幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:魯廣錦//陳堅|責編:宋博雅|總主編:武力|譯者:高進安//李莉
  • 出版社:五洲傳播
  • ISBN:9787508542386
  • 出版日期:2024/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:406
人民幣:RMB 118 元      售價:



Chapter I Unification of China in history
  Primitive Chinese civilization
  Continuity of Chinese history
  Formation of the ancient country
  First unification and separation of China
  Chinese empire reunified and split again
  Third reunification of Chinese empire
Chapter II Origin of community of the Chinese nation
  Geographical environment and inward movement
  Different parts of China
  Origin of the word 「China」
  A multi-ethnic country
  Safeguarding national unity and fighting against separatism
Chapter III Traditional ideology and culture
  Confucianism and the orthodox
  Taoist thought and Taoism
  Legalism and its practice
  Introduction of Buddhism and its localization in China
  Basic spirits of traditional thought and culture
  Society steeped in traditional thoughts and culture
  National character shaped by traditional thoughts and culture
  Exchanges between ancient Chinese and foreign cultures
Chapter IV Developed country of the agricultural civilization era
  Progress in agriculture and development of the handicraft industry
  World-leading technologies
  Sound political, legal and official selecting system
  Language and characters
  Incomparable achievements in literature
  Unique artistic style
  Colorful social life
Chapter V Crisis and development path in modern times
  Closed doors and the decline of the Qing court
  Disasters brought by opium
  Seeking for self-improvement
  Efforts to build a modern state
  New cultural enlightenment movement
  Ups and downs of national revolutionary movements
  Founding of the PRC led by the CPC
Chapter VI Endeavors of the PRC and reform and opening-up
  Starting from scratch
  Explorations, and twists and turns in building socialism
  Reform injecting vigor and vitality into socio-economic development
  Opening to the outside world
  China』s modernization drive making steady progress
  Promoting the construction of a democratic country under the rule of law
Chapter VII China advancing into a new era
  New challenges for development
  Five-sphere integrated plan to promote coordinated national development
  New era for comprehensively deepening the reform
  Shifting from high-speed growth to high-quality development

Chapter VIII Fully building a modern socialist country
  Steadily promoting strategies for modernization drive
  Complete victory in fight against poverty
  Achieving the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects
  Embarking on a new journey toward fully building a modern socialist country
Chapter IX Advocating building a community with a shared future
  Following the path of peaceful development
  Upholding multilateralism and diversity of civilizations
  Being a responsible, major developing country
  Belt and Road Initiative promoting global common development

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