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  • 作者:編者:董曉波|責編:田秀青
  • 出版社:北京交通大學
  • ISBN:9787512150966
  • 出版日期:2023/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:275
人民幣:RMB 49 元      售價:



Unit 1  Origin & History of Education  教育的起源和歷史
  Text A  The History of Compulsory Education in Europe
  Text B  A History of American Higher Education
  Useful phrases and expressions
Unit 2  Education & Social Development  教育與社會發展
  Text A  Open and Distance Education: a Better Way of Competence Building and Sustainable Development
  Text B  Higher Education within a Knowledge-based Society
  Useful phrases and expressions
Unit 3  Education & People』s Overall Development  教育與人的全面發展
  Text A  Role of Education in the Developmental Process
  Text B  Social Skills Development in Primary Education
  Useful phrases and expressions
Unit 4  Educational System & Educational Law  教育制度與教育法
  Text A  E-learning and Evaluation in Modern Educational System
  Text B  Legislation and Equality in Basic Education
  Useful phrases and expressions
Unit 5  Educational Justice  教育公平
  Text A  Educational Justice in Schools
  Text B  Efficiency and Equity of European Education and Training Policies
  Useful phrases and expressions
Unit 6  Educator & Educational Thoughts  教育家與教育思想
  Text A  Disciples of Confucius
  Text B  Educational Thought and Teaching
  Useful phrases and expressions
Unit 7  Educational Objectives  教育目的
  Text A  Aims and Objectives of Education
  Text B  Education, Basics of Education and Educational Objectives
  Useful phrases and expressions
Unit 8  Teacher & Student  教師與學生
  Text A  The Teacher, the Student and the Classroom
  Text B  Teacher-Student Attachment and Teachers』 Attitudes towards Work
  Useful phrases and expressions
Unit 9  School & Family  學校與家庭
  Text A  School and Family Cooperation Models for Reducing Social Problems
  Text B  The Effects of Family, School, and Classroom Ecologies on Changes in Children』s Social Competence and Emotional and Behavioral Problems in First Grade
  Useful phrases and expressions
Unit 10  Moral Education  道德教育
  Text A  Education as a Moral Enterprise
  Text B  Moral Education of Youth in the Information Age
  Useful phrases and expressions
Unit 11  Extra-curricular Activities  課外活動
  Text A  Extra-curricular Activity and the Transition from Higher Education to Work
  Text B  Extra-curricular Physical Activity and Socioeconomic Status in Italian Adolescents
  Useful phrases and expressions
Unit 12  School Management  學校管理
  Text A  What is School-based Management
  Text B  Comparative Case Study on School Management Practices in Two
  Schools in the United States and T?rkiye
  Useful phrases and expressions
Unit 13  Teaching Methods  教學方法

  Text A  Refuting Misconceptions about Classroom Discussion
  Text B  Brainstorming: a Creative Way to Learn
  Useful phrases and expressions
Unit 14  Materials & Test  教材與考試
  Text A  Materials and Media
  Text B  In Defense of Teaching 「Outdated」 Material
  Useful phrases and expressions
Unit 15  Educational Evaluation  教育評價
  Text A  Integration of Technology and Educational Assessment
  Text B  Sustainable Assessment and Evaluation Strategies for Open and
  Distance Learning
  Useful phrases and expressions
Keys to Exercises  練習答案
References  參考文獻

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