Basic One-Syllable Patterns)
  1.27  音素意識(Phonemic Awareness)
  1.28  語音意識(Phonological Awareness)
  1.29  音素意識和語音意識之間的關係
  1.30  音素意識相關技能
  1.31  音素意識的發展
  1.32  音素意識的重要性
第2章  自然拼讀規則
  2.1  母音音素
  2.2  輔音音素
  2.3  拼讀模塊
第3章  自然拼讀規則的教學方式
  3.1  拼讀教學的必要性
  3.2  自然拼讀教學模式介紹
  3.3  綜合自然拼讀教學模式
  3.4  自然拼讀分析教學模式
  3.5  自然拼讀類比教學模式
  3.6  高效的系統綜合拼讀教學模式的特點
  3.7  系統綜合拼讀教學模式的教學範疇和順序
  3.8  字母認知的要求
  3.9  字母教學的指南
  3.10  字母繪本的優勢
  3.11  利用字母繪本教授字母的技巧點撥
  3.12  視覺辭彙、高頻辭彙以及不規則辭彙
  3.13  英語里的不規則辭彙
  3.14  高頻詞的建議教學步驟
  3.15  常見高頻詞表
  3.16  可解碼文本的定義
  3.17  可解碼文本的特點
  3.18  可解碼文本的好處
  3.19  綜合語音教學模式小結
第4章  教學指南與系統綜合教學模式的示例
  4.1  字母認知的教學過程
  4.2  SSP模式下輔音字母講授過程
  4.3  SSP模式下的輔音二合字母教學過程
  4.4  SSP模式下輔音字母連綴的教授
  4.5  SSP模式中不發音輔音字母的教學(可選)
  4.6  SSP模式中短母音的教學模式
  4.7  SSP模式下長母音教學模式
  4.8  SSP模式下其他母音的教學過程
  4.9  不規則辭彙、常見辭彙以及拼讀模塊的教學
  4.10  關於規則概括的討論
  4.11  語音課應該避免做的事情
  4.12  自然拼讀課程應該做的
附錄  供教學參考的單詞表
  第一部分  輔音音素辭彙表
  第二部分  母音音素辭彙表

  第三部分  拼讀模塊辭彙表
  第四部分  視覺辭彙表

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