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  • 作者:編者:李淑瓊//李洪歡|責編:陳倩
  • 出版社:北京師大
  • ISBN:9787303281411
  • 出版日期:2023/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:255
人民幣:RMB 49.8 元      售價:



Module 1  General Introduction to English Pedagogy
  1.1  Basic Concepts of Language Teaching
  1.2  English Syllabus and English Curriculum Standards
  1.3  A Brief History of Foreign Language Teaching in China
  1.4  Summary of This Module
Module 2  Learners in English Language Learning
  2.1  Factors Influencing English Language Learning
  2.2  English Language Learning Strategies
  2.3  Learners' Motivation and Interest
  2.4  Summary of This Module
Module 3  Teachers in English Language Teaching
  3.1  Teacher Factors Influencing English Language Teaching
  3.2  Professional Development of English Language Teachers
  3.3  Reflective Teaching
  3.4  Summary of This Module
Module 4  Basic Principles of English Language Teaching
  4.1  Views on Language and Language Learning
  4.2  Principles of English Language Teaching
  4.3  Summary of This Module
Module 5  English Language Teaching Approaches and Methods
  5.1  Approach, Method and Technique
  5.2  The Grammar-Translation Method
  5.3  The Direct Method
  5.4  The Oral Approach
  5.5  The Audio-Lingual Method
  5.6  The Cognitive Approach
  5.7  The Natural Approach
  5.8  Summary of This Module
Module 6  Communicative Language Teaching and Task-Based Langnuge Teaching
  6.1  Communicative Language Teaching
  6.2  Task-Based Language Teaching
  6.3  Summary of This Module
Module 7  English Language Teaching Objectives
  7.1  The Concept and Types of Objectives
  7.2  Objectives of English Language Teaching
  7.3  Creating Instructional Objectives
  7.4  Summary of This Module
Module 8  Instructional Design for English Language
  8.1  Instructional Design
  8.2  Elements of Instructional Design
  8.3  Lesson Planning for English Language
  8.4  Examples of Lesson Plan
  8.5  Summary of This Module
Module 9  Teaching Pronunciation
  9.1  Basic Aspects of Teaching Pronuncintion
  9.2  Approaches to and Activities of Teaching Pronuncistion
  9.3  Case Study of Teaching Pronunciation
  9.4  Summary of This Module
Module 10  Teaching Vocabulary
  10.1  Basic Aspects of Teaching Vocabulary

  10.2  Ways and Activities of Teaching Vocabulary
  10.3  Case Study of Teaching Vocabulary
  10.4  Summary of This Module
Module 11  Teaching Grammar
  11.1  Basic Aspects of Teaching Grammar
  11.2  Ways of Presenting Grammar
  11.3  Case Study of Teaching Grammar
  11.4  Summary of This Module
Module 12  Teaching Language Functions
  12.1  Language Functions and Language Exponents
  12.2  Basic Principles of Teaching Language Functions
  12.3  Techniques and Ways of Teaching Language Functions
  12.4  Summary of This Module
Module 13  Teaching Listening
  13.1  Basic Aspects of Teaching Listening
  13.2  Models and Stages of Teaching Listening
  13.3  Case Study of Teaching Listening
  13.4  Summary of This Module
Module 14  Teaching Speaking
  14.1  Basic Aspects of Teaching Speaking
  14.2  Activities of Teaching Speaking
  14.3  Case Study of Teaching Speaking
  14.4  Summary of This Module
Module 15  Teaching Reading
  15.1  Basic Aspects of Teaching Reading
  15.2  Techniques and Stages of Teaching Reading
  15.3  Case Study of Teaching Reading
  15.4  Summary of This Module
Module 16  Teaching Writing
  16.1  Basic Aspects of Teaching Writing
  16.2  Stages of Teaching Writing
  16.3  Process-Oriented Approach to Writing
  16.4  Designing of Writing Tasks
  16.5  Case Study of Teaching Writing
  16.6  Summary of This Module
Module 17  Integrating Language Skills in EFL Classes
  17.1  Basic Aspects of Integrating Language Skills
  17.2  Types and Examples of Integration
  17.3  Case Study of Integrating Language Skills
  17.4  Summary of This Module
Module 18  Classroom Communication and Management
  18.1  Classroom Communication
  18.2  Classroom Management
  18.3  Student Grouping and Discipline
  18.4  Questioning in the Classroom and Dealing with Errors
  18.5  Summary of This Module

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